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How do I make a clean door into a dirty door?


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I have this clean door texture that I want ot make dirty so it blends better with vanilla door textures.

Do you guys have any tips o how to do this? I have gimp and paint.net but I mostly use paint.net.

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I'm asking for some 1337 technique with filters and layers.
I guess I could just manually paint it pizel by pixel by that seems ridiculously time consuming.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was just browsing through some posts and i saw that the 'how to' part of your
question could be answered in full so i thought it might be useful still so I did
a very quick tutorial for dirtying up some textures. This is 5 minute work if u
got your application down. You can always spend more time fine tuning.

U said u have gimp, so u can do this the same way i did in photoshop.

1 your clean texture.
2 find any photo of sand, dirty metal, rocks or even an existing doom texture just for the pattern to match doom style.
3 put the photo in a separate layer on overlay on top of your clean texture and add a layer mask for non destructive editing.
4 paint with black and white in your layermask to get the desired effect. black means fully transparent, white is 100% visible. everything in between means partially transparent.
5 if u still want more depth u can add a gradient in another layer on top. in the example i put a noise filter for gritty-ness.
6 set the gradient layer to 20% overlay. done.

Play with different layerblending modes to get different effects. For me overlay, multiply and linear dodge give most desirable effects.

Please mind that the image here is at 200% so it shows not as crisp as it would.

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Dreamphaser said:

3 put the photo in a separate layer on overlay on top of your clean texture and add a layer mask for non destructive editing.

That part isn't possible yet in GIMP.

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Really? what part exactly do u mean? I looked for tutorials on gimp because i don't
use it that much so i don't have it installed now, but i found tutorials on both
importing images in different layers and editing layer masks. So unless we are
talking about 2 different things, it should be possible. one tutorial is from
2011 and another from 2015. maybe the page u linked is not up to date ?

I can however look for an alternate stronger image editing program than gimp
that is also available for free, I just can't come up with the name at this moment.

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Dreamphaser said:

I can however look for an alternate stronger image editing program than gimp
that is also available for free, I just can't come up with the name at this moment.

Good luck! If you DO find something, let, "us" know.

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everennui said:

Good luck! If you DO find something, let, "us" know.

Found it:


Haven't tried it yet, but saw its features and i think it could rock.

"Krita is a FREE and open source painting tool designed for concept artists, illustrators, matte and texture artists, and the VFX industry..."

- edit: just read that it now is psd compatible. that's really big. it wasn't a while ago.

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