Spectre01 Posted March 20, 2017 ^ Could just use saves for longer maps like this rather than cheating. No point in being a wannabe-hardcore guy, nobody's judging. ;) 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
NecrumWarrior Posted March 20, 2017 That flowchart is nice and all, but could someone please explain the way secrets are set up here? I am seriously confused. There's supposed to be an E3M0 entrance in here somewhere too, isn't there? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted March 20, 2017 (edited) Only episodes 1 and 4 have an M0 map. e3m4 has a secret exit to e3m5 and a normal one to e3m9. e3m5 has a secret exit to e3m6 and a normal one to e3m9. e3m6 just takes you to e3m9 which then leads to e3m7. So e3m9 is the standard progression map after e3m4 and m5 and m6 are the secret maps. Edited March 20, 2017 by Spectre01 Because I can. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demtor Posted March 20, 2017 5 hours ago, NuMetalManiak said: You're gonna end up in E3M7 Demtor. Looks like you'll have to warp to E3M5 and E3M6 if you want to try them out later. Ya, I'll have to warp to those maps tomorrow and Tuesday. Not a big deal for pistol starts. Confusing stuff, sorry if I jumped ahead then with map 9. Hah. I love the charts, Magnusblitz. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spectre01 Posted March 20, 2017 Since they're both secret maps, I assume it's cool to do m5 and m6 in one day along with whatever other map there is. There's still quite a bit left to get through. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NecrumWarrior Posted March 20, 2017 5 hours ago, Spectre01 said: Only episodes 1 and 4 have an M0 map. e3m4 has a secret exit to e3m5 and a normal one to e3m9. e3m5 has a secret exit to e3m6 and a normal one to e3m9. e3m6 just takes you to e3m9 which then leads to e3m7. So e3m9 is the standard progression map after e3m4 and m5 and m6 are the secret maps. Thanks, I managed to find the true secret exit and make it into E3M5. I guess I got confused and thought this was the last episode even though I know it isn't. DTWID ended in Episode 3 which threw me off a bit. E3M4: Fortuna Bridge Okay, so I like this map a lot more than The Grinder. The beginning was still pretty brutal but once I cleared the hump and made it to the bridge it wasn't all that bad. The whole beginning area is quite confusing until you figure out that most of the unreachable areas are part of a string of secrets leading to the E3M5 exit. It was actually pretty fun to follow the trail of breadcrumbs until I found that exit. Very cool. I actually never went through the proper yellow door so I have no idea what's behind it haha! The bridge trap caught me by surprise. It felt like something I would expect while playing Ancient Aliens, which I actually had to train myself to stop expecting in the previous level because now I'm playing it since I finished DTWID. The collapsing bridge was awesome, I don't think I've ever seen one done that way in a Doom map before. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted March 20, 2017 E3M5 Forgotten Caverns Now that's an automap if I ever saw one. A flying lost soul. There are quite a few of these around, not really noticable at first though. Might want to get the megaarmor, so the yellow key at the mouth is reachable. Then you invade this thing's body. Very ugly designed rooms but who really gives a shit. The gameplay is fine. The crusher room had several interesting secrets, but made them painful to sit and wait because of those dumb lifts that go up and down. There just never is a good use of those. The lost soul maze at the "secret" exit turns out fun. And getting keys is fine too. It's better to go for the yellow key instead of the blue key, as the blue although a shortcut involves walking over max damaging lava. The "normal" exit, the one I want to go to, is also in that max damaging lava that comprises the lost soul flames, and it needs the red key. Wonderfully menacing, even though the lifts in the crusher room gave me a migraine. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
bioshockfan90 Posted March 20, 2017 13 hours ago, Spectre01 said: ^ Could just use saves for longer maps like this rather than cheating. No point in being a wannabe-hardcore guy, nobody's judging. ;) I don't know, I mean I'm not amazing at Doom, not trying to impress anyone. I just don't like to use saves, ehh it's weird. I save those for maps like Miasma, one-off things. