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Doomworld Mega Project 2017 (Final)

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Indeed , I tested my map again in Dosbox and there are few areas where you can have VPO . I'm removing some details , you will have a new version of my map today.

Edited by Roofi

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I removed some useless details , joined a lot of sectors and corrected some errors too. You should not crash with the new version.



Edited by Roofi

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@mArt1And00m3r11339 Using ToD's real name? Rude!


@damo2k Regarding coop in map35: Is there any issue once the walls of the main tower go up? There is a teleporter in the damaging blood to get back up there, but I doubt it's possible to reach from spawn with 100HP. How does player respawn usually work?

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4 hours ago, Spectre01 said:


@damo2kRegarding coop in map35: Is there any issue once the walls of the main tower go up? There is a teleporter in the damaging blood to get back up there, but I doubt it's possible to reach from spawn with 100HP. How does player respawn usually work?

I need to check that. When you respawn, you respawn at start of map as if you first joined. They only think you keep is keys. So you will only have pistol and 100HP.



Edited by damo2k

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2 minutes ago, damo2k said:

When you respawn, you apawj at start of map as if you first joined.

Ok, I'll add another teleporter in the starting building in that case.

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2 minutes ago, Spectre01 said:

Ok, I'll add another teleporter in the starting building in that case.

Cheers, thanks!

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I encountered a weird weapon selection problem. I'm using GzDoom.

I can't switch to the pistol or the fist. Using the weapons cheat fixes the problem; using the give command in console does not.

This problem does not occur in other wads, but happens in every level I've tried so far.

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Some questions:


1. How to fix the music problem when loading maps 33-36 with PrBoom+? I can open maps 33-35 but the tracks are incorrect. Map 36 cannot be loaded with a "bad music" error message. Also the map titles are not shown for maps 3-36 in automap.

2. What are the required compatibility settings for GZDoom maps? My version is 3.2.4.

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1. Maps 33+ have incomplete support in prBoom+. 33-35 will play other music lumps (intermission, title, endgame), because there's no designated music lump name for the mapslots themselves. 36 and above won't even do that, so they need to be loaded with the -nomusic parameter.

2. Everyone is urged to get 3.2.5, because 3.2.4 has an exploit that allows malicious scripts.


Edited by rdwpa

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On 1/17/2018 at 11:18 PM, lirui1001 said:

Some questions:


1. How to fix the music problem when loading maps 33-36 with PrBoom+? I can open maps 33-35 but the tracks are incorrect. Map 36 cannot be loaded with a "bad music" error message. Also the map titles are not shown for maps 3-36 in automap.

The only reason maps 33-35 can be played at all is because the music slots for maps 33-35 are occupied by the main menu music, intermission music, and endgame text music. For the songs to work correctly in prboom+, the music lumps for those tracks need to be replaced. As for my map, map36, it unfortunately cannot be played with music in prboom+ as map36 and onward don't have any music slots of any kind, so when prboom+ tries to load the music, it crashes due to a nonexistent slot. In order to play it in the main wad, you'll have to use -nomusic as a parameter to skip loading music altogether.


If you want to hear the (awesome) music anyway, I recommend you play the (updated) map standalone here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/r1wks4x12hfsuoj/bonsewersv5.wad?dl=1 https://www.dropbox.com/s/q78hxgx5zxbncjr/bonsewersv5_5.wad?dl=1

Tell me what you think too if you play it!!


@StormCatcher.77 That's an updated version of the map I just finished today, since no updates for the main wad have come out. Just some balancing changes and whatnot. Now fully uv-maxable!!! c:

Edited by bonnie

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3 hours ago, Memfis said:

Perhaps MUSINFO can help?

holy buttons that is the coolest thing i've ever seen in my entire life

that just opened up a world of possibility for me oh my goodness ;~;


unfortunately however, it doesn't seem like it can be used to define a specific "default music" lump, and thus will probably still crash


but it's still really cool so thank you though!!!!!

Edited by bonnie

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@dmg_64 Very sorry for that. I knew about this bug, and in the upcoming Beta 2 it has already been fixed (as well as a lot of bugs). The release is delayed, because I expect new versions of some maps. Perhaps I will not wait any longer, and I will publish a new build tomorrow.

I'll try to do something with this MUSINFO ... For me this is a discovery.


For me, it's amazing that no one notices visual glitches on the HUB-map ... :D

Edited by StormCatcher.77

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Yeah, I don't think MUSINFO can help with Map36, but it should work with 33-35. You can use Slaughterfest 2012 as an example to learn from.

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Beta 2 released.

List of changes:


1. Compatibility with Chocolate Doom is fully restored (tested in version 3.0)
2. Fixed visual glitches in the hub, "portal noise" is now more transparent.
3. Replaced portal images of maps, taken without a transfer sky.
4. Added the correct midi music for maps 33, 34 and 35 by using MUSINFO.
5. BOSSBACK been complemented.
6. Fixed the inability to jump on the map 49.
7. The maps 03, 04, 06, 16, 22, 35, 36, 42 have been updated.
8. After completing each map, the player in the hub now has 50 bullets.


Mediafire -  Beta 2, 33 mb, ZIP


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@Rorix I think the problem is that the player starts in the hub empty-handed. If you try to change the weapon with the mouse wheel, then everything works. In any case, in the new version the player should always keep the pistol at the start.


@lirui1001All maps may run on GZDoom 3.2.0 or higher.


If anyone want to turn off inventory clearing, you can comment out the lines after the curly brace in line 196:

Script 1 Enter { // ClearInventory (); GiveInventory ("Fist", 1); GiveInventory ("Clip", 30); GiveInventory ("Pistol", 1); 


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One more question about map33.


Enemies in the last sector 11 are counted so it is impossible to get 100% kills with PrBoom+. How to set these enemies not to be counted?

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It is a joke map never meant to be maxable or taken seriously.

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20 minutes ago, Scotty said:

It is a joke map never meant to be maxable or taken seriously.

Joke maps in DMP that you can't even max? That's a paddlin'!

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