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Doomworld Mega Project 2017 (Final)

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Great work with detail and scripts. Overall performance is good. Individual elements like a highly detailed bridge before exit leave a strong impression, but with them contrasts, in many ways, a rather monotonous style of the base and rocks. He could have been diluted more by the play of light and shadow. The problem of monotonicity could be solved by the abundance of dynamic lights + total sector brightness at zero. But this is an amateur, of course.


I tested the elevator for lethality. It works ... :) Another elevator I managed to break again. Look in the demo. In order to fix this, you need to specify the TagWait (86) in the "Else" section of Script 3; Now there is TagWait (24). I also remember that Lost Soul at the very beginning can not attack the player, because he was stuck in the rock. Can it be decorative? :) Also, there were seen "flying" ammo in the far corner of the elevator with boxes. And yet, in the room behind the red door (first floor) one of the sides of the boxes is completely black. Though in GZDB it is not present. I do not even know what it is ...


The gameplay is intense due to a lack of ammo. And this is a plus. Critical shortage was never. The balance is excellent. Music perfectly conveys the atmosphere. It's because of the Doom 64 right? I draw your attention that it is in MP3 format. Is there really nothing to replace it with? If not, I'm ready to revise the rules if the size of the MP3 \ OGG file does not exceed 3 MB. In your case, everything is OK, but nevertheless I ask while to look for an alternative. I would not want the final assembly to reach 500 MB due to music or sounds ... :)


Doom_Font_Green_Arrow.png  First Demo Attempt 9 mins, GZDoom 2.4.0


For a long time I thought about how to put the map in my collection. Visually, it would have been placed next to many others, but nevertheless I picked up some of it for myself, so 4 ... 3 with a plus ;]


Blue_2_5.png - Visuals (2 / 5)
Blue_4_5.png - Detailing (4 / 5)
Blue_3_5.png - Gameplay (3 / 5)
Blue_4_5.png - Atmosphere (4 / 5)
Orange_4_5.png - Difficulty (4 / 5)

Green_4_5.png - Overall Rating (4 / 5)


I think it is already possible to add it into the title under the name "Strange Worlds" or is it too early?

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Thanks. The Doom 64 music really goes with the thunder noises. I think the tonality of the thunder must be in the same key. I searched forever to find a good track for that.


It's probably a bit early to call it done. I still have some tweaking to do. Lost soul is fixed. TBT I put that in there last minute to encourage the player to run, and didn't test it. 


I also took out the sound block lines in the cave so the SGG will wake up right away. I think this will ensure faster play and less camping in the cave at the start.


Fixed ammo through the floor.


I'll update the link a little later.


Thank you for playing and thanks for the demo. 


For whatever reason the Archvile at the end is not getting activated with Thing_Hate. 


Addendums: At first I thought you said 84 for the tag wait. Now I see it's 86. So thank you very much. It doesn't break.



Edited by everennui

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2 hours ago, StormCatcher.77 said:

@everennuiThe problem of monotonicity could be solved by the abundance of dynamic lights + total sector brightness at zero. But this is an amateur, of course.


Maybe English isn't your first language, but I'm confused by this?


Do you feel like my sector lighting is bad? I could use more? I think I'll actually use some 3D Floors to get a better look.


Can you please reiterate to me what you are trying to say?


How do you feel the atmosphere could be improved? 


A two out of five on visuals? Obviously there's some room for improvement there. I feel like that's kind of critical. It's six rooms. I feel like the textures add visual continuity. Plus I don't see the point of straightening out all the textures while a wad is still WIP. I feel like - because of auto align - texture adjustments should be saved for last. 


I gotta get better at not taking Doom-snob reviews to heart. It's just, like, your opinion, man.


At any rate I appreciate the helpful suggestions, script help and FDA(?).


Addendum: On my monitor with sector dark lighting the darkness looks amazing. Maybe this is partly a monitor issue? 

Edited by everennui

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10 hours ago, everennui said:

Maybe English isn't your first language, but I'm confused by this?

This is not my English, but a special version of it, which speaks Google Translator. Without it, I can not communicate here.


I expressed the idea that the abundance of dynamic light could more diversify map visuals. The map would be more like Quake, which would strengthen it atmosphere. Sector lighting can not be called bad, but it is not enough. The brightness of the sectors on most of the map, both inside the base and outside, is 128.


I said previously "total sector brightness at zero". I meant the total darkness on the map (as in Quake), and the lighting is only dynamic. This is just an idea, not a recommendation.


I do not in any way present my opinion and ratings as something without alternatives. I just had some impressions after passing. I criticized the map for the monotony of the visuals, because I had previously received criticism of this kind for my first map.


I hope now it all translated right.

Edited by StormCatcher.77

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  • 2 weeks later...

Download Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/457o97uu038sqga/JanitorPatrolV2.wad?dl=0



Author: A2Rob

Map Name: Janitor Patrol


Compatibility: Boom

Playtesting: GZDoom 2.4.0 / ZDoom 2.8.1 / PrBoom+ Test

Allow jumping and/or crouching: No

Skill Settings: Yes


Build time: About a month and a half on and off

Tools used: GZDoomBuilder / Slade3 

Resources: UAC Ultra text, grass texture from Valiant, and a few flats from cc4 text 

Music track: "Liquid Luck" by Jimmy

Bugs: None that I'm aware of

Comments: Large map taking place in some kind of water treatment plant. Contains a mix of close quarters sections and large open areas.


Edited by A2Rob

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A thing that nobody asked for, but here's a modified version of "Valhalla awaits you" with some minor changes like:


- The megasphere in the yellow building is accessible only on easier skills

- Changed the sign description for the said building from "hall of unknown (?) memes to "hall of unknown faces"

- Exit is now drastically changed with a personal revision of vanilla doom gates of Valhalla, just watch.



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G.T. has been very good at translating recently. I remember, a few years ago, people who tried to translate something into Russian from English, it turned out something unreadable. Recently, I noticed that the situation has changed dramatically. Now G.T. translates very well into Russian. Not 100%, but very convincing. I think that this works in the opposite direction. Although G.T. often picks up the wrong words, they have to be corrected manually. For example, it confuses "map" and "card" or "difficulty" and "complexity" ...


@Walter confetti
I updated the map in my archive.


@Ed @A2Rob
I run through the maps as soon as I have free time. I now in an emergency mode make a map for Serious Sam: TSE...


Edited by StormCatcher.77

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  • 2 weeks later...
I'm still interested, sorry for the inactivity. After months of scrapping maps and weeks of procrastinating, I have a little screen of what's to come. The gimmick I'm doing is that there are 4 buildings, each one containing a key to apply in the hub/start area to unlock a new building. This is the first building which is basically complete, I just need to add in a bit more pickups and optimize the functions and playability. I got out of school not too long ago, so I will now be able to dedicate all my time to getting this done for you guys.
Edited by VirtualOwl13

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I'm glad to know that the work is moving. I'm not so optimistic, because I did not even start making my own map for the project. If only I could make a map for Texture Extavaganza. Summer has come, but I have no time for anything ... :( In any case, I'm glad to any news here.

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8 hours ago, StormCatcher.77 said:


I'm glad to know that the work is moving. I'm not so optimistic, because I did not even start making my own map for the project. If only I could make a map for Texture Extavaganza. Summer has come, but I have no time for anything ... :( In any case, I'm glad to any news here.

You need patience :) In summer all people want chill on real life and they are at moment lazy. On autumn if weather get cold you will get more maps! There are 7 month wait ;)

Edited by CrazyDoomguy

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11 hours ago, StormCatcher.77 said:

If only I could make a map for Texture Extavaganza.

Oh you'll get it right, don't hurry. :]


By the way, I remember my commitment to make a map for an "exotic" source-port (i chose Risen3D, biggest mistake of my life, don't do that at home kids), it will be done eventually. Scrapping it isn't an option, only sissies do that. Next year I will definitely choose the port less recklessly. :]

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I apologize in advance, however how should we name our maps? I currently just gave mine the label of MAP06. Will this give you (the person compiling the WAD) grief? I am just thinking of the possibility of a whack of us having the same map name, and then MAP INFO would have to be changed and maps renamed (that rymed!)


Also for a 2nd question, where is the most ideal place to upload a single map for this project?



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24 minutes ago, TreeSquid said:

I apologize in advance, however how should we name our maps? I currently just gave mine the label of MAP06. Will this give you (the person compiling the WAD) grief? I am just thinking of the possibility of a whack of us having the same map name, and then MAP INFO would have to be changed and maps renamed (that rymed!)


Also for a 2nd question, where is the most ideal place to upload a single map for this project?



1. You need writte name of your map on MAPINFO. Besides build better a map on level 1.

2. You place a link download WAD on your next comment.

Edited by CrazyDoomguy

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Author: antares031
Map name: The Kerberos Complex
Compatibility: Boom
Playtesting: ZDoom 2.8.1, GlBoom+ w/ complevel 9
Allow jumping and/or crouching: No
Skill settings: Yes
Build time: Started from Jan 17 to June 17, on and off
Tools used: Doom Builder 2, Slade 3, Adobe Photoshop CS6
Resources: textures.com for basic textures; edited with Photoshop, some flats are from Alien Vendetta, skybox is from Hexen
Music track: Toshikazu Tanaka - Windy Day, MIDI version was written by paraD
Bugs: Slime trails, Possible issues with some monster teleportations with scrolling floor.
Comments: Inspired by Killer Colours from Alien Vendetta, but with non-linear layout and techbase environment. And yes, now I don't hate slaughtermaps anymore. ;)



Click here to download

Edited by antares031

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7 hours ago, antares031 said:


Author: antares031
Map name: The Kerberos Complex

Click here to download


Here's a very long skill 4 FDA with saves:




Very impressive and fun level. Perhaps my only complaints: 


- Sensory overload! There was a whole lot visual information being constantly pumped into my eyeballs that it was often hard to process. I didn't know where to start when looking for secrets, so I impotently humped any wall that looked at me funny, and there were a lot of walls doing that. Only 2/8 secrets. :(


- Midi got quite old, but there aren't many midis that will survive a map this long. I also found the whimsical, wild-west nature of the midi strangely anachronistic for a tech base, but perhaps that's just me.


- Aside from the color changeups (and the really cool final area), much of the map had the same sort of style and detailing, which was at times disorienting, and eventually I felt my brain kind of tuning out the details, if that makes any sense (which relates back to the sensory overload remark). The good news is that I didn't get lost very much, and I tend to get lost even in much smaller levels, so it must've not been too bad!


I was trying to play carefully, so I did have a lot of resources laying around at times, but I appreciated that. Especially in a map this long, it would be a bummer to lose a war of attrition, and the extra resources allow a nice amount of tactical freedom. I had a lot of fun retrying the fights that I died on. Good stuff!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello , I just finished my map. My goal was to make a HR2-like map. I could lower the difficulty if it's too hard for the project. However , I put skill settings , so you can play on lower difficulties. :)







Author : Roofi

Map name : Corrupted Industry

Compatibility (Vanilla Boom ZDoom GZDoom ...) : Vanilla

Playtesting (ports used and their versions) : DOSbox , prboom , Gzdoom

Allow jumping andor crouching (important for ports that support it) : No

Skill settings : Yes

Build time : 2 days

Tools used : Gzdoombuilder

Resources (list sources of custom textures and sprites) : Doom2

Music track : Hell Revealed 2 - map 12

Bugs : 3D bridges may be buggy on cooperation mode.


Comments : A very experimental map which may not please everyone. HR2's map 12 was my main source of inspiration , so the architecture is intentionally very simple. The level has some vicious traps , you may need a few tries before finishing it. Good luck !




Edited by Roofi

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  • 2 weeks later...

@Ed Cheerful and unusual. To explore a huge room in search of keys under a continuous squall of fire was fun. In general, it's not so much fights with monsters as the search for the keys themselves that are complicated. I looked for the last yellow skull for a long time. The music is just super!



Blue_3_5.png - Visuals (3 / 5)
Blue_4_5.png - Detailing (4 / 5)
Blue_4_5.png - Gameplay (4 / 5)
Blue_3_5.png - Atmosphere (3 / 5)
Orange_3_5.png - Difficulty (3 / 5)


Green_4_5.png - Overall Rating (4 / 5)


Doom_Font_Green_Arrow.png  Maus Haus 13 min


@A2Rob The really strong work. Feeling the similarity of the gameplay with the maps from Final Doom. Often falling into the trap, I lost my health due to inattention. Very often found myself at the death line, but almost always could quickly replenish the health reserves. Here nothing prevents to enjoy the gameplay. Ammo are always enough. The music is well chosen. For all the passage did not find any secret. There will be an excuse to go through this map again.



Blue_3_5.png - Visuals (3 / 5)
Blue_4_5.png - Detailing (4 / 5)
Blue_4_5.png - Gameplay (4 / 5)
Blue_4_5.png - Atmosphere (4 / 5)
Orange_4_5.png - Difficulty (4 / 5)


Green_4_5.png - Overall Rating (4 / 5)

Doom_Font_Green_Arrow.png  Janitor Patrol 38 min


@TreeSquid A good map, giving a sense of gameplay similar to the original Doom 2. I noticed only one small bug. Zombiemans staying at computer terminals by the way to blue key can't move and shoot.


Doom_Font_Green_Arrow.png  Sector 18


@antares031 I remember the map from antares031 of DMP2016. That map impressed me by details. The new work surprises even more. In addition, to just shine a visuals! True gameplay does not allow you to stand still and admire the beauties. The difficulty is quite high, but the level is planned correctly, so almost always there is the opportunity to retreat or quickly hide behind obstacles. There is a strong element of nonlinearity. At the end of the map turns into a frank carnage, but it does not spoil the impression of it. Music is not quite, in my opinion, suitable for such a difficult level. It's too pacifying and discords with what is happening. The map is far from being a walk :). Apparently there are a lot of secrets on the map. I managed to find only 2 at the first pass.


Outstanding. True masterpiece!



Blue_5_5.png - Visuals (5 / 5)
Blue_5_5.png - Detailing  (5 / 5)
Blue_4_5.png - Gameplay  (4 / 5)
Blue_4_5.png - Atmosphere (4 / 5)
Orange_5_5.png - Difficulty (5 / 5)


Green_5_5.png - Overall Rating (5 / 5)


The Kerberos Complex 1 hour 5 min



Another wonderful work for the classics. I like the beginning with an abundance of berserk-action.


Doom_Font_Green_Arrow.png  Corrupted Industry


All demos here recordered in GZDoom 2.4.0

Edited by StormCatcher.77

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Cool map @Roofi! Sure pleased me at least. I feel you nailed the Hell Revealed style quite well both aesthetically and gameplay-wise. I thought it is actually a rather pretty map, even though obviously extremely simplistic visually. The difficulty is not too high at all in my opinion, certainly you shouldn't lower it. The map is generous with health and ammo, especially after you reach the outside areas, so there's plenty of room for mistakes too. The finale was a nice and unexpected surprised which I definitely did not see coming. I liked it though, which is also surprising since typically IoS-fights suck.


I recorded a FDA (in glboom+ if you, or anyone else, are interested in such a thing. No deaths, finished in about 15 minutes.


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This year isn't mine one, unfortunately. I was hoped I'll post my stuff for project in this year but it seems I've done one big mistake by letting my false motives agitate myself to move at another army base. So I locked in cell (kinda)... Damnit, wasn't expecting that from beginning...


Anyway, I wish good luck to all of contributors. May the Devil of Art be with you.

Edited by CWolf

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@StormCatcher.77 Thanks for the feedback, it's much appreciated. I am glad you had a good time with the map. The zombiemen ontop the computer terminals were intentionally stuck there as a sort of trap (where you accidently soot the barrels, or they shoot the barrels). I didn't want them running off somewhere, however that may be a poor/cheap design choice on my end :p

Edited by TreeSquid

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13 hours ago, StormCatcher.77 said:

The Kerberos Complex 1 hour 5 min


Thanks for the FDA, StormCatcher. I always appreciate FDA feedback.


As I mentioned from the reply to Benjogami's FDA, some elements will be edited in the next version. This includes adjusting secret switches and a couple of tagged linedefs, changing background music, and fixing some encounters, mostly the parts that the player could cheese the fight. It's interesting to see that both FDAs triggered those arch-viles from the courtyard of yellow key area in the way that I wasn't expected. Not to mention that I should edit the placement of soulsphere in the yellow skull area, since it would be frustrated to see the better power-up, just next to the hall.


Again, thanks for the FDA and detailed rating. :)



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Here's the updated version of my level. This one includes the following changes;


- Background music is changed.

- Small changes in several encounters, mostly for skull-key arenas.

- Some secrets are adjusted to make them easier to find.

- Fixed the major bug of one monster teleportation trap.

- Fixed an unclosed sector issue in one room.

- Fixed some inappropriate linedef settings.

- Added special teleporters as a shortcut for co-op play.


Click here to download

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