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im currentely using 2 smarthphones one from 2016 and another from 2011 because i am too lazy to buy a new chip that fits in my new cellphone (its a 2009 chip that doesnt even support 3g lol

Edited by omalefico32x
ops got confused with the year there

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I absolutely hate pizza and anything else with dairy in it, i really just do not like how anything with dairy in it causes my body to make excess amounts of mucus, i like sleeping on my back too you know.

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4 minutes ago, Demi_Noodles said:

I absolutely hate pizza and anything else with dairy in it, i really just do not like how anything with dairy in it causes my body to make excess amounts of mucus, i like sleeping on my back too you know.


lol i never though dairy products could do this and it seens like theres a conspiracy by major food companies to deny it

i knew the food industry already tries to bullshit everyone by saying milk is good for you (spoiler: it isnt but like any food it can be controlled to not do bad stuff on your body by diets and stuff) but man this rabbit hole just got a whole lot deeper

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9 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:


lol i never though dairy products could do this and it seens like theres a conspiracy by major food companies to deny it

i knew the food industry already tries to bullshit everyone by saying milk is good for you (spoiler: it isnt but like any food it can be controlled to not do bad stuff on your body by diets and stuff) but man this rabbit hole just got a whole lot deeper


But on topic: i like noir films, so much that it inspired my pfp.

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8 minutes ago, Demi_Noodles said:

I absolutely hate pizza and anything else with dairy in it

You could always try pizza without cheese. There are incredibly flavorful toppings that will make you forget you're not eating pizza with cheese.


7 minutes ago, omalefico32x said:

.... milk is good for you ....

I firmly believed that statement for the longest time, and, in milk's natural form I suppose that's true. But with all the industrialization of milk production and the use of growth hormones to promote milk production in cows, I'm not a believer any more.

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1 minute ago, Demi_Noodles said:


But on topic: i like noir films, so much that it inspired my pfp.

oh you made your pfp?

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Just now, ReX said:

You could always try pizza without cheese. There are incredibly flavorful toppings that will make you forget you're not eating pizza with cheese.


I firmly believed that statement for the longest time, and, in milk's natural form I suppose that's true. But with all the industrialization of milk production and the use of growth hormones to promote milk production in cows, I'm not a believer any more.

i dont even think without the industrialization it is good for you it is something made by a cow for her children to drink and we give to humans expecting it to be good for us? thats like if we gave our brest milk to fish's for then to be stronger lol

though i am biased on this i admit i dont like milk (i like products made with it though)

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I ate a corn dog today and I liked it.


Based on my math, I have eaten over two thousand corn dogs.


Edit: now I am eating another corn dog!


Edit: I ate another corn dog!


Edited by TheMagicMushroomMan

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i just thought about it, and i think that all Kojima games are at most mediocre.

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i use empty bottles to put trash in before i throw it away, i have my own specific way of "throwing away" something if it's two bottle caps that fit together, a plastic bottle, or a wrapper.

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5 hours ago, Demi_Noodles said:

No, but i edited the picture in photoshop to look, "noir-ish".

same i just drawed over a picture of ainsley harriot, and yes i'm not that great at drawing 

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On 7/8/2020 at 8:47 PM, taufan99 said:

I love cassette tapes too! Though it's been a long time since I last played on cassette stuff.


I also have a collection of blank cassette tapes. 62 different designs.

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I know how to cook spaghetti (but I still need my mom's assistance at some parts though).


Spaghetti me and my mom did a few months back:


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This topic started 2 months after I returned from army.


2020 was a good year for my country, and thus for me, despite all the negative things happened around the world.


I often get confused/stuck in life.

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whenever I drink a waterbottle (which is often, because my home doesn't have filtered water coming from the taps) I always bite the little plastic ring and cap when I'm done drinking them, and then i put them in the bottle before throwing them away. Dunno why, to be honest.

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The day before yesterday my dad gave me some japanesse Doraemon candy.
It's basically a half-tall ring-shaped potato chip.
The cover is translated to arabic, but it's says "صنع في اليابان" (Made in Japan)

Edited by Hitboi

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I have plenty of metal in my body. Not as much as some, but enough. I have:


  • Seven screws and a plate in my right ankle.
  • Six screws and a plate in my left small toe.
  • A Greenfield Filter in my inferior vena cava.


I used to have screws and a plate in my left ankle as well (broke both ankles at the same time - have pics), but I had them surgically removed. Took forever for the surgical wound to heal. Long enough that I decided to leave the metal in my right ankle.

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2 minutes ago, leejacksonaudio said:

I have plenty of metal in my body. Not as much as some, but enough. I have:


  • Seven screws and a plate in my right ankle.
  • Six screws and a plate in my left small toe.
  • A Greenfield Filter in my inferior vena cava.


I used to have screws and a plate in my left ankle as well (broke both ankles at the same time - have pics), but I had them surgically removed. Took forever for the surgical wound to heal. Long enough that I decided to leave the metal in my right ankle.

only proves my theory that people who work on games are all cyborgs

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Just now, omalefico32x said:

only proves my theory that people who work on games are all cyborgs

I wish. None of my metal is powered, except by painkillers for chronic pain syndrome.

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Starts to look I'm becoming vegan. Just got some agave syrup to replace honey and looks like it's easily available in regular markets. Then the next thing is to replace whey protein powder with some pea or soy protein powder. The difficult one is cheddar, maybe I'll replace it with peanut butter or something similar, it's got protein, I like it, though it's not cheese. Can't replace the cheddar with vegan cheese as the replacement has to have protein. Guess I'll have to stop eating regular milk chocolates entirely too, just have dark chocolates or some rice milk chocolates.

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