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demtor Posted March 20, 2017 E3M5 - “Forgotten Caverns” by Emil "NaturalTvventy" BrundagegzDoom - UV – pistol start/no saves Smaller map but there's a lot to unpack here. First off, finally a use of damage floors I can get behind! My only complaint is again having the leaky enivro suit effect in play. I don't think I will ever support that shit. An environ suit should save you from damage... period. In any case, the damage floors begin with teases at the start, scare you back half way through, force you later to deal with it during the scramble up the steps, remind you of what's below and to constantly be watchful of your steps, potentially drop a slow player in following an attempt to grab the key, then hint at a secret waiting below and around the corner before finally sprinting back across the lake for that BK you saw earlier and/or sprint over to that secret exit. All of it was pretty well done and really only a small portion of this map. The other bigger concepts of this map consisted of very tight ammo management with hordes of imps and Cacos, and a group of Barons along with a very dangerous narrow maze stuffed with Barons and lost souls. Can't forget the crushers. Wouldn't be an E3 map without em. That Baron hidey hole experience was intense but fair. They never teleported behind you or opened up a monster closet at the start to bring in one behind you, forcing you in. Nothing dirty or mean spirited like that. Just a very tense tip toe through the dark requiring some carefully placed rockets around tricky halls of varying lengths. Optional invulernability sphere in case you just can't handle it. If you found the BFG secret, would've made things a little easier but not much IMO. With ammo so tight, it's almost not worth killing two Barons for just a BFG. Tricky, tricky, tricky map. I liked it a lot. I really liked the cut of the angles used in this map, like the main screenshot above and stuff like this. It's also very fitting for an E3 hell map to have weird designs on the auto map. Thumbs up! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted March 20, 2017 E3M5 What if the 90's were a perfect time for mapping? This map is it. Most unusual affair here within the layout, it doesn't make sense, but it's amazing. It has all these damaging floors, but it's making the map more fun than it does make it uncomfortable to roam around and kill everything in sight, because they're not too plenty and do feel like they have a purpose of being a danger zone and not annoyance zone. The mazes were nicely crafted, with an occasional baron to run away from and retreat to kill. This also the most colourful map so far, with a blend of red and blue colours. 5/5 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted March 21, 2017 (edited) been really busy recently so not going to do any write-ups but ill continue to post demos :) e2m6 - fda e2m7 - fda Edited March 21, 2017 by rehelekretep 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Magnusblitz Posted March 21, 2017 E3M5: Forgotten Caverns 93% kills, 4/6 secrets Looks like I was wrong a bit on the secret map progression, as E3M5 also has a normal exit (to E3M9) and secret one (to E3M6). Good little map here, it's threatening but never in a mean or unfair feeling way. Lots of enemies at the start and not much ammo, so I ended up doing a lot of running away for awhile (and I never did bother to clear out the cacos/barons near the start). Interesting design bit with the secret exit, gotta hold onto that invulnerability sphere in E3 IWAD fashion. Aesthetically it's a combination of some rather nice looking areas and then some awful red/blue/fireblu gaudiness. :) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Salt-Man Z Posted March 21, 2017 So, I've fallen quite a bit behind. 'S'fine, I was halfway through E4 when this thing started, so I won't be replaying that, just hopefully finishing it someday. I did manage to crank through the rest of E2 this week, though I never got around to posting. (Remedying that below.) Will definitely be replaying E3, since when I played it before it was apparently unfinished, and I'm not sure I got the secret levels. (Not looking forward to Grinder, though.) E2M4: Derelict Vessel 40:54 | 100% Kills | 92% Items | 83% Secrets Love this one. The compact ship interior is very cool, secrets are fun, and the way hell takes over the exit area is super neato. E2M5: Deep Storage 26:33 | 100% Kills | 82% Items | 71% Secrets Another great map. Much easier going than when I played it first. I think I lucked into the secret imp-shooting-switch my first time through; I was ready for it this time, though. I do love how you have to turn the power on initially, and how everything activates when you do so. The blue key was devious; I had to cheat to find it previously; it's so cheeky how it's right there in front of you, then it closes up and you forget all about it. (It's even there on the automap; how could one forget? lol) E2M9: Castle of Illusions 23:34 | 99% Kills | 100% Items | 100% Secrets Man, the damaging floor thing is getting old (it'll get a lot older soon, though) but this is still a fun romp. Some nasty nasty traps here, dropping