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The DWIronman League dies to: Back to Saturn X E1

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Hum... I didn't manage to survive this time. I stupidly died in map 31 against a Cyber. :D.

I really loved this wad , the textures , the gameplay , the music : all. Map 05 and 06 are really tough , Map 12 and 15 are my favorite : large , complex and not very hard.

My attempt is a FDA , as usual.

Here is my wonderful demo :


My death screen , a souvenir of my mistake. :p

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Wow Wilou that's a mighty accomplishment given you pulled an all nighter and endured both exhaustion and sleep depravation throughout such a lengthy ordeal yet still managed to come out on top. That fact alone makes me regard it as the best run o/

Here's my run in 2:52:35 (yes it's with 1.1.1) but man it was far from easy. I was nervous throughout and it's seen by numerous chokes and cockups, their were several occasions where I should have died but got lucky, not helped by the fact this is familiar terrority so I decided to speedrun the first 10 maps throwing myself into all manner of razor edge situations, then gradually slowing down to a normal pace for the second half with the more lethal maps I'm not acutely reminiscent of. The most noticeable difference with the new version are revenants and they come in bunches :P BTSX really tests your concentration, even in the latter maps where I was cautious and proceeded slowly I still took grazes and potshots which incrementally add up to wear away health and armor quickly. It's not for the faint of heart and I'd argue it's the hardest Ironman wad thus far, no way I'd beat Episode 2 though that's way harder :P

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Hahaha, in-freaking-credible Krypto, you're so fast... :)
I expected you to beat me, but not with such a large time margin.
Congratulations once again. I don't know who or what could ever stop you.

Gonna watch you blazing through the first 10 maps, then save the rest for later.

Your link is broken btw, here's the fixed one : http://www.mediafire.com/file/b7qs6mh432q29d1/DWIronman_btsx_BlooditeKrypto.zip

Also I'm afraid the wad might be updated again :|
That's how BtSX rolls I guess.

@ skillsaw : Ah, too bad you couldn't reach map 12, would have loved to see how you deal with that ending fight of yours. :)
GG nevertheless. Now I'm curious to see how essel will perform :>

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Bloodite Krypto said:

The most noticeable difference with the new version are revenants and they come in bunches :P

I do not like the sound of that for my run....

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Wow , Bloodite , How did you do to finish Btsx that fast? xD
Map 12 and 15 are long and huge , they took me approximately 45-50 minutes each.

I think you'll win that month , like usual. :p

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WH-Wilou84 said:

I don't know who or what could ever stop you.

A slaughter wad will, if Alfonzo is feeling particularly dickish one month.. (: Also thanks I updated my link ;o BTSX will never be finalized it's an eternal project >:)

Suitepee said:

I do not like the sound of that for my run....

Don't worry you should be able to surpass Mutt given he perished early on in MAP05 (:

cannonball said:

Also bloody hell Krypto, I mean will you ever give us mere mortals a chance :P

Yesss, if Alfonzo picks one of your exceptionally crafted and devious wads that's sure to stop me in my tracks.

Roofi said:

Wow , Bloodite , How did you do to finish Btsx that fast? xD
Map 12 and 15 are long and huge , they took me approximately 45-50 minutes each.

The answer lies if you watch the demo :D If you know the routes and intentionally skip fights you can finish them pretty quickly. I was also hoping you might go all the way given your terrific performances the past two months, but getting to 31 having played the wad for the first time ever is an amazing achivement :D

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I already played this month wad in the past so yeah, not a blind play (even if I had little memories if not at all of the level layouts)

I almost were exposed on map 5 but I survived with 7% health. Finally a mancubus that I didn't saw killed me on map 10.

Edit: Version 1.1.1

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Yeah—MAP05 especially is designed to outright kill you for camping. It's one of those cases where I caught a whiff of the danger but just didn't move soon enough before shit went down... I haven't seen other playthroughs but I assume many suffered the fate I did.

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Alright, decided to give it a go. Played through GZDoom 2.2.1, compatibility Doom (Strict)

BTSX E1 V1.1.1

Reached Map06 in 33:21, died at around 6:40 into the map (total time 40 minutes).

