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Quantum Strike (V2) [now on /idgames]

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Very free texture usage I see here :P
I understand that this is a slaughterwad, but have you tried to reduce tiling or at least have surfaces match their texture as opposed to cropping half of the black SKSPINE like on 4th screenshot?

Otherwise pretty nice design and coloring ideas, I liked the hanging corpses with red-black ceiling from screenshot #3 and evenly distributed 3D architecture at #7 :)

/random guy just passing by, not playing slaughterwads sorry

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Why not just include the textures you used in your WAD, thus we won't have to resort to downloading a texture pack that you probably didn't use 100%? Just saying, it would be more efficient.

Not a big fan of slaughterfest maps, but I might try it out.

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Voros said:

Why not just include the textures you used in your WAD, thus we won't have to resort to downloading a texture pack that you probably didn't use 100%? Just saying, it would be more efficient.

Had a few issues with that but should be working now with a single file.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Uploaded a version that will be final unless there's a catastrophic malfunction that I've missed!

-New geometry/balance/fight changes to all maps.
-HNTR and HMP are less rough
-Included the obligatory text file that nobody reads.

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termrork said:

why is it called quantum?

Oh, I'll tell you why! It's an attack used by a rather unique World of Warcraft boss from 7 or so years ago when I still played the game. I thought it sounded pretty cool so I used it for the title.

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oh it is a nice sounding name. though a quantum strike sounds really weak since in the quantum world forces are compared to the daily classical forces really really small. that is why I was wondering. same goes with quantum jump, it is the smallest possible jump, so it is literally not good if a politician says it is a quantum jump we achieved this. the same way a quantum strike is the smallest possible strike you can find -> it has no seeable effect in our daily world.

edit: I would still stick to that name, just wanted you to know when you call your wad like this ;). though for an actual name for an attack in a game it sounds weird since it should be very weak then

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Version 2 Released!

Captain's Log 99x9:
-Afrits now correctly open doors when crushed.
-More ammo/health in map01 so you don't have to crush Afrits.
-Visual changes and fixes. (Lifts on map02 should be more obvious/consistent.)
-Toned down HMP and HNTR.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 7 months later...

Updated the WAD to Version 2, since I wasn't too happy with some stuff looking back.



-Colour palette change.

-New Plasma Rifle sound.

-Various texture and geometry adjustments.

-Gameplay/balance tweaks across all difficulty settings.


-Minor misc stuff.


-Final fight plays out differently due to changes in layout.

--Replaced useless Imps with Chaingunners.


-Green area slightly buffed.

-Yellow area has minor layout/item/monster teleport rebalancing. Should be slightly easier.

-Cyberdemon encounter has new teleport destinations.

-Macro-slaughter fight reworked.

--Increased enemy variety.

--Added more health and ammo.

--Optional shoot-switches to crush Masterminds.

--Area-denial Viles teleport down after roughly 2 minutes.

--Overall increase in difficulty.

--Phase 2 reworked.

---Viles everywhere.

---Major increase in difficulty.


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  • 5 months later...

Map01 won. Zdoom 2.6, red bars after blue door wont open, I had to idclip. No other complains. Looks interesting and is hard as promised. I managed to skip red skull fight, but if its not intentional to be possible, put some health before...

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4 hours ago, NinjaLiquidator said:

Map01 won. Zdoom 2.6, red bars after blue door wont open, I had to idclip. No other complains. Looks interesting and is hard as promised. I managed to skip red skull fight, but if its not intentional to be possible, put some health before...

Red bars after the blue door are lowered by flipping the skull switch in the crusher room downstairs.


Interesting. You can indeed run around the Barons before the Red Key. That's cool. I always kill everything when I play, but don't mind if some skips exist. There are enough lock-ins already. As for not having any health there; that's intentional. It's a very simple encounter, but can still be challenging if you take significant damage in the previous fight.



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  • 3 years later...
23 minutes ago, kvothesixstring said:

Saw this because @Vile was streaming it and holy crap dude, very cool looking maps and fun set piece combat areas. If you aren't still making maps, you should get back into it. 


This should be of interest, but I don't know its current status.

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@kvothesixstring Awesome! I follow Vile but missed him streaming it. Thanks for letting me know as well as the kind words.


I'm still doing a bit of mapping, most recently for the Themegawad. I'd also like to finish the project @Not Jabba linked but that might take a while. To be honest, I think my taste in Doom maps is significantly more casual these days, but we'll see what happens. :)

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  • 2 months later...

Colorful pallete map resembless Eternal Slumber Purty and Auger Zenith wad.                                                                                                                    



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Came here after watching ducino [sic] beat his head against Map03 for two days in a row live on his YT stream. He managed to record the first ever non-TAS demo of Map03 at the end of the session. Congrats!

Edited by Gregor

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3 hours ago, Gregor said:

He managed to record the first ever non-TAS demo of Map03 at the end of the session. Congrats!

That sounds awesome! I'll be sure to check his VOD.


Edit: Extremely well played by decino. It was a blast watching the run.

Edited by Spectre01

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