you into the damaging drink. E2M6: Poison Control 34:58 | 98% Kills | 98% Items | 71% Secrets Masterful. I barely survived the post-yellow-key ambush(es). Saw the first one coming, so just ran, and then the subsequent ones almost got me. A great looking level. E2M7: Gateway Labs 57:29 | 97% Kills | 91% Secrets | 53% Secrets I love this one too, though the secrets are on the maddening side. (I've long since given up on figuring out the bulk of NT's puzzles.) But I love the big sprawling ugly thing going on here. So many little setpieces. I just wish I didn't have to trek through the nukage every time I visited the northeast corner. Both times I played this, I found the true exit long before I remembered the red key and went back to discover the fake exit and got confused. Both times. :D E2M8: Rubicon Starting continuously with the rocket launcher is nice. Used it on everything after clearing a couple of lost souls with the shotgun (almost killed myself later by RLing a lingering soul, too.) Managed to tackle the cyber with rockets without dying or saving, which is a minor miracle for me. A decent boss map. The highlight, of course, was running around triggering all the switches while dodging rocket death. 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted March 21, 2017 E3M6 Anomaly Retribution Ah we meet again E3M6. You and your teleport destinations that did not work on difficulties outside of UV/NM. That has since been fixed, so let's do this now. Now for those that are not aware, this is the true secret level of NEIS E3, as the real normal exits for the two previous maps led to E3M9, and this one has an exit straight there. But enough fucking the dogs in the ass, let's go ahead and see what we've got here. Looks like someone's been through the IWAD's E1M8 and got everything. Upon entering the signature teleporter we see that even the dark room has been cleaned out and the area lit up more. The guy even left us some things to use for what we are about to face down there, and it's quite a lot. We can say he never made it past this point, ha. My first order of business is to get that invulnerability, then run around trying to figure out what to do. One order of business was to head up first, finding this star-shaped zone up top and getting a secret, and finding a switch that just so happens to be close to the exit, then backtracking. I first teleport to a flesh maze, which resembles E2M6's dark maze except it's not dark. Got the blue key there. The other teleporter led me to an area with the yellow key but it didn't look like there's much to do over there. The solution there is to take the blue door to another teleporter to the area, shooting a switch and hopping across, taking the trail of health bonuses. There's another area here, sort of classic combat, before coming back to the yellow key zone for another portal hop, to an encircular entrapment, where getting multiple red keys is the order of business here. Each key opens up more monsters too, so it's frantic and congested, but still manages to be fun enough. Then we continue the yellow key trek, going back to a previous area then the fake wall maze which I think sucks. The cyber at the end was no trouble due to an invulnerability on my setting, and I was done with monsters by then. Finally, I can get that goddamn yellow key and leave this gargantuan map, only to find... E3M9 Lake of Fire ...another DTWID alumni! Not much in the way of differences between this and the E3M9 of DTWID, and I pretty much memorized all of DTWID's levels by now, so I went through this one pretty quickly and efficiently. Good thing too, because the next map proved to be the absolute longest. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
NecrumWarrior Posted March 21, 2017 (edited) Alright well I don't have much to say on the two secret maps. E3M5 was reasonably fun. I was able to find the secret exit thanks to the Automap close to the main exit. Getting there was an issue though. I am not fond of the secrets beyond large pools of lava, particularly since I had a hard time keeping my health up for the majority of the map. It was followed up by a map I won't be completing pretty much for the same reason I didn't complete E1M9. It's just too much for me. Slaughter maps really aren't my thing, though I will admit that the idea of exploring what was beyond the death at the end of Phobos Anomaly is a great one. E3M9: Lake of Fire Apparently this map was in DTWID, but I don't think I ever found the secret level while playing it so it's new for me. And ya know what? I think this is the first map I played in Episode 3 that I really loved! This level was very classic in feel and it had such great pacing that I am kind of surprised that it didn't fill an earlier slot in the Episode. I'm kind of grateful though because it has been just such a brutal journey to get this