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Moonblood Megawad

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12 hours ago, cortlong50 said:

if youre reading this.


play this pack.  you wont regret it. its top notch.


Thanks a lot cortlong :)


1 hour ago, NightFright said:

Here is a widescreen statusbar for Moonblood (WAD, 10 KB). Thanks a lot to Deadwing for assisting with finding the right texture to use for this one!



It's now also available in my collection of widescreen statusbars for Doom PWADs.


That's awesome! I've added the link in the first page, thanks NightFright :D

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23 hours ago, elderdragonbrasil said:

Already done 3 maps and liked a lot! The second map I didn't found the second secret :O

To get to the second secret:



You have to jump out the window in the YK room. you can do that by timing the lift where the key is to jump out before it is fully raised. It's a bit tricky, but not hard

Edited by Deadwing

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8 hours ago, Deadwing said:

To get to the second secret:


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You have to jump out the window in the YK room. you can do that by timing the lift where the key is to jump out before it is fully raised. It's a bit tricky, but not hard

Oh, actually, I missed the other one, lol

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10 hours ago, elderdragonbrasil said:

Oh, actually, I missed the other one, lol

Oh, you have to press a switch in the dead end that is close to the BK door. (in the left side) It is behind a wall which has a desaligned texture. (it is easier to notice if you look upwards)

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Yeah, I would suggest to adjust the difficult to HMP, because it keeps increasing until E6 (map 27 I guess).


Unfortunaly the difficult scale is quite big comparing some of the early levels to the later ones. I wanted to do something like Scythe but without going slaughter, however this gave quite different reactions: Some people only enjoyed the early levels while others only the later ones haha. (ofc several people liked the whole thing too). I guess difficult scaling is a good thing as long it's not too much?

Edited by Deadwing

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For some maps, if it has the berserk pack, use it as many as possible. As you already know, it can help you to save ammo for some critical key points of the map. That's what I usually do. I even had plenty of ammo for the next map thanks to that...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have to say that I am enjoying this wad so far even though I'm only up to map 11 right now. The midi is pretty good as well. I did find an issue with map 10 that makes it impossible to get 100% secrets.


- Sector 226 is currently labeled as a secret but the player can't get to it.

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On 2017-6-22 at 3:36 AM, Larzuk said:

I have to say that I am enjoying this wad so far even though I'm only up to map 11 right now. The midi is pretty good as well. I did find an issue with map 10 that makes it impossible to get 100% secrets.


- Sector 226 is currently labeled as a secret but the player can't get to it.


Nice, I've been watching your videos, you do play really well! :)

I hope you enjoy the second half =x


About that bug, god damnit! Can't believe I've released it to /idgames with something like this :/


EDIT: Oh, it's the chainsaw secret, you can actually grab it by accessing a lift switch behind the crushers area.


On 2017-6-11 at 1:05 AM, spiritmaze said:

I think the difficulty scale is more of a reflection of my own Doom abilities and I'm just not skilled enough yet to finish this wad on UV. I found the difficulty with Moonblood was due to cumulative attrition carry-over from previous levels. By the time I had finished Skeleton Garden, I was in pretty bad shape ammo and health wise and in poor condition to carry on with the proceeding levels, which are far less forgiving. I actually finished some of the earlier levels in bad shape too, but I was able to recover with ammo and health in the proceeding levels. However, unless I finished Skeleton Garden with a healthy arsenal and good health then it's almost impossible to carry on. Skeleton Garden was the key turning point for me on UV.

On my first play through of Moonblood, I played on HMP, and that was a bit too easy in the beginning and the right level of difficulty at the end for me. I'm guessing, through multiple play throughs and familiarizing myself with the levels, then an UV play through will become easier. I was throughly beaten on my first UV attempt (I am disciplined, I don't allow quick saves which adds to tension and atmosphere for me).

I wouldn't suggest changing anything in this great wad. I just need to get better at Doom.