I had a few close calls and finally bit it in map06. One of those sneaky archviles all the way in the back had begun casting his spell a little after the one in the front, so when I went back out, he blew my face off.


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I'd like to participate, but I have some uncertainties regarding the spirit of this event. Sometime last month I started my first playthrough of this WAD - given the time since the last update, I assumed it was in permanent stable beta status. Imagine my surprise when V1.0 hit like a week after. Would such a recent playthrough disqualify one from participating? Similarly, would one be allowed to scout through the updated levels before committing to the run, or is one committed to the Ironman run as soon as they fire up this WAD? One of the videos posted by another runner already revealed one nasty Archvile-ex-machina that was definitely not there before V1.0, so I wouldn't mind another scouting lap.

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I intend to run this at some point, but I tried recording a PrBoom+ demo and the game crashed in the middle of MAP01. I also have no ability to predict my stream quality but given my geographical location is literally the reason it's so often shit-tacular, I dunno what can be done about that. Kind of at a loss.

...ZDoom demo??

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I don't think Hell revealed is a great idea to do on ironman. I'm thinking of map 13 , 24 , 26. Some maps contain very nasty traps where you have high chances to die.

However , Ancient Aliens is an amazing megawad which I want to discover again in an ironman session. (The last time I have played AA was in may 2016).

I agree for Ancient Aliens for april or may. :)

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to All Bogs: I believe one recording attempt is the spirit of the Ironman League.  Advance knowledge, recent playthroughs, and scouting before recording are totally OK.  I think it's unofficially encouraged to dive right in without practice runs though that's a personal decision.  (this month I did more than cursory scouting)


I"ll post my demo later in the week.  It's already recorded but I'm still getting acclimated with new hardware as well as real life.

Edited by Crusader No Regret
added thoughts

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[something went wrong here, please delete]


Edited by Bashe
issue with posting, sorry!

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Decided I would give this one a try. I played BTSX E1 once back in 2012-2013, so some of this was being relearned. I recorded my attempt in a rather novel way, using my old Windows 98 machine, simply because BTSX will work that way and I figured it would be fun to record the game in a pure vanilla environment. Version 1.1.1 was played here.


Hopefully I stayed within the rules for recording - I just used plain ol' Doom2.exe v1.9, along with novert and the OPL3 switch, which I don't think are disqualifying factors. I made sure you could see my command line setup before the gameplay starts. The video quality isn't super great because it's S-video, but it should be passable enough. I did not record a demo along with this video since I was worried about demo buffer limits (even with maxdemo), otherwise I would have. I promise I didn't do anything to break the rules on purpose. :)


I only managed to make it to map04 before royally screwing myself in the scary dark room. I forgot about this trap from the first time I played and basically ensured I wasn't going to survive. I didn't even manage to get >>> TOTALLY EXPOSED <<<



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16 minutes ago, Bashe said:

Decided I would give this one a try. I played BTSX E1 once back in 2012-2013, so some of this was being relearned. I recorded my attempt in a rather novel way, using my old Windows 98 machine, simply because BTSX will work that way and I figured it would be fun to record the game in a pure vanilla environment. Version 1.1.1 was played here.


Hopefully I stayed within the rules for recording - I just used plain ol' Doom2.exe v1.9, along with novert and the OPL3 switch, which I don't think are disqualifying factors. I made sure you could see my command line setup before the gameplay starts. The video quality isn't super great because it's S-video, but it should be passable enough. I did not record a demo along with this video since I was worried about demo buffer limits (even with maxdemo), otherwise I would have. I promise I didn't do anything to break the rules on purpose. :)

That's extremely cool! (And I'm glad performance seemed okay, at least from what I can tell in the video)

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Thanks! The performance was indeed perfectly fine, other than just slightly longer loading times than normal. The machine is actually a circa 2000 spec so it doesn't have much problem with Doom. When I got it up and running, one of the first things I did was see how BTSX ran on it, and I was glad to see it runs great! I thought doing the Ironman on the old computer would be fun and nostalgic, so I took the opportunity. For future Ironman runs I'll probably stick to the normal methods, but I thought this was neat.

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