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ZDaemon Thursday Night Survival #280 - H2H-Xmas


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The Hell froze over and we don't have much choice other than to grab some winter gloves, douse our guns with antifreeze and see what other tricks has Satan Claus prepared for us. See you on the special Christmas TNS!

DMFLAGS: 1174487140 / 806496256 / 0
Skill: Ultra Violence
IWAD: doom2 or freedoom080
PWADs: h2h-xmas
Maps: 01-32
Lives: 1
Players: 25/100
Item Respawn Time: 60 Seconds
Player Join Limit: 3 Minutes

Date: 22nd December 2016

Euro session: 19:00 GMT/14:00 EST at [L@P], Germany (usually lasts over 6 hours)

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Session statistics for this week:

First blood:
UberGewei | in MAP02, bruised by a Baron of Hell 38 seconds after joining

First blood in subsequent rotas:
2nd rota (-fast and 2x damage): [FU]Assm0 | was burned by an imp 8 seconds after joining
3rd rota (total randomization): ErisFalling | splayed by a Hell Knight 11 seconds after joining

Peak server population:

Overall number of players that connected during the session:

Player death counts by obituaries (1st rota/2nd rota/3rd rota):

    3 killed themselves. (0/1/2)
    9 died. (3/3/3)
    4 mutated. (3/1/0)
    2 were squished. (0/2/0)
    12 went boom. (6/6/0)
    19 should have stood back. (10/5/4)
    1 was killed by a zombieman. (1/0/0)
    40 were shot by a sergeant. (3/37/0)
    26 were perforated by a chaingunner. (5/21/0)
    2 were slashed by an imp. (1/1/0)
    39 were burned by an imp. (0/39/0)
    8 were bit by a demon. (0/8/0)
    3 were eaten by a spectre. (0/3/0)
    6 were spooked by a lost soul. (0/5/1)
    0 got too close to a cacodemon. (0/0/0)
    7 were smitten by a cacodemon. (4/3/0)
    9 were punched by a revenant. (8/1/0)
    111 couldn't evade a revenant's fireball. (38/73/0)
    39 were squashed by a mancubus. (8/31/0)
    9 let an arachnotron get them. (4/2/3)
    0 were gutted by a Hell Knight. (0/0/0)
    11 were splayed by a Hell Knight. (2/7/2)
    2 were ripped open by a Baron of Hell. (0/0/2)
    29 were bruised by a Baron of Hell. (5/24/0)
    17 were incinerated by an archvile. (7/9/1)
    4 stood in awe of the spider demon. (0/2/2)
    138 were splattered by a cyberdemon. (60/32/46)
    0 were surprised by the zombie's weaponry. (0/0/0)
    2 were mauled by a Mauler Demon. (0/2/0)
    0 were charred by a pain soul. (0/0/0)
    0 were melted by a pain soul. (0/0/0)
    1 suffered psychic trauma from an aracnorb's brainwaves. (0/0/1)
    0 were perforated by an Arachnophyte. (0/0/0)
    68 couldn't dodge a destructor's rocket. (0/0/68‌)
    0 were terminated by the Badass Cyberdemon. (0/0/0)
    2 decided to become a martyr. (0/2/0)
    623 deaths overall. (168/320/135)
Session lasted for 8 hours and 22 minutes and ended in the 3rd rota with the last map played being MAP05. Last finished map was MAP04.

top 10 players with most deaths (deaths/joins, death ratio):

Schizzo          63/70,  90.00%
Keyboard_Doomer  37/77,  48.05%
DaIcemann76      34/69,  49.28%
SPAZ             33/61,  54.10%
AnimaZero        31/54,  57.41%
Evolution        23/50,  46.00%
Revenant100      22/46,  47.83%
UberGewei        21/40,  52.50%
fred512          19/47,  40.43%
guywolf          18/18, 100.00%

will get coal for Christmas:
aprosekin        12/52,  23.08%
BlooditeKrypto    9/68,  13.24%

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The cookies count for this week:


Names are ordered alphabetically:
[FU]ASsm0 earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 3.
[FU]Cartel earned 9 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 9.
[PIZZA]fvelts1 earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
[R]Animal earned 1 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
[SDA]Krawa earned 8 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 9.
[SUR]Hugoxd earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 4.
[XXX]mrbrown93 earned 37 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 39.
_5150 earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
acidonophat earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 2.
alef earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
Ancalagon earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
AnimaZero earned 32 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 130.
aprosekin earned 46 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 180.
Avervek earned 2 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 2.
ballbreaks earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
Bardur earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 19.
Bill_du_Texas earned 3 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 10.
Billy_manicomio earned 1 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
Birdbrain earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 5.
BladeDOOMGuy earned 5 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 10.
BlooditeKrypto earned 115 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 143.
Brechstange earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 4.
by-zero earned 7 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 7.
Console earned 10 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 20.
coolibop earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 18.
DaIcemann76 earned 22 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 41.
Death_god earned 21 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 22.
doomero earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 2.
elcomandante earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
ErisFalling earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 3.
Evolution earned 9 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 34.
fkv20s earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 8.
Franckfrag earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 6.
fred512 earned 12 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 110.
Gizzy earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
guimouve12 earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 11.
HexTheRex earned 12 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 16.
Hibachi earned 4 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 4.
House_G4E earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 4.
hyperstyle earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 10.
hysteresis earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 10.
JCD earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 3.
jihado earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
KAL-EL earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
Kasperi01 earned 3 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 15.
Keyboard_Doomer earned 45 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 193.
Looper earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 5.
madkp2 earned 2 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 29.
Majstor002 earned 1 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
MakeMyDayyy earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 3.
Malfunction earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 5.
memfish earned 20 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 143.
mentria earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
nihilistic earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 10.
Pacroon earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 11.
Player4 earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 8.
Polish earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
Psyrambler earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 2.
Revenant100 earned 22 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 47.
Rocket_girl earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
Root_localhost earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
rude earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 2.
Salty earned 6 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 17.
Schizzo earned 6 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 7.
Sigia earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
SilverIW earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 4.
SPAZ earned 28 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 36.
Spectra earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
sweersz earned 7 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 8.
tourettes earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
Traysandor earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 5.
UberGewei earned 20 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 41.
valkiriforce earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
WorstPlayerEver earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 10.
XVI earned 4 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 4.
yagami[ABC] earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 9.
zeaz earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 36.
zezoo earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 1.
Zombie sponsored by Tray earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 15.
zwerling earned 0 cookies in this session. Total cookies = 2.

Sorry crew but it seems some of the stats were lost from the logs in a certain time during the session, hence lost cookies. Have to track that problem.

Danfun64 said:

What music is that, and how does one get the christmas enemy graphics?

Nevanos is the man to be asked for the music, as for the second question, check what kind of license h2hxmas has and if allowed, extract the graphics with xwe or slade, etc.

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First music track is by me and called Polar Night (no I didn't ask him to use it). Second one appears to be a cover of Fear of the Dark by Iron Maiden, but I don't know where it's from or who made it.

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