far. The map starts off with some great chaos. It does a good job of making you feel like a badass as you run around slaying demons left and right without worrying TOO much about your health. It's really fun. The difficulty really doesn't start to ramp up til you start exploring the side areas. This made for some really natural breaks in the action where you run around the main area for a bit after retrieving a key. Secrets were in pretty good locations. Even though they were beyond lava, one of them gave a Radsuit so you could run around and find another secret, and one gave a Blue Armor which helped me run back without dying even though I was low on health. it's a little weird walking to the exit with very little resistance after getting the Yellow Key, but whatever it was a fun level. Favorite Maps: 1. E1M7: Biosphere 2. E2M2: Proving Grounds 3. E3M9: Lake of Fire 4. E1M4: Abandoned Factory 5. E2M7 (I don't remember where this actually ranked... apparently my review got eaten in the transition.) Edited March 21, 2017 by NecrumWarrior 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demtor Posted March 21, 2017 E3M6 - “Anomaly Retribution” by Emil "NaturalTvventy" BrundagegzDoom - UV – pistol start/SAVES Wow! Now THIS is a secret map. A perfect hell map too. Might be my favorite so far, hard to say. I gave in and used a few saves here and there as I had no idea Doom 1 maps could be like this. My only experience with slaughter maps is in Doom 2. Not even sure if this is a "slaughter map" per say but it sure felt like it at times right from the start after getting past all of the original Doom parts (very neat idea) and getting assaulted on all sides before stumbling down into a lake of fire with two Cyberdemons. OMFG! Took a while to get the timing right there. Grab a rad suit, hit the switch, strafe run past a Cybe or two, pick up the IV sphere, ride the lift up at the back, collect the plasma gun and ammo at each point before dropping down to the secret warp for the BFG. In and out ASAP, take down both Cyberdemons before running from the Caco horde, returning back to the beginning area. All of the above... before I even get a real start on the map. Hahahaha! I tried doing a few different starts with other approaches but it felt way better to begin with all of the weapons and close to 200/200 health and ammo and no more cyberdemons. This map is a mean beast and you'll need every advantage you can get. It was tough to really get a grasp on where I was supposed to go but once I started picking apart at the beginning horde, things seemed to open up with teleporters tucked away inside. It was a dizzying blur so I'm not even sure you needed all three keys to beat this map, but that's what I did. What trip. I don't even know what else to say, I couldn't keep things straight. I liked all of it except maybe the fakewall faces of death section. Though it was kind of a neat attempt with the surprise Cyberdemon and his cool looking stars. My favorite part was the maze in caves filled with tons of imps to kill and damaging blood (of course, what else would you expect *eyeroll*) surrounding a core center eye piece that keeps evolving and changing with every RK pick up that brought on ambushes that escalated in severity each time before finally I ran like hell after the 4th one which brought in Barons. I beelined for that center teleport and I GTFO. Whew! The other maze with the flesh stuff was really cool too with lots of enemies to mow down, switches to be found via blood trails and things kept getting darker and a darker with each switch that opens up more and more enemies. The other frantic section you get thrown in to with zero warning and no easy way out was quite a shock. Multiple times over in fact just in case you ran past everything like I did the first go around. Getting through the upper area filled with ammo via jumping over gaps and dropping down step by step in to the caged area before the teleport out was pretty awesome. I think I was clearing out A LOT more than I had to because I had no idea where I was supposed to go before I realized that the dual Cybes was probably meant to be the end of the map but not necessarily. The Caco horde I left there felt the wrath of my plentiful ammo at that point. Felt pretty good popping them out of the sky. LOL @ that par time! Anyways, what a blast! My review probably reads like this map plays. Chaotic and all over the place. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted March 21, 2017 (edited) E3M6 This is a somewhat fun map set on a pandemonium, it's tight as hell, the whole map is basically claustrophobic encounters, there are mostly cheap tricks with the teleporters that teleport you into areas surrounding you with monsters everywhere as a challenge, it got old quickly and went predictable, aside from the boring teleport setups there's a fleshy maze that gets darker and harsher the more health potions you pick, it was a neat idea, but the maze is somewhat too large and it got stale near the end, could better if it wasn't a maze. The tall fleshy structure's lifts raised too slowly, not sure why it couldn't be an instant rise, instead you have to wait for a few seconds while nothing much happens. At least the ending was challenging in a better way, it was hard to see, but it wasn't unbearable as the rest of the map. 2/5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMB1N9eEYO0 (not sure why doomworld has a problem embedding this video) E3M9 A fine map, didn't feel cheap, isn't repetitive, nor claustrophobic, and is more varied in its combat than the previous map. I liked all the fun traps that opened in unusual environments like that blue key trap. But I do however think that the exit room should've had something more to it than just backtracking to a dissapointingly boring exit room, might as well just let the yellow key be the exit instead. 4/5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMB1N9eEYO0 (same here) Edited March 21, 2017 by joe-ilya 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted March 21, 2017 (edited) n2e8 - fda n3e1 - fda didnt like either of these. the cyberdemon fight has annoying lost souls, and the pentagram/star made led me to misjudge the size of the arena a few times the second map is more just personal preference; i dont play doom to puzzle things out, and im not very good at puzzles anyway. i also left the map without actually realising what id done or how id done it, which i think is never a good sign in a puzzle scenario. Edited March 21, 2017 by rehelekretep 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Salt-Man Z Posted March 22, 2017 E3M1: Gates of Hades 17:36 | 85% Kills | 100% Items | 100% Secrets Holy cow! I did it! All 100% secrets! Couldn't manage that last time. It was the rocket launcher I never figured out. I did this time though, that little climb and drop to the switch was supes clever. Love it. What I didn't love is the super-secret radsuit hidden by the exit from the lava. Wut. I did abuse my saves when I discovered that after blowing 100% health on the soulsphere secret. I was all, Screw that, we're doing this over right this time. I also had to abuse saving for the checkerboard maze. I mean, finding the maze entrance is neato, but actually navigating it seemed like pure trial-and-error. (I assume the mini checkerboard on the other side held some clue, but it was totally lost on me.) I really wanted to max the map, but I only had 16 rockets for 4 barons, and just didn't feel like bothering. So I left the two by the RL still alive. (I ran away from them in a panic and just never bothered going back.) A neat puzzler; a lot more fun when you've already played it once before. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
bioshockfan90 Posted March 22, 2017 E3M9: Lake of Fire|13:26, 97% kills 83% secrets| Well, this was a nice change of pace from M6! The layout was nice and simple, gameplay was straight-forward and not too complex... Just how I like it. Not to bash on M6, I just needed a vacation from the 3 cybers. Anyway, this is a cool lil' map with a single island and some hell buildings on it, and some nice not-too-complex secrets to find. That's all you need to know, really. 4/5 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NuMetalManiak Posted March 22, 2017 E3M7 Netherworld Citadel Holy mother of fuck that is a shitload of things to cover for this 611-monster long fortress. And 20 secrets too. That one right off the bat requires sniper-sight shooting for a particular faraway switch. Enough moping, I'm exploring this bitch the proper way. Last time I played this I dropped into the lava first thing and wound up teleporting to some locale I really shouldn't have. Now I just cross, climb steps to the citadel's courtyard and slaughter some monsters there. I'm just glad there's enough combat for this massive level. The crusher area to the west of the map is quite striking, although I came in with an invulnerability so part of it was mitigated. Either way, it doesn't manage to be too annoying as I go for the blue key. Well there's other stuff to find too. The yellow key is really obvious, made for a potential trap for the horde of imps behind the grand door that opens from the switch past the yellow door. Intense walking on damaging blood is also a thing, as are a few complicated setups scattered around. The most frustrating section for me was that graveyard of barons. I also saved the big central area, the one with the cyberdemon and some weapons, for last, since I remember getting stuck there some time ago while going hunting in this map. Though to be honest I don' exactly remember how I got stuck before. Really big, really fun all over the map, but challenging enough to push through. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
