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Infighting after death


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It's always so amusing to watch the monsters fight after you die. Crazy stuff happens sometimes. Do you have any scenes that stick out in your memory? What is the longest infighting you ever observed after death? I just died in Abandoned Mines, alt+tabbed from the game, then returned to it like a minute later and the cacodemon was still fighting with the mancubus. I think it took so long because the caco kept teleporting since there are portals on the way.

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Sometimes it goes on endlessly as the monsters have moved into positions where they can fire at each other but not hit each other.

I once has an instance where, after a post death infight had died down I thought this was happening. One of the monsters was a cyb and although it couldn't hit what he was aiming at his splash damage must have reached an imp who attacked back. More monsters got caught in the resulting crossfire and it all kicked off again. Amused me a bit that did.

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Its fun when a bunch of hell knights are chasing a cyberdemon around, and the cyberdemon smashes them to pieces, and just as you think he's about to stomp the last one, the third rocket in his three round burst splashes a group of revenants in the distance and starts a whole new war.

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I remember kinda trick in vanilla Doom. When player dies, use cheat IDDQD and you hear monsters are screaming. I found by myself.

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Ragnor said:

When archviles attack cybers or masterminds, who just sit there and take it, for a VERY long time.

That and they do it enough to the point the splash damage from being so close it kills them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just watched a fight happen btween some chaingunners in the distance in Plutonia, only to jump when one of the chaingunners killed a caco near me and its corpse literally dropped into my face. Didnt even know it was there!

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