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Any wads that feature many friendly marines/monsters/people?

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Don't think I've played a single wad where friendlies don't get killed off in some way or another before they can be of any use. Has anyone managed to make them effective in a story? Sick of doomguy being alone all the time, and co-op bots are dumb-dumbs (I can't tell if edge or legacy ones are much better tbh)

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The only mod that immediately comes to mind is Cold as Hell which uses friendlies both as reinforcements in a few scenes and also has one sequence in a bunker which is occupied by friendly soldiers.

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Ummm... CIF3? Tons of NPCs and summoned friendlies. The latter may be temporary and dumb, but they're strong and pretty much necessary to take down bosses or neutralize the hordes of their minions.

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The Brutal Doom city campaign comes with friendly marines, either as stationary NPCs with dialog or helping in combat.

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There's a map in ZPack that has friendly marines (they don't last long). Also a map in Ultimate Torment & Torture (they also don't last long). And the Gateway Experiments feature friendly vs. hostile marine battles.

I think the finale of Stronghold OTEOC features friendly marines but I've never reached it.

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IIRC, the DWF jokewads also had NPCs (particularly, in #zdoom adventures, where Doomguy finds this HK to aid him in destroying NewDoom).

That, and basically most Strife WADs like Day of the Acolyte (I think that was the title), along with Strife itself.

And there's that Terminator Deluxe Edition WAD, which has NPCs from time to time (IIRC, one of the NPC's name is Bob).

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Does anyone remember Helm's Deep? It's like that scene in the second Lord of the Rings movie where they are defending a castle. You have to work together with a whole army of marines.

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invictius said:

Any wads that feature many friendly monsters?



invictius said:

Has anyone managed to make them effective in a story?



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Operation Overlord starts with a large team of friendlies, though they die pretty quickly (as do you). There's also Friendly Co-Op which gives you an item that summons virtual representatives of Doom community members to back you up (and shoot you in the back by accident).

There's also-also my Surreal Killer mod, which replaces (among other things) the invisosphere with the phone-a-phriend: it summons one of six random friendly monsters that do various things, some of which are kinda OP.

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ZDoom Wars takes this to the extreme. Everything - absolutely everything - is done through allied monsters as you compete against other players for ... pretty much always to be the last man standing, as it doesn't really lend itself well to other game modes. It tweaks the monsters as well, although you'll still be dealing with ZDoom's allied monster AI which is basically the exact same thing as the normal monster AI, except you can kind of guide monsters around if they don't have a target.

Still, they end up being very effective if you know when, how, and where to use 'em.

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invictius said:

Don't think I've played a single wad where friendlies don't get killed off in some way or another before they can be of any use. Has anyone managed to make them effective in a story? Sick of doomguy being alone all the time, and co-op bots are dumb-dumbs (I can't tell if edge or legacy ones are much better tbh)

I recently downloaded Strife, which had friendly NPC's and can be run with a Doom source port (I use ZDoom for an example), but it is more of a game than a wad and the NPC's are there to give you quests or are guarding the place and usually don't harm you, if you behave normally. Finally, you can beat that game with stealth or guns blazing (like you would do in most Doom wads). Hope you find this helpful. :D

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^there is a level in Strife where you and the rest of the rebels invade this castle, so it's not just NPCs giving quests all the time.


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Voros said:

^there is a level in Strife where you and the rest of the rebels invade this castle, so it's not just NPCs giving quests all the time.


That's nice!!! I'm going to finish it one day. Only finished Hexen from all the Doom engine games out there.

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