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Funny story about Doom 32x


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Here is a story of how I accidentally found God Mode and all weapons cheats on the 32x back in the day:

one night not long after my brother and I got doom 32x Christmas of 1994 I believe, we had tacos for dinner. eating in a rush to try and beat my brother back to the game, our hands were still oily and greasy...he beat me to it so I had to wait until he died and i could take over in game. when i took the controller in my hand it was taco grease slippery so I took my t-shirt to it and was wiping it off. when I looked up at the screen, I noticed my eyes were white and I had every weapon in the game and had no idea what happned. we were in total disbelief when we scrolled through and saw the BFG (which as I came to find out later that it wasnt actually anywhere in the game to find and could only be acquired with cheats). Keep in mind this is before we had internet and I had no idea what I did and this was our first experience with Doom lol...so the next time we fired the game up, I would sit there and try and duplicate the method of putting the sega 6-button controller in my shirt and mashing the buttons all different ways until the eyes lit up white! lol it actually worked a couple times after that! i think it was in some video game magazine not long after that showed the actual button combo.

thanks for taking the time to ready my pointless, yet funny story! i think i'll get some tacos this weekend and play some doom.

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Heh. Who would've thought cleaning your controller would give you cheats?

I'm actually surprised, really. Anything could've happened. The fact that you got godmode AND all guns, I'd say you pretty lucky.

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I did something similar, only less messy - when I found out you could make the enemies march in place in doom. Sadly I forgot how.

On tcrf.net there's a cheat code for a game ( I also can't remember which one, sorry ) . A note says that one guy spilled beer on his keyboard. Reading through the cheat I could actually visualize how he had the beer on his right hand side when he felled it and how he wiped the keyboard of.

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IIRC, you had to press up on the D-pad, all 6 buttons (abc and xyz) and the top "mode" button all at the same time.

funny how stuff comes back to you after 20 years just thinking about it out of the clear blue

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