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The DWIronman League dies to: Back to Saturn X E1

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March, 2017


> Download Back to Saturn X: E1 1.1.1 (latest)
> Download Back to Saturn X: E1 1.1 (previous)
> 2017 Season Standings

Leaderboard & Stream Schedule

  1. # Survived +2 [02:44:25] dew - Legend has it that this old playtester of BtSX was bleeding from the eyes when he crossed over the finish line.
  2. # Survived +2 [02:52:35] Bloodite Krypto - Bloodite's too modest to tout numbers so listen up: 107 maps survived vs. 0 deaths. Be amazed, perturbed, completely unsurprised; all of the above.
  3. # Survived +2 [07:38:25] WH-Wilou84 - The next person to survive map11 reached it almost an hour faster than Wilou, as of this writing. That person is also dead. Hats off, ladies and gentlemen.
  4. # Map19Demon of the Well - Almost bottles it in a Proud and Booming Industry, but it's the revenants that end this Demon's run. Has the dam wall finally broken?
  5. # Map31: Roofi - Blinked his remains into the cyber that killed him. You can't write this stuff, you know.
  6. # Map12: AD_79 - Like the man said: give that sergeant a pay rise.
  7. # Map12: Beginner - All those Underground meanderings can mess with your spatial awareness! Chaingunner capitalizes with ease. (1.1)
  8. # Map10: SSGmaster - Embraced the fatty folds of a mancubus in The Sandwich Room.
  9. # Map10: Anima Zero - Bullet sandwiched. It can happen in an instant! (1.1)
  10. # Map08RjY - A new breed of sensible ironman; steps over half the competition then banks the winnings. Nice! (DNF)
  11. # Map07: dt_ - Caught between a rock and a shit-ton of plasma Metal Children. (1.1)
  12. # Map06: Tarnsman - How to lose 230 health in the fewest possible moves without being Good At Doom. You should contact Grazza; write a book.
  13. # Map06: ArchvileHunter - Strong username-to-irony potential, here. Love the ressed arachnotron throwing its hitbox into the path of rockets.
  14. # Map06: rodster - Tried to weather the archvile storm from around the corner with rockets; snuffed out by a magical mancubus fireball. (1.1)
  15. # Map06: mason1729 - Fire-fucked by the archvile armada, but not without a fight. Good hustle. (1.1)
  16. # Map06: Octavarium - Skulduggery.
  17. # Map05: ketsuzoku - Holy shit a ghost revenant. Never mind the archvile that killed him; stop the updates! (1.1)
  18. # Map05Killer5 - TOOTHSOME EXPANSE.
  19. # Map05: Alfonzo - TOTAL EXPOSURE. (1.1)
  20. # Map05: Eris Falling - TOTALMENTE EXPOSÉ.
  21. # Map05: an_mutt - TOTALED AND EXPURGED.
  22. # Map05: cannonball - TORRENTIAL EXPECTORATION. (1.1)
  23. # Map05: Dime - CANADA EXPOSED.
  24. # Map05Breezeep - TORTELLINI EXPERTS (please send help I am running out of word plays).
  25. # Map05Rathori - This is easily My Boy The Archvile's crowning achievement. Point-perfect spawn-in. Total Exposure.
  26. # Map05Turbo Saber - TURBO EXPOSURE.
  27. # Map05: Dragonfly - TOTALITY EXPO. (illegal comp settings)
  28. # Map05: dobu gabu maru - TOTU LEXPU EXPU.
  29. # Map05: Deadwing - TOTALLY EXPOSED. (1.1)
  30. # Map05Suitepee - SLOWLY EXPLODES.
  31. # Map04Bashe - Attack of the DOS! Pinned to the lift by the BK crowd.
  32. # Map04: skillsaw - Pooled all his collective energy into surviving map03, then got the shakes - and the bones!
  33. # Map04: joe-ilya - According to essel, the cacodemons were intended as a sort of noteworthy nuisance. They seek a higher calling.
  34. # Map04esselfortium - Ahhh, poetry in motion - the revenant rocket, not essel.
  35. # Map04ClonedPickle - Baron in the disco.
  36. # Map04: floatRand - Made it his mission to piss off every monster in the room at once. To the sergeant go the spoils. (1.1)
  37. # Map04: DoomLover234 - This BK room is turning into something of a Love-hate relationship. (1.1)
  38. # Map04bzzrak - Reclaimed the ire of a distracted archvile then bumped into a blimp.
  39. # Map04: DaIcemann76 - This is what is known in some circles as a Guantanamo Heatwave.
  40. # Map04: NoisyVelvet - Egged into a dance-off with a sneaky revenant.
  41. # Map04: Scotty - bumper-to-bumper in the disco hall. Nice GAD on map02's lift.
  42. # Map04Crusader No Regret - Will Regret not eating that blueberry before heading to the disco.
  43. # Map03: JudgeDeadd - That's two quality GADs on map03 to go, please! No onions.
  44. # Map03: Urthar - Textbook rocket-to-pillar. Sensational at Doom. (1.1)
  45. # Map02: walter confalonieri - Chainsawing chaingunners for no discernible reason and under no immediate pressure? I like your style, walter. It's confusing, but I like it. (illegal comp settings)
  46. # Map01: SuperCupcakeTactics - Shouldn't have eaten all those cupcakes: had no room left for the lifesaving medikit in the corner. (1.1)


