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Spaces in filenames


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I wish people stopped putting spaces in WAD filenames because it's annoying how you have to write -file "Bloody Rust 2 Beta" instead of -file Bloody Rust 2 Beta. I'm sure there are other technical difficulties that can be caused by this.

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Having to write just 2 characters more than usual is not too bad. And technical difficulties would only occur with old tools.

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-file Bloody*.wad

Or just write small script that does the quoting and runs whatever port.
#(adapt as needed for your shell)
chocolate-doom -merge "$*"
Then associate that script with WAD file extension in your file manager.

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I use this hacky batch file front end and it does require me to type the exact file names. It doesn't pickup spaces, so I often have to rename the file to something else. I know its my fault for using my shitty batch scrip but I still hate other people for doing it. Make your wad filenames 8 characters or less and no spaces plz

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Of course, there are plenty of workarounds but why cause the need in the first place?

There are lots of wads to choose from, so anything that makes it slightly more work to load makes it that little bit less likely to get played.

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These people only know Drag&Drop - the concept of a console where you enter parameters MANUALLY is utterly alien to them. Otherwise these long, hard to type filenames would not exist.

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I always love when stories are like, "millennials are all Digital Natives who use a computer like it's second nature!" and it's like, lol no, they know how to use an iPhone. If a kid knows what a "file" is they are ahead of the curve already.

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I feel like that would be behind on the curve, considering it meant they spent time learning how to work DOSBox instead of something that isn't growing less and less relevant by the day.

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Linguica said:

Tab autocompletion my man.

Windows is retarded about that, because it deletes everything after the cursor if you do that.

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