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The /newstuff Chronicles #93


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DooMBoy said:

Just got through playing DSV4, and it kicks major arse! But one problem: where are the Doom64 weapons sprites?

dunno. but if you want the weapon sprites I can email them to you.

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I just loaded a beta 5 a few minutes ago. You'll see it listed in the pink boxes. Also, you'll see a 1.40 RCl, whatever that is.

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"an attempt to break my E A S and D keys"

According to textpad, in that update you used

E 735 times
A 467 times
S 373 times
D 217 times

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Ultimate DooMer said:

You have to use the mapinfo lump (see the Zdoom tutorials on http://zdoom.notgod.com)

Nope, pretty sure those animated skies were done using skyboxes, not MAPINFO entries (which can of course be used for scrolling sky textures).

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DooMBoy said:

Just got through playing DSV4, and it kicks major arse! But one problem: where are the Doom64 weapons sprites?

They aren't there. Rather odd when you consider how many other D64 resources were used in the WAD.

They are in Dissolution, however. Which is what Liam said anyway.

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Ultimate DooMer said:

I did, and the latest one available there is beta 4. (that's why I asked here)

Oh, ok. Well all the rest are available there too.

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OK, I got it working now (I was able to see the intro, which I couldn't do before), and I played the first 2 maps without any trouble, but it seems to me that Legacy is now an unstable port. (as regular segment violations when loading levels/savegames seem to happen on every wad I play with it)

Hope I've not upset/offended/annoyed anyone with all the Nimrod/DSV/Legacy comments I've made. (they were borne out of frustration with Legacy more than anything else. I've got nothing against the wads in question, I just don't like the instability of the source port)

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Deathman said:

dunno. but if you want the weapon sprites I can email them to you.

You do that. :)
My e-mail

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Enjay said:

They aren't there. Rather odd when you consider how many other D64 resources were used in the WAD.

They are in Dissolution, however. Which is what Liam said anyway.

I tried downloading distion.zip last night. Of course Winzip said it couldn't open the file because it was corrupted or some shit, and I'm not about to try downloading again to see the exact same thing happen again.

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DooMBoy said:

I tried downloading distion.zip last night. Of course Winzip said it couldn't open the file because it was corrupted or some shit, and I'm not about to try downloading again to see the exact same thing happen again.

Yo! Doomboy,I have dissolution in my doom2 directory and its
unziped.So if you would like,I could send you it unziped so you wouldn't have to worry about a corrupted zip file.I have DSL service so it won't take me about 2 minutes.

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DooMBoy said:

I tried downloading distion.zip last night. Of course Winzip said it couldn't open the file because it was corrupted or some shit, and I'm not about to try downloading again to see the exact same thing happen again.

When I downloaded it, Winzip handled it fine and I've played it all. The trouble I had was downloading it at a speed greater than 1.5K/sec (as the 3darchives ftp seemed to be a little out of sorts that night)

It's very rare for it to happen, but a download can be corrupted (it's happened to me before). All I do then is download it again, and it works fine the 2nd time.

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I'm really enjoying DSV4 so far, and thanks for showing the link to legacy beta 5 since I was having similar problems with the game. Also, whoever has the doom64 weapons, I'd appreciate it if you could send them to me as well. :) drwdevore@aol.com

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Ultimate doomer: look in the news.

1.40 rc1 is 1.40 release candidate no 1. aka a possible Final version of legacy 1.40

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Played Carnage Galore III and it's really great. Although I couldn't save (which affected the experience) I still enjoyed it. Good level designs, the tome works really well and the market system was really cool! (In fact I had to rely on that quite a bit as a source of ammo)
The new creatures made it a lot tougher too, although the gameplay wasn't quite as extreme as the previous Carnage Galore episodes. (it was still really tough, though). Definitely a worthy download.

BTW, what happens after you get the gold coins and heart of d'sparil from the treasure vaults? (as I lost my way a bit after that. Quite unlike me, but I had to play it all in one go, and I was a bit tired at that point)

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You'll need to just save those until you reach the second episode (which of course isn't done yet). The gold coins would be used in markets to get even better artifacts, while the Heart of D'Sparil will be used as a puzzle piece in the secret map of the second episode. You won't need it to get to the secret map, but you'll probably need to use it there to get to the third episode secret map.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Isn't it time for a new newstuff, Liam?

Come on, some of us need a fix of your well-written weeklies! :p

[EDIT]Well, not weekly any more[/EDIT]

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Jayextee: there's only been one wad moved into /newstuff since Liam's last update.

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One thing is certain. Whenever the next update will be, it will most likely be one of the biggest yet.

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