Oh I see! I believe some things could've be improved, but this will go to my next project :D


I'm glad you did enjoy the wad, resources can get indeed quite strict on later levels, where some tricks like @leodoom85 said would help dealing with it. Also, one thing I've discovered while watching demos is that you can kill Masterminds with one BFG shot and Cyberdemons with 2, which can help getting some extra ammo. I guess this is probably wery well known among the community, though D:

Edited by Deadwing
Wrong info

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Make a statusbar with measures of 486x32. Add your standard-size (320x32) statusbar exactly in the center. That means on each side, you have additional 83 pixels (320+83+83=486). The trick is to give the statusbar an offset of x=83 in SLADE or XWE and save it like that. The real challenge is "only" to add the missing graphics. :)


Actually, the image doesn't even have to be inside a wad if you just save the image offset and export it like that. This way it would also work e.g. inside of a zip or pk3 file (if placed in a "graphics" subdir).

Edited by NightFright

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19 hours ago, Deadwing said:

EDIT: Oh, it's the chainsaw secret, you can actually grab it by accessing a lift switch behind the crushers area.


The chainsaw, computer area map, and soul sphere secrets are easily obtainable. The fourth secret that makes it impossible to get 100% is in a small two square area to the right of the soul sphere secret. The left square is connected to the soul sphere secret, but the one to the right, sector 226, is also marked as a secret. Taking the secret effect off of the right sector will fix the issue and make 100% secrets obtainable.

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9 hours ago, Larzuk said:

The chainsaw, computer area map, and soul sphere secrets are easily obtainable. The fourth secret that makes it impossible to get 100% is in a small two square area to the right of the soul sphere secret. The left square is connected to the soul sphere secret, but the one to the right, sector 226, is also marked as a secret. Taking the secret effect off of the right sector will fix the issue and make 100% secrets obtainable.

I see, I'm really sorry from confusing things up.


Ugh, not sure if I should release a fix for this since it is already on /idgames and I wanted it to have the lastest release. Then the current demos would get de-sync'ed?


Sorry for this :/

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If there are a couple demos for map 10 then try running them with a fixed copy of the wad to see if it messes with anything. If it does desync the demos, then it is up to you if you want to upload the fixed version of the wad or keep it as it is. This isn't a game breaking issue so you don't have to fix it if you want.

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  • 1 month later...

I've been playing this wad on UV and enjoying it so far, but progress has come to a halt at E4 Map 3 ('Hidden In The Dungeon'). After I've entered the large area accessible by the yellow key, the door closes behind me and is locked. I'm assuming that to exit this room I must lower the metal pillar by activating the skull switch in the passageway to the right, then get onto it before it rises. 


The problem is that there is only just over three seconds before the pillar rises, and it seems absolutely impossible to reach it in that time, especially considering that a lift needs to be activated as well. The logical solution appeared to be to stand by the pillar and shoot the switch through the window, but that doesn't work either.


Does anyone have the solution to this? Can't find this level on YouTube.

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^ Thanks very much for the video - that's interesting and helpful! I thought that puzzle was pretty devious, especially the way the designer used the same switch twice (a trick which has caught me out in the past, on one of the Master Levels maps), and your gameplay taught me that I need to make more use of the automap in these situations. I thought you made very effective use of sniping in that clip too.


I've noticed a few of your Moonblood clips on YouTube (assuming you're 'Leonardo 85'), but as I said I couldn't find this particular one.

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10 minutes ago, Summer Deep said:

^ Thanks very much for the video - that's interesting and helpful! I thought that puzzle was pretty devious, especially the way the designer used the same switch twice (a trick which has caught me out in the past, on one of the Master Levels maps), and your gameplay taught me that I need to make more use of the automap in these situations. I thought you made very effective use of sniping in that clip too.


I've noticed a few of your Moonblood clips on YouTube (assuming you're 'Leonardo 85'), but as I said I couldn't find this particular one.

Yup, Leonardo85 is my username in YT. And I did that LP of Moonblood almost blind...

And there's another reason for using the automap, I have the trigger lines option enabled. That way some secrets can be shown in the map :P

Edited by leodoom85

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  • 4 years later...