joe-ilya Posted March 22, 2017 E3M7 This is one creative map, man, all the traps were great fun, although they were incredibly predictable (I even thought that the exit was fake when I had killed only 33% of the enemies) most of the time you approach a key or push a button to a trap that'll open up, but it didn't ruin anything for me, felt like clearing courses in Super Mario World/Bros 3, all the traps are properly executed, the ones in crusher rooms all the switch and key based ones, all of them, the one near the exit is the best one, I felt like a rat in a cage. 5/5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALLtiI2ZX5k (Doomworld should've fixed this embedding error by this time already) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
NecrumWarrior Posted March 22, 2017 E3M7: Netherworld Citadel This level was hard. I won't complain about the difficulty here though because this is the penultimate level of Hell. I have a couple of issues with the map but first let me say this was a great level. I loved the architecture, for quite a while at the beginning I could actually keep up even though it was tough, and yeah there was some pretty cool traps. I really liked the illusion maze where the the grouping of keys and radsuit was. I wasn't fond of the army of Imps released with the Yellow Key. It wasn't particularly hard, but it did exhaust pretty much all of my ammo and yielded very little reward. I was hurting for health by this point and the room that held them just had a Stimpack. I spent a lot of time trying to make it past this hump. But eventually I did and the map went pretty well after that. The other problem I had was with the final battle. Being surrounded by hordes of enemies is hard enough, but it wouldn't have bugged me so much if it wasn't for the really bad visibility caused by the cage walls. It was a needless level of additional difficulty that made a fight that should have felt like a major triumph just feel like a chore. Favorite Maps: 1. E1M7: Biosphere 2. E2M2: Proving Grounds 3. E3M9: Lake of Fire 4. E3M7: Netherworld Citadel 5. E1M4: Abandoned Factory X. E2M7 (I don't remember where this actually ranked... apparently my review got eaten in the transition.) I am not looking forward to E3M8. It doesn't have anything to do with the mounting difficulty of this WAD, though. Rather I just don't particularly like fighting the Spider Mastermind. Hopefully the arena proves interesting enough to push my distaste for the SM off to the wayside. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
baja blast rd. Posted March 22, 2017 (edited) On 3/21/2017 at 3:59 PM, Demtor said: My only experience with slaughter maps is in Doom 2. Not even sure if this is a "slaughter map" per say but it sure felt like it at times right from the start after getting past all of the original Doom parts (very neat idea) and getting assaulted on all sides before stumbling down into a lake of fire with two Cyberdemons. OMFG! I would not consider this a slaughtermap. The first fight is arguably a slaughter encounter, but the rest is largely low-tier monsters packed in cramped hallway-rich areas, which isn't slaughter gameplay just as, say, "Stronghold" from TNT isn't. Edited March 22, 2017 by rdwpa 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted March 22, 2017 (edited) n3e2 - fda really quite dull. lots of pistol shooting of imps/zombies/lost souls straight on, with no real set pieces or traps to speak of. i must have missed a CG or something; i can imagine this being more fun on continuous; although ammo was quite light. the berserk also wouldve helped but i couldnt/didnt work out the secret to it - one of Doom's more egregious 'Doomguy cant climb 1m tall obstacles' examples Edited March 22, 2017 by rehelekretep 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Demtor Posted March 22, 2017 E3M7 - “Netherworld Citadel” by Emil "NaturalTvventy" BrundagegzDoom - UV – pistol start EPIC. This felt like a Doom 1 version of mad man's take on a Mechadon styled hell map. (Which is a huge compliment considering Mechadon is my favorite mapper.) I fell in love with Kikiness's Doom 1 music remix so the hours I spent in this map never got old to me. I feel like that is a big rub against a lot of WADs without good music, this one included. It stands out and kills the enjoyment. Half the fun sometimes is seeing what kind of creative angle people take with their music stylings but anyways. I digress. This intricate monster was one big underground hell dungeon with a weird secret trip down a hole into almost another dimension via stuff from another map. I know I've played it before but I can't for the life of me place where it's from. If I had to guess I'd say maybe the lost levels or perhaps one of the PSX maps? Not sure. I laughed at the overstuffed barrel killing secret. Was that in the original? There were two of them, equally fun. This map has some other Doom cuteness of it's own as well. A crawl space secret above a toilet stall? What is is Duke 3D? Tons of great visuals and fun to be had everywhere. Very memorable stuff along with crazy looking areas and small subtle touches of cool. Lots of clever secrets that felt awesome when found or discovered because of how much attention they demanded with their unique look and feel. The graveyard that had the artsy RK pick up (well done) with the rising Baron horde was hilariously awesome. Much like the horde of imps that came pouring through that door after getting the YK pick up, lol. Good fun. Speaking of Barons, I really loved the use of the crushers. This is how to do a crusher segment. Give it proper detail, make it look and feel like an epic trial of pain and not just a silly annoyance that takes two seconds to side step. God help you if you didn't grab that IV sphere at first though as those Barons will tear you apart without the proper plasma weapon at that point. It's very easy to get ahead of yourself with the multiple paths you can take. There were a lot of obvious ambushes like that. (Have a RL instead, chump.) Like after this soulsphere grab with lots of baddies. Usually from all sides to make things intense from time to time which provides a nice change-up of pace whilst exploring this long and dark tunnel system. Somehow I managed to survive the caged in trap very early on without the IV sphere secret. Too bad I couldn't have planned that one out but it did feel pretty bad ass surviving that with having to wait for those bars to lower while everything keeps slowly porting in around you. Some tip toeing over and dashing through damage areas was necessary at times. Not too much thankfully but just enough to be threatening if you end up on the wrong end having taken too much damage to move on. Of course there were a lot of trickier parts like this room that had me on the edge. Both literally and figuratively. I enjoyed the second falling bridge section of E3. The fight with the Cyberdemon was unexpected and deadly. I LOVE how it reused the same area you went through before. I had no idea until I went back and noclipped around some looking at stuff. Oh yeeaah! I totally sprinted through those damage floors earlier! Sweet. I also didn't realize you could have found and cleared out some of the other sections before bringing in the Cyberdemon in with the BFG pickup via proper exploration ahead of time. Whoa. Great concept. I failed to do any of that and took them on all at once, muwahahaha! If you don't panic it's easy enough as there is a lot of space to run around and cause infighting. Whew. All in all this was another awesome Doom 1 hell map. I can't imagine how much time this sucker must have taken to create. What a fantastic piece of work. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted March 22, 2017 (edited) n3e3 - fda way too cramped. i can appreciate the interlocking design but it couldve done with being 2x as wide/large if youve got the PG/SSG/BFG then small corridors can be OK as they force you to be aggressive there's also a lot of potential for infinite-height shenanigans in this map. i could hear something groaning around the top of the large cylindrical crusher and i was praying it wasnt below me! Edited March 22, 2017 by rehelekretep 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted March 22, 2017 (edited) 1 hour ago, rdwpa said: I would not consider this a slaughtermap. The first fight is arguably a slaughter encounter, but the rest is largely low-tier monsters packed in cramped hallway-rich areas, which isn't slaughter gameplay just as, say, "Stronghold" from TNT isn't. dont you start this 'what is a slaughtermap' argument again! :p Edited March 22, 2017 by rehelekretep 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
rehelekretep Posted March 23, 2017 On 19/03/2017 at 8:50 AM, Spectre01 said: Also, what ever happened to Demon of the Well? Wasn't he championing this playthrough? id imagine that horror known as 'real life' intervened. im sure he'll be back soon. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
bioshockfan90 Posted March 23, 2017 tried E3M7 about 3 times today, gonna delay it until tomorrow when I have more free time. Good level so far tho. 4 hours ago, rehelekretep said: dont you start this 'what is a slaughtermap' argument again! :p a slaughtermap is clearly a map with only 10 monsters 7 hours ago, NecrumWarrior said: E3M7: Netherworld Citadel This level was hard. I won't complain about the difficulty here though because this is the penultimate level of Hell. Agree here. Hard, but makes sense. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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