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New screenshots !!


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Arioch said:

If screenshots were all we were going by (and in fact that's all we have since there's no official video footage containing the imp) then the opinion we can hold is that the imp SUCKS ASS.

I think id is doing this on purpose. The screen shots are meant to look (somewhat) crappy, to show the worst seams of the technology in magnified detail. But it's to quel the hype that might otherwise spiral into SW: EpisodeI territory-- they don't want us to be dissapointed, so they're showing us the absