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Doomworld Members' Sketchbook


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Something original this time, I think. I have an unshaded animation of one of my anthro characters, Tory. She's supposed to be wearing an armored green jumpsuit (in her original design it was dark grey, but I slowly realized it just made her look naked :P). tldr she's an edgy guncat who my friends and I have lovingly nicknamed "Grumpy McGrumpface".



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While I was going through Piskel, I found other things I did a few months ago, like this totally 100% good pump-action shotgun with hyperrealistic shell fyzex. The muzzle flash was originally a bit wonky in size, so I touched it up before I posted it.







And then I found a BFG sprite I made, which is (for some reason) titled "Project Armageddon (BFG 8000) Prototype". There's some weird lore shit going on in the description, too, for some reason. Something about it being a private UAC project and that the workers dubbed it the BFG due to the size and the power it required? I dunno, it's fucking weird. The sprite itself doesn't look too good, imo. I think it was supposed to be for a mod I was working on at the time, but I stopped because I wasn't having fun working on it (and my philosophy is that if you don't have fun working on a mod, it won't be fun to play).


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On 6/13/2017 at 6:47 PM, Kapanyo said:

Simultaneous concept and pixel art for a monster for a game I want to make.


If the game were to ever be realised, this thing would be rendered in jerky, non-interpolated low-poly, Quake style.

Oooh, make sprites, please!

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On 12/13/2017 at 3:00 PM, HunoR said:

Not a sketch, but a little woodcut I did a few years ago. I wanted to make something what looks like a stained glass window from Hexen or Heretic, but I never took the time to color it.


That is amazing! I'd buy something like that, and hang it on my wall!

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On 12/25/2017 at 5:37 PM, The Mysterious Moustachio said:

Doomguy looks like he's wearing a good combination of all his armor designs throughout the years. I like it!

Thanks! That's exactly what I was going for, a mix of classic, 64, and 2016 :-)

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About ten years ago I was still making feeble attemts at drawing things. HDD death killed all of the source files. Much unpleasantness. Some pictures survived on the web. Sometimes I wish they didn't - I never considered any of them finished, but working off a resized jpg sounds perverse.




I was once told that this looks like an evil cyber-dentist. Twice as evil, in other words.




Digging through old backups sure brings back memories.

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^ NICE man! Sad to hear you lost the originals, I've lost some paper originals over the years that I still miss (left a portfolio in a friend's dank basement for a year, in which time they turned to mold). I get Piranesi vibes from the first one, which can only be good. Wasn't sure whether the second was a fancy render or airbrushed painting to begin with, looks like some villain from Wall-E, lol.

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39 minutes ago, Soundblock said:

Sad to hear you lost the originals, I've lost some paper originals over the years that I still miss (left a portfolio in a friend's dank basement for a year, in which time they turned to mold).

Yeah, that sucks. To this day I'm occasionally getting weak urges to start recreating things from that time I still care about. But it seems I don't have a lot of patience anymore.


39 minutes ago, Soundblock said:

Wasn't sure whether the second was a fancy render or airbrushed painting to begin with, looks like some villain from Wall-E, lol.

I've been told something like that too (not about WALL-E though). I think it was the first time I heard about ZBrush.

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On 05/01/2018 at 3:11 PM, GoatLord said:

Really dig your style.


Thanks, man! You know what flattery gets ya? More drawings. ;)


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Back at it again in 2018, with the biggest pauldrons.

Phone quality is the best btw.

the biggest pauldrons.jpg

Edited by Lt.Blam

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