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Where can I find the Doom font for Windows ?
(if this font exist of course ;-))

Thanks for any infos

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It is quite amazing how everyone here behaves when a girl asks something. Call it chivalry, no wait, I think "Spoodukustz" sounds better...

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Spoodukustz? Hell, I just invented that one...nevermind.

Nice flash, Mac. Dunno how you ended founding that, though :)

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It is quite amazing how everyone here behaves when a girl asks something...

I always behave ;-)

I saw the Doom fonts on Sir Robins, but I didn't spot the DooM.TTF one, which is what is featured in the site I gave the URL for. The one in Sir Robin's font pack is a .fon file.


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Although, Zaldron, you do have a point about behaviour. I used to run a regular weekend live action Role playing game. A bastion of geekery if ever there was one. In such an environment, greasy skinned, spotty, anorak wearing mummy's boys reigned supreme.

Every now and then we would get a female player turning up. You could watch the geeks flock round the poor unfortunate individual trying to do things to please her character in the vain hope that some of the kudos of speaking to a woman in character might rub off into real life. It never did, and she usually left the group pretty damn sharp too. Who could blame her?

For anyone that knows about these things, we were playing a live version of "Vampire the Masquerade" for a while. The male representative of the Assamite clan was able to put aside thousands of years of clan rivalry, and establish very positive ally type relations with the Setite clan when a female Setite appeared on the scene. Bah!

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