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DoomLegacy 1.46.2

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I downloaded smallfun, but I expect the analysis is correct.
The dead code for the -1 tag hack for water was removed this year.

DoomLegacy Fragglescript was fixed a couple years back to make the behavior
match the documentation. It may now differ in odd details from what ZDOOM implements. In most cases the documentation was changed to match the behavior.
Usage in ways outside the previous documentation will not fail in the same way,
there being more checks for invalid fragglescript, and less disruptive error escapes.
In Phobiata, there is one call that passes an extra parameter (unused) that the previous code allowed. The new checks were catching that as an error now, so there had to be a mod to silently ignore the extra parameter.

DoomLegacy has always had experimental stuff in it and still has some (most of it disabled by #ifdef, such as horizontal draw).
Most of the experiments are alternative ways to fix a bug.
Some are new features, Some are enabled by a console variable, some get a menu control. An example is the Door Delay, which is menu enabled. I consider that an experimental feature. No much good if it is buried in some odd branch.

When you have 10 developers, then a separate branch keeps the one experimenter from breaking the code for the others. When there is one developer, that method just makes for extra work in maintaining multiple code branches (I have to transport all SVN updates to a separate machine that is internet connected).
Most of my experimental code never makes it out of my local directories (I have many working directories holding aborted offshoots of doomlegacy, but that work did not make it into the current SVN that you can download).

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wesleyjohnson said:

When you have 10 developers, then a separate branch keeps the one experimenter from breaking the code for the others. When there is one developer, that method just makes for extra work in maintaining multiple code branches (I have to transport all SVN updates to a separate machine that is internet connected).

SVN is definitely not the best tool for that and makes branching more a hassle than an asset. Have you ever considered using Git instead? The nice thing is that you can commit offline, which appears to fit your working method a lot better than SVN which requires an internet connection to do anything.

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The Doom Legacy Sourceforge page appears to have a git repository set up...but compared to the svn repository it's out of date. Granted, a switch to Github might still be advisable.

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The repository is maintained by SmiteMeister, so he may have set up a GIT.
On doomlegacy-developers there has been some conversation about switching to GIT. But
then again, who wants to be the one to move 400+ patch versions to another repository.
I have dial-up modem, so I am not volunteering.

I have much more trouble with SourceForge than with SVN. SourceForge html pages reset on me 6 to 8 times, just to look at one bug-report. Their SVN connection is the one thing that works for me. It does not use html and does not stall while references to google and doubleclick do mysterious and useless efforts.

I did download and look at smallfun.wad. I found the elevator to the plasma weapon.
Just from seeing the floating textures, it looks like it uses an old trick of self-ref lines to create a second level. It appears the self-ref line heights do not follow the elevator floor, even though the textures do. Converting it to use actual second floor sectors would make better use of DoomLegacy 3d floors.

It is a little confusing about the gibs wad as I saw no changes in the gibs.
DoomLegacy did acknowledge loading it. I suppose I need to try loading it with -v2
to get extensive deh error listings.

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wesleyjohnson said:

I have dial-up modem, so I am not volunteering.

Out of curiosity, where do such things still exist? I couldn't get a dial-up service even if I wanted, 16 MBit/s is the lowest plan available where I live.

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wesleyjohnson said:

The repository is maintained by SmiteMeister, so he may have set up a GIT.
On doomlegacy-developers there has been some conversation about switching to GIT. But
then again, who wants to be the one to move 400+ patch versions to another repository.
I have dial-up modem, so I am not volunteering.

I didn't realise there was a -developers list; I will subscribe. I could probably do the conversion if that's the consensus. I've done it before for much more complicated repositories; really, it shouldn't be too bad. And especially if you are stuck on dial up, git would be *much* better for you, because you can do a lot of stuff without needing to poll the server all the time. Cheap branching, for one!

wesleyjohnson said:

I did download and look at smallfun.wad. I found the elevator to the plasma weapon.
Just from seeing the floating textures, it looks like it uses an old trick of self-ref lines to create a second level. It appears the self-ref line heights do not follow the elevator floor, even though the textures do. Converting it to use actual second floor sectors would make better use of DoomLegacy 3d floors.

From memory it's not self-referencing sectors, no; it's just 2-sided main texture with offsets to raise them up, and then a corresponding 'dead lost soul' thing at a particular height so that you can 'step' onto them. I might try doing a video demo sometime, it's hard to explain.

wesleyjohnson said:

It is a little confusing about the gibs wad as I saw no changes in the gibs.
DoomLegacy did acknowledge loading it. I suppose I need to try loading it with -v2
to get extensive deh error listings.

You can probably ignore the gibs stuff. I did upload gibs separately a few years ago when I rediscovered it, http://www.doomworld.com/idgames/combos/gib

Graf Zahl said:

Out of curiosity, where do such things still exist? I couldn't get a dial-up service even if I wanted, 16 MBit/s is the lowest plan available where I live.