I have decided to give this mapset a shot, but I am a bit confused: the description says that the mapset has an episodic format, yet upon launch, I do not get an episode selection screen. Did I do something wrong?

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There isn't a MAPINFO or equivalent to implement an episode selection screen; rather, some maps have death exits, and that's what marks the division between episodes. You'll also see the episodes denoted in the map titles.

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9 hours ago, Rudolph said:

I have decided to give this mapset a shot, but I am a bit confused: the description says that the mapset has an episodic format, yet upon launch, I do not get an episode selection screen. Did I do something wrong?


There's no episode selection in Moonblood, even though it is indeed divided in episodes (also, there's only 1 death exit, if I'm not wrong), but that division is more thematic instead of actual episodes :D

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Ah! That is a relief, then. An episode selection would have still been neat, but I guess I can just use the console instead. Thank you!

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  • 1 year later...

Hi everyone,

Bumping this to post my UV-max playthrough of Moonblood. Full playlist below:

I got roughed up in parts but it definitely made me better as a player. My compliments to @Deadwing. This megawad has a very well-defined identity and I enjoyed it a lot. Maybe I'll do a UV max for Exomoon and even Ozonia to wrap up the whole trio of megawads. Haven't made a strong commitment to all three yet. Enjoy! 

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/4/2023 at 12:04 PM, DreadWanderer said:

Hi everyone,

Bumping this to post my UV-max playthrough of Moonblood. Full playlist below:

I got roughed up in parts but it definitely made me better as a player. My compliments to @Deadwing. This megawad has a very well-defined identity and I enjoyed it a lot. Maybe I'll do a UV max for Exomoon and even Ozonia to wrap up the whole trio of megawads. Haven't made a strong commitment to all three yet. Enjoy! 


Just finished watching everything, thanks a lot @DreadWanderer! Really fun playthrough and it was a great way for me to revisit these levels! Loved how you handled most of the battles and setpieces. The placement of enemies + resources can be indeed challenging in a different manner.


TBH Moonblood is kinda of a weird child to me lol, which now I learned to appreaciate it despite the low initial reception, but tbh I didn't think I would still be able to see new playthroughs of it to this day. Thanks a lot again for sharing it :D

Edited by Deadwing

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1 hour ago, Deadwing said:


Just finished watching everything, thanks a lot @DreadWanderer! Really fun playthrough and it was a great way for me to revisit these levels! Loved how you handled most of the battles and setpieces. The placement of enemies + resources can be indeed challenging in a different manner.


TBH Moonblood is kinda of a weird child to me lol, which now I learned to appreaciate it despite the low initial reception, but curioisly I didn't think I would still be able to see new playthroughs of it to this day. Thanks a lot again for sharing it :D


Thank you for your words. I'm currently about halfway through Exomoon and will post in its thread once I complete it.


I can see what you mean about Moonblood being a sort of weird creation in retrospect. I've played these two before but not UV maxing them. Going through them in a patient way on UV really helps me understand how to compare them and see how design ideas have evolved between megawads. Going pretty well with Exomoon so far! 


Btw I'm really flattered that you watched everything, thanks a lot!

Edited by DreadWanderer

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  • 5 months later...

Passed completely on UV-MAX No Saves and recorded the demos. Excellent megawad, the only thing, starting with MAP18 and continuing until about MAP22 (I do not remember exactly) did not like the use of archviles, often they were shoved behind the player without explicit warning and sometimes inappropriate for fighting with them. But then there was on the contrary gorgeous map, where there were a lot of archviles and served them as in Haunted from Plutonia. I also insanely liked the visuals and layout of the levels, they are really fun to explore.

I'll leave the archive with the demos for history here. Demos are played only on Eternity Engine (I felt more comfortable playing on this port than on DSDA, etc.).
Moonblood UV-MAX No Saves by DRON12261

I also forgot to mention about the demo. There are sometimes moments where I just start circling the room like an idiot for a minute and a half. It's fine, I was just sitting in discord voice chat at that moment and was distracted xdd

Edited by DRON12261

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