What is the Doomworld Ironman League?

The DWIronman League is a monthy competition in which participants aim to survive for as many levels as possible in the given mapset, preferably in one sitting. Click the spoiler tag below for a detailed list of rules. Players of all levels of ability are welcome; it could change the way you play Doom!

In March 2017 the DWIronman League dies to Get Out of My Stations -complevel 2 (Doom (strict)), ye olde behemoth base-crawler. One of the chief playtesters who helped to build this monstrosity insists that the difficulty is supposed to range somewhere between the best and worst of Alien Vendetta. Blimey! Blind players (if there are any left for a WAD of this caliber) may have a particularly hard time, then, but the pressure will be high across the board. These maps are familiar - a bit too familiar, perhaps - and the temptation will be strong to err tragically on the side of caution. At least, that's the excuse I'm going to keep offering myself.




  • One attempt per month. Good luck!
  • Demos (PrBoom+ and GLBoom), stream highlights and single-take video recordings are the only accepted proofs.
  • UV only continous; no pistol-starting.
  • No auto-loaded wads unless they are purely cosmetic.
  • No hard-coded cheats or features that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port (e.g. freelook, jumping and crouching in a boom set).
  • If streaming or recording videos using an advanced source port with compatability options, you must not enable any flags that result in behaviour beyond what is possible in the intended source port. In most cases, this will mean that you can comfortably use "Doom/Boom(strict)" behaviour in ZDoom, for example. You must also display these settings on-screen before your run.
  • If you choose to stream your run rather than provide a demo and you die before completing a single level, either on map01 of a set or because of a single level being selected for the month, you must display the number of monsters killed/remaining in the level before you quit. The number of kills registered will determine your ranking versus other players who died on that level.
  • You do not have to play the secret levels in order to register a complete run. However, a player who finishes the game having completed more secret levels will rank higher than his competitors.
  • You do not have to complete your run in a single sitting. Such runs are considered to be "hardcore" runs. For stream and video recording users, you need only load a savegame that has been shown to be set during the previous segment, and again displaying the same compatability options. For demo users, you may continue using the same recording using a save file linked in the thread alongside the demo, assuming the -complevel allows for this function (e.g. -cl 9). Otherwise, the run must be completed in a single sitting or in segments separated by forced pistol starts (mandatory death exits) and episodes.
  • You cannot load a game having progressed past the save point. This includes "scouting ahead" for map details "just to check on something."
  • You cannot consult Doom Builder during your run to check for map details. Your viewers may, however.
  • If you die for any reason, tough luck! Your little brother snuck into your room while you were paused and getting tea and walked your marine into an inescapable pit? Brilliant. You went to answer the doorbell but knocked over your mug of hot chocolate and a baron ripped your arm off? Walk it off, hot stuff! You're through.
  • If your operating system fails during the run with you having progressed beyond the most recent save point then it's a write-off, sorry!
  • Death exits do not disqualify a run (duh!) but accidentally restarting the level before the tally screen appears will. Stay frosty!
  • In the event that the leaders are tied having died on the same map, the player to have arrived at the map of death in the fastest time will be deemed the winner.


Previous Threads

Jenesis (winner: Demon of the Well)
Crusades (winner: Ribbiks)
Nilla Doom (winner: Demon of the Well)
Khorus' Speedy Shit (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Perdition's Gate (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
UAC Ultra (winner: Bloodite Krypto)

Jade Earth (winner: Bloodite Krypto)
Legacy of Heroes (winner: Bloodite Krypto)


Edited by Alfonzo
I am an update.

