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Looking for speedrunners

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Hey there.

Download a copy of Freedoom v0.11.1, record/state your best time and post it on that thread. We're obviously not speedrunners, but you guys are. I hope you have the time and interest to help out.

It is advised that you avoid use tricks such as wallrunning, gliding etc with your speedruns. To make things fair for normal people.

Times will be rounded off to the nearest half minute. Depending on the speedruns' skill and quality, 30-90 seconds will be added, for fairness.

-complevel 9 or -complevel 2/3 (depending on IWAD)

C1M1   +   0:30 (0:22:00)   +   kraflab
C1M8   +   1:00 (0:52:94)   +   38_ViTa_38
MAP01  +   0:30 (0:07:94)   +   kraflab

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UV speed (exit as fast as possible) or UV max (exit asap but with maximum possible kills and secrets)?

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Shouldn't the par times be done by non-speedrunners? Like Romero, I don't know how good he was, but obviously his times were more "human" than what some Xit Vono could achieve in 20 minutes or so. If you use these kraflab times, they might discourage "mere mortals" from even trying to speedrun these levels.

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Memfis said:

Shouldn't the par times be done by non-speedrunners?

This is a fair point, but I feel it should be done as an average, or 'calculated mid-point' between the times set by speedrunners and casual players.

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I have a suggestion: base the par times on something a little more demanding than a UV speed run of each map; probs not pacifist or tyson (maybe UV max?).

That way it's both a 'soft' and 'hard' challenge; normal players will take this par time as a basic completion (any difficulty, speed) but those in the know can aim to beat it with a UV max or something.

I think newbies and normies should be considered as a potential audience with things like this, should IGN or PC Gamer or whatever ever run a story on FreeDoom and a deluge of new folk rush in and try it (stranger things have happened!).

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Memfis said:

Shouldn't the par times be done by non-speedrunners? Like Romero, I don't know how good he was, but obviously his times were more "human" than what some Xit Vono could achieve in 20 minutes or so. If you use these kraflab times, they might discourage "mere mortals" from even trying to speedrun these levels.

Right. For BTSX we're doing what DTWID did, which mimics what id did (heh). Alfonzo speedruns all the maps without grinding for optimization and adds 15 seconds to his exit times. He's a community insider that knows a ton about the game, he's actually a good player who sometimes reaches as far as map03 in the Iron Man challenges, but he's not a speedrunner per se, with all of the ridiculous habits that are associated with it.

I mean, if you quit runs because you got stuck on a monster for a second, because killing it is sub-optimal, if you can't resist using exploits you might find, if you only see the first exit as a base for the real target time grind... you should absolutely not be setting par times. Instead you're setting the first speed record that other speedrunners might try to snipe.

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Based on Dew's opinion maybe I'd be a good candidate? I'd be happy to set times during my streams and pass on the VOD's if you're not about. :)

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To make things fair, 30 extra seconds (maybe more) will be given (unless you finished a map in less than 30 seconds).

@ kraflab, hey we both finished e1m1 in the same time :D

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