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Weirdest damaging floors


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Everyone knows not to take a dip in green nukage or molten lava without some measure of caution. In general, most liquids or anything surrounded in poison signs can be reasonably assumed to burn your toes when you step on it. However not all mappers agree on what kind of floors should or shouldn't hurt the player.

Some of the weirder examples are the burning inverted cross in E2M1: Deimos Anomaly. Another one is E2M2: Containment Area which has some high voltage 20% damaging blue floor pads, unprecedented in any maps prior to it.

What are some examples, not just in IWADs, but in any map you've played, where you were damaged by floors where you were you had no pragmatic reason to assume should hurt?

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I always wondered what is the purple liquid in BTSX and why is it damaging. It certainly looks cool though.

I once encountered a damaging wood floor in some old WAD. Good times.

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I played a map where the entire room was damaging, not just the nukage pools off to the side but also the solid floor (textured in the stock D2 dark hexagonal flat). It was a lock-in too and the map author smugly insisted that it should have been obvious because there were poison signs hanging around.

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rdwpa said:

I played a map where the entire room was damaging, not just the nukage pools off to the side but also the solid floor (textured in the stock D2 dark hexagonal flat). It was a lock-in too and the map author smugly insisted that it should have been obvious because there were poison signs hanging around.

I've done this in one of my maps, its a radioactive chamber, all shawn2 on the floors and ceiling with a special sealed door. The room does more damage the further in you go.

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SFoZ911 said:

I always wondered what is the purple liquid in BTSX and why is it damaging. It certainly looks cool though.

BTSX's purple liquid is internally referred to as "coolant", so it should be doing damage by freezing you I suppose... but since it didn't turn up in E1 where a description like coolant would actually make sense, I guess it's just Purple Stuff Of Your Preference.

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I love when damaging floors are used creatively, such as when they're toxic gases or radiations in a room that you have to shut off, or harmful planet exterior (you need to take a radiation suit from a cabin to venture outside).

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More or less anytime someone uses the water flats for a damaging floor. Thankfully most mappers don't. But, I have played a few wads on occasion that do and it can be annoying.

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Fulgrim said:

More or less anytime someone uses the water flats for a damaging floor. Thankfully most mappers don't. But, I have played a few wads on occasion that do and it can be annoying.


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There was a map where you got harmed for standing too close of those stock marbfaces textures. The damaging sector was brighter and maybe there were some candles, I don't remember well.

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Darch said:

There was a map where you got harmed for standing too close of those stock marbfaces textures. The damaging sector was brighter and maybe there were some candles, I don't remember well.

Oh yeah, that's in E2M5 I think.

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CLEIM10 (and/or its sequel, CLEIM20) had a room with a reactor core. The room was not damaging until the shielding of the reactor dropped, at which point the entire room around the reactor became damaging. And this was pulled on vanilla back in 1994...I'm still not certain how they pulled this one off.

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Fulgrim said:

More or less anytime someone uses the water flats for a damaging floor. Thankfully most mappers don't. But, I have played a few wads on occasion that do and it can be annoying.

I did once, in a power plant-themed map (Sinister Intention, MAP02) because that water flat is SOOOOOOO blue. If I saw a liquid of such colour in real life, I'd assume it to be loaded with chemicals. Hell, I wouldn't even drink an energy drink that colour.

So I made it, once more, "coolant" and as such it made sense for it to hurt.


Current WAD, blue is water. I give in, y'all lack of critical thought on liquid hues has won over here. :P

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I once considered making the entirety of exterior spaces on Phobos/Deimos/Mars maps (I hadn't decided at that point) damaging, with 'airlock' spaces providing radsuits for this very reason - to add a touch of 'realism'. Doesn't one of the Wraith megaWADs do this very thing at one point though? Can't remember.

Either way, does that make it a damaging floor, or a damaging sky? #DoomworldPhilosophy

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In some mods, "poison gas" or "high radiation" areas are used instead. In those, the floor might really be anything, as (supposedly) the damage isn't coming directly from it.

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Jayextee said:

Either way, does that make it a damaging floor, or a damaging sky?

If you aren't using an advanced source port, it's a damaging floor. Hurtfloors don't do damage if you're in mid-air.

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UAC Ultra has several areas where you get warned that there's sub-freezing temperature or radiation -- if you enter them, forget about floor textures, they're meaningless.

Impie's recreation of Derceto Manor (from the original Alone in the Dark) has a room that's damaging. Those who played the original game might remember that when you enter that room, the smoke from the ashtray grows and tries to surround you, if you're hit you suffocate to death (AitD had a lot of insta-death traps) so the only option is to run quickly through the room without giving time for the evil smoke to hit you. Approximating that as a damaging floor makes sense, but without context it might seem weird.

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Anytime I see a floor flooded with a brown liquid I do not know what to expect. Is it mud? Excrements? Chocolate? Generally I try to avoid it, better safe than sorry.

Edited by shotfan

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Gez said:

UAC Ultra has several areas where you get warned that there's sub-freezing temperature or radiation -- if you enter them, forget about floor textures, they're meaningless.

Haha what a retard, who would make a shitty map like that?

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In Cybie 2, the toilet where the nigga pimp imps are, has damaging yellow nukage. The hoes' toilets, OTOH, is ALL damaging.

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Maes said:

CLEIM10 (and/or its sequel, CLEIM20) had a room with a reactor core. The room was not damaging until the shielding of the reactor dropped, at which point the entire room around the reactor became damaging. And this was pulled on vanilla back in 1994...I'm still not certain how they pulled this one off.

You can add/remove the damage (or any) effects to sectors with the "raise/lower floor, change texture&type". If you only raise/lower the floor by 1 unit and use same floor texture in the change, people might only notice the damage being the only change in the room.

I used a similar effect in some unreleased level where I changed water to blood (just used the texture change) and teleported demons in to the area.

In some another level I changed a bunch of sectors to secret sectors, so the secret counter was over 9000% at the intermission. This was supposed to be in a secret level.

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Jimi said:

the secret counter was over 9000%

I see what you did there.

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Darch said:

There was a map where you got harmed for standing too close of those stock marbfaces textures. The damaging sector was brighter and maybe there were some candles, I don't remember well.

It was on e2m5, and the ceiling was a blood texture. That kinda pissed me off since I always assumed it was the ceiling hurting you.

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Forget which speedmapping session this was in, but AD_79 had a fantastic sequence in a map of his which involved the player traversing rendered sky floor that was (iirc) 20% damaging. Was a pretty cool idea.

40oz said:

Haha what a retard, who would make a shitty map like that?

I actually was gonna respond to this thread with this example, especially seeing who its OP was. Its definitely one of my favourite parts of UAC Ultra.

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You must be talking about Abyssal Speedmapping Session 19.
Also, Damaging water seems to be a weird choice for a damaging floor, unless the water is supposed to be boiling hot.

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I'm working on a map at the moment that has non-damaging green nukage, mostly used because it looks really nice.

I realized the only foolproof way of demonstrating nukage doesn't hurt in this map (and you never really leave the nukage, so it's clear it's consistent) is to have the player start standing in it. Hopefully that way people will twig it isn't hurtful!

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Near-freezing cold water would also make sense.

dead.air features some damaging sky floors; however touching them also teleports you back on solid ground. So you take damage and get moved back to a safe place. I think the damage is to dissuade people from deliberately jumping down to get teleported away.

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