SleepyVelvet Posted February 12, 2017 Is there any existing texture set that anyone has a particular hankering for?; Do you have a favorite texture set?; What is an underrated texture set that you think deserves more love? I'm curious to see people's opinions on any of these questions. Thanks. Spoiler I have a pile of maps unfinished maps, and would like to wrap up any of them to regain my mapping momentum. I would feel more motivated to finish them If i could lock myself down to a particular texture set (this would, perhaps help lock me into a sense of direction). I am interested in your opinions 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Not Jabba Posted February 12, 2017 CC4 is the current gold standard, but you'd be better off searching the texture packs on Realm667 or taking textures from a wad you really like than getting blind recommendations from people who haven't even seen your levels. Overall, I'd say it's much harder to take levels you've already made and try to paste a cool texture set onto them than it is to choose your favorite textures and map with them in mind. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SleepyVelvet Posted February 12, 2017 Not Jabba said:Realm667 Thanks. Not Jabba said:Overall, I'd say it's much harder to take levels you've already made and try to paste a cool texture set onto them than it is to choose your favorite textures and map with them in mind. I appreciate the sentiment. My goal of this thread is less about my mapping in particular. My goal is to collect knowledge about texture packs; but most importantly, I want to get a better sense of what other people like; I want to get a feel for demand. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MinerOfWorlds Posted February 12, 2017 I don't know if this counts as a texture set but anyway i like to use the beta doom textures. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Breezeep Posted February 12, 2017 32in24 textures is pretty much an improved version of cc4 tex but it also has a few more textures to choose from, as well as a custom palette that makes the reds and blues look pretty. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Not Jabba Posted February 12, 2017 In that case, it'd be cool to see someone else do something with the Ancient Aliens textures, though they're a bit more difficult to use than your average texture pack due to the custom palette. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Voros Posted February 12, 2017 Heres a texture pack that you can use 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Marcaek Posted February 12, 2017 I'm partial to the AVP2, Decontex, Uac Ultra and Darkening E2 packs myself. All can be found on idgames or realm667. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Memfis Posted February 12, 2017 I think most texture packs are bleh because they don't complement the iwad graphics well and stray too much from the classic style. So at least for me they are nearly useless since I'm not aiming to create Quake 5 or whatever. Here is a texture pack of Doom-like textures that I've compiled over the years based on more than 50 wads. It still requires some cleaning up but it should be okay for a start. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
40oz Posted February 13, 2017 Memfis said:I think most texture packs are bleh because they don't complement the iwad graphics well and stray too much from the classic style. I'm not sure I completely agree. I think there are tons of textures (especially the cc4-tex.wad) that complement the Doom and Doom 2 style very well. Wads like Plutonia, memento mori, alien vendetta, and requiem are pretty good examples of that. What seems like a more common tend (often observed in community projects that provide a texture resource) is that the abundance of new assets leads mappers to assume that they need to use the new textures exclusively. New textures could be much more fascinating if they were used much more tastefully. On some of the older megawads, it seems like new textures were used in a few random rooms and the rest of the map was made of stock Doom 2 stuff. The textures weren't quite as "in your face" if that makes any sense. I thought a lot about how a new community megawad could use some cool new distinguishing textures without being too abused, and I'm not sure how to go about it. But I'm sure some really awesome Doom 2 maps could be made if they used all stock doom 2 assets plus no more than 5-10 textures lifted from a texture resource of choice. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Voros Posted February 13, 2017 There's a Doom 3 texture pack being developed IIRC, so you should keep a close eye on that. Lots of praise given to it. Same for BTSX's textures, which essel/the BTSX team said they would allow others to use once they release episode 3. Pinchy said:Aquatex Looks like we both mentioned the same thing. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
jmickle66666666 Posted February 13, 2017 feel free to give my texture pack aquatex a try! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Octavarium Posted February 13, 2017 There can never be enough Darkening E2 maps! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LordShadowZ Posted February 13, 2017 I'm starting to use the CC4 texture pack because it has so many textures that go really well with the vanilla textures which will really help enhance my vanilla looking map style. Unless you're going for a drastically different look, CC4 definitely seems to be the way to go. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dragonfly Posted February 13, 2017 Afterglow's webpage here on Doomworld is a great texture resource, albeit a little dated. I often mix and match and make a texture pack of my own suited for the map I'm working on - Just remember to credit the author(s) of the textures you use! CC4 as said is pretty good, and Realm667 is also a good website for resources. Another option is to look for texture packs designed for other games such as half life and quake. :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
illuknisaa Posted February 13, 2017 Doing your own stuff isn't too hard either. Doing iwad edits is pretty simple and sometimes it's faster to make your own stuff rather than dig through bunch of resource wad to find what you need. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dynamo Posted February 13, 2017 Well, ultimately it all depends on what style of maps you are aiming to do. As some have mentioned if you want to do techbase stuff something like the texture pack used by darkening 2 is a godsend, but for other stuff there are other texture packs you can use. Mortires is I think one that's fairly popular, I don't remember if it was ever used in a major project or always remained a texture pack for the sake of making a texture pack... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demon of the Well Posted February 14, 2017 As a general answer to a general question, I always like to see assets from the Blood texture set in use (and functional examples are quite rare, to whit), though given differences between Doom-style geometry and Build-style geometry they often need to be supplemented with more general-purpose gothic/wood stuff from more common sources like Gothictex and such. The Celtic Manor set also makes a good supplement (though art quality is rather uneven here), that's another one you hardly ever see used, seems like. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Angry Saint Posted February 14, 2017 NMN Corp 1 and 2 are good textures sets. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
pcorf Posted February 14, 2017 I like the stock Doom 2 textures, Dark Forces/Star Wars and Plutonia. Let's say if I was to make another episode / megawad I'd use cc4tex but right now I just don't have any ideas. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Soundblock Posted February 14, 2017 Dragonfly said:Afterglow's webpage here on Doomworld is a great texture resource, albeit a little dated. The textures I didn't create myself for Echelon, were mostly an amalgam of picks from that page. Takes a lot of time to make a complementing set though. I sifted through every texture set on there, bar Aliens vs Predator. I'd mirror Not Jabba's sentiment that redressing already constructed maps with new textures isn't easy, but if you just want to see your wads in a new light, why not load them up with the Freedoom texture assets? They've gone through the stock textures and replaced nearly all of them. Might even respark your appreciation with the when-all-is-said-and-done-truly-awesome stock textures. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Afterglow Posted March 3, 2017 Dragonfly said:Afterglow's webpage here on Doomworld is a great texture resource, albeit a little dated What should I add? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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