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Source port problems...


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I got zdoom but dont like it cause i want to play doom with my gamepad.I got jdoom but it lags a lot on my comp when like 6 creatures are attacking and im moving around.I got doom legacy and its great except that when i pick up a clip,health or anything the game pauses for like a half a second and that is really annoying especially when ur fighting and moving around and picking up stuff.Does anyone know of a good source port that has game pad support that dont crash or can anyone help me with fixing the problem with doom legacy?

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Eternity should be able to support any Windows game device, and it can even bind any function to gamepad buttons as if they were keyboard keys ^_^

As for not crashing, well, it doesn't most of the time. The music might be screwy, depending on your sound card. But hey, its young as a Windows port, give it time to mature :P

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Thanx for the info now my problem is he wont stop running and i cant play the game if hes running all the time i have it off and have even tried hitting caps lock to turn it off but he still runs.Is ther a decent port out there for me??????????
This is in zdoom beta123a.

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Hmmm, I'll look into that later and find a way to stop it. But why not just use keyboard + mouse anyway? I (and most others) find it quite hard to play doom or any other FPS with a gamepad.

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U find it hard to play with a gamepad thats weird to me.Ive beat doom 64 on the hardest diffuculty and doom for my snes and psx on the hardest diffuculties, and all those use a controller so thats what im used to not the keyboard and mouse.

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