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In the interest of formalizing this terrible accident, here's my run; dead on MAP05. I don't remember when that archvile was supposed to trigger and how, but I rolled the dice and came up sevens. Shame, I was setting up for the long haul and felt like I was in control. Sort of.

The season table has also been updated. Bloodite and Roofi are the only two players to have participated in both months and survived both encounters: DotW fell short for the first time (!). Mithran's February run sees him positioned as the highest-ranking performer with just one of two months played. cannonball and an_mutt need to step up their game.

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Just to confirm, are segmented demos or streams ok? But NOT segmented video recordings?

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Segmented video recordings are a-okay as long as you display the save game being made and loaded in the subsequent video, as well as the compatibility settings if the port allows it.

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rdwpa said:

It would be cool if a lot of the BTSX mappers participated. *wink wink*

I might give it a shot! I'll probably die an embarrassing death two minutes into the run.

dobu gabu maru said:


I have high expectations for where the playtesters will place (assuming they participate)!

Lol, if I had any idea this was coming, I would've tried to release a week or two ago to make sure any bugs were ironed out before the start of the month.

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Is it okay if I record my ironman run with an old-ish version of BTSX E1? I think I have 0.99i or something of that sort.

I'm going to regret playing this though.

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'Fraid not. There are significant changes to a few of the maps across these versions and a whole slew of other differences. No one else would be able to view your demo without preserving the old version, besides which!

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One more: can I record it in Chocolate Doom (heh)? The rules specify that for demos, you should use PrBoom/GLBoom. I am willing to accept the risks of playing on Chocolate Doom though.

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Alfonzo said:

Blind players (if there are any left for a WAD of this caliber)


I knew my refusal to play until a finished product would never come to haunt me!

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Voros said:

One more: can I record it in Chocolate Doom (heh)? The rules specify that for demos, you should use PrBoom/GLBoom. I am willing to accept the risks of playing on Chocolate Doom though.

Sure you can! No problems. I guess I hadn't anticipated players choosing to use chocolate over pr/glboom+ given the stakes; it should probably be listed in the rule set. Good luck!

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I will give a try in the week-end. I just hope that BTSX will have not sadistic traps like Legacy of Heroes's map 05. :p

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esselfortium said:

I might give it a shot! I'll probably die an embarrassing death two minutes into the run.

But isn't the first map like, your map? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Well now, this should be interesting. I'm expecting a large increase in Ironman participants for this month!

Another familiar wad for me, albeit one I haven't played in several years so I won't be able to remember everything. (the final map I do remember well however; it was my first exposure to 'tough mapping' back when I was starting out livestreaming Doom wads) Still, going to let an_mutt go first this time and see if I can extend my lead to 3-0.

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TBQH I feel like BTSX is the wrong WAD choice for this month, given that it's an unfinished product. Heck, I just found out that there's now a v1.1.

Would be a better idea to just select a finished WAD or use a specific version of BTSX, as I'm sure more updates will come soon.

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Voros said:

TBQH I feel like BTSX is the wrong WAD choice for this month, given that it's an unfinished product. Heck, I just found out that there's now a v1.1.

Would be a better idea to just select a finished WAD or use a specific version of BTSX, as I'm sure more updates will come soon.

But what if it's a subtle attempt at advertising an upcoming Episode 3 release?!?!?!

Well, I can hope right....

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Voros said:

TBQH I feel like BTSX is the wrong WAD choice for this month, given that it's an unfinished product. Heck, I just found out that there's now a v1.1.

Would be a better idea to just select a finished WAD or use a specific version of BTSX, as I'm sure more updates will come soon.

Nah, it's finished. I hope. Apart from the embarrassing coop start issue on one map that got caught an hour after 1.0 release, all fixes have been unrelated to maps and gameplay. It's been all deh strings this and in-game demo loop that. The unplanned addition of sprite fixes is also cosmetic and shouldn't affect anything.

edit: Heh, should've kept my mouth shut. Getting this thing fixed might be a demobreaker. That bug has been haunting us on map12 and now it's back where we least expected it.

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Everything went downhill rapidly at the end of map11. I expected to die at the end of either maps 12 or 15, but I died on my way to yellow key on map12 instead.

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Actual demo LMPs are probably best recorded in ZDoom 2.8.1, as there won't be any new versions of the port to desync it

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Chalk up another kill for Emperor Augustus and his cronies.
MAP05 Cyberdemon exposed himself in front of me and I was scared x(

Total time at the end of MAP04 was 24:59 - not far behind Alfonzo but he set the par times so the odds were against me, and so unfortunately his overall lead just got a little bit bigger. Darn!

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