I've seen folks post on Debian mailing lists from locales which are still using dial-up, I think (from memory) areas of Arkansas or other rural areas.

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I've discovered something regarding smallfun: apparently, at some point Legacy changed line specials for transparent midtextures, so that one window and some lights look like crap.
(it used to be 201-205, but that was later taken by Boom actions, so it was moved to 283-287.)

Also, what's with the sectors with a tag of 65500 or so?

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bzzrak said:

I've discovered something regarding smallfun: apparently, at some point Legacy changed line specials for transparent midtextures, so that one window and some lights look like crap.
(it used to be 201-205, but that was later taken by Boom actions, so it was moved to 283-287.)

Thank you yes that explains it. Smallfun dates from before Boom integration.

bzzrak said:

Also, what's with the sectors with a tag of 65500 or so?

I wish I could remember. I made it 18 years ago!

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I read a report from January (Engineering Mag) that 3% of the internet users in the USA still use dial-up. South Korea has much better internet service at much lower prices than we do. It would probably be more but most people take the first service they see and do not do much searching.

I suppose that GIT has better features, but I am not sure what advantage I am actually going to get from using GIT. I have to use a memory stick to get the machine with the SVN and internet connection. My local working machines (all of them are off-the-internet) can use GIT, SVN, or whatever, just as long as they can spit out some patch that can be transported up to the internet connected machine.

If you get on the developers mailing list, then you can contact SmiteMeister about it. It is probably another of SmiteMeister's management functions.

Having my working machines off the internet has some major advantages.
1. Never get distracted with internet stuff.
2. Much more difficult for a virus to get in, and little it can do if it does.
3. Security.

Sector tag of 65536:
A previous DoomLegacy version used a tag with a -1 value to signal water. It was experimental and was replaced with the 3dfloor system. The code for detecting the -1 tag has been removed. From the code notes it does not seem that the -1 tag was anything more than a temporary way to test the water drawing code. Have not found any user documentation for it.

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On 3/13/2017 at 11:45 AM, Jon said:

I didn't realise there was a -developers list; I will subscribe.

I couldn't find the mailing list - certainly there's nothing here https://sourceforge.net/p/doomlegacy/mailman/


where can I subscribe to this list? Thanks!


Edit: just noticed doomlegacy-devel@lists.sourceforge.net in your last message  @wesleyjohnson, I'm investigating that now.

Edited by Jon

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  • 1 month later...

Small bump but I had some questions regarding Legacy:


One, if Doom Legacy 1 is still going to continue as a port even if/when Doom Legacy 2 is officially released, why call them both Legacy and create confusion? Plus Legacy send to be gaining more and more of a negative reputation these days, which is unfortunate, so maybe DL2 would do better without the stigma. Call it something like Doom Progeny perhaps.


Two, any plans to support Hacx v1.2 as it's own IWAD?


Three, any plans to add support for UDMF mapping format some day?


Four, since ReMood is officially dead, any chance some/all of its features will get backported to Legacy?

Edited by Death Egg

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13 hours ago, Death Egg said:

ReMood is officially dead

I'm sorry, WHAT?!?

/me looks up ReMood and finds that it is indeed officially dead

...wow. Just...wow. 

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  • 1 month later...

There is some bugs on Windows Legacy 1.46.3 related to sdl.dll

-Alt+Tab and back to game caused black screen with only sounds.
-Midi music is stuttering.

So... I grabbed sdl.dll from Eternity Engine and it was better - almost no midi stuttering and no black screen.

Probably only two things I miss in Doom Legacy is the widescreen support and uncapped framerate.

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This thread should be dead.

Naming Doom Legacy 2 as something else would be even more confusing, and Doom Legacy 2 is not going to be released without a whole lot of rework and catching up.


I have not tested HACX yet.   I still don't know it we have it covered or not.


UDMF depends on there being some content or capability there that is worth the trouble.

My enhancement work is going another direction, so it does not have any priority.


Which version of SDL is best for your windows should be determined by the end user.


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Released or not, having two separately developed branches of ostensibly the same project, albeit not, is confusing.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Had planned to release 1.47 for months now, but was fighting with some last minute questionable features.

It contains MBF support, and some bug fixes.  Not all the bug fixes I wanted because the MBF code introduced so many new bugs, which I had to fight with.  The MBF integration has turned into a 9 month debugging session.


Also want to get the network code compatibility secured, as there will be some differences from 1.46 networking.

I think I still have to add a new network message in order to satisfy one of the bug reports.  It seems that a fragglescript attached to a key press, does not get sent to the other players.  Instant desync.


The SVN contains the current version 1.47 (as the version number has already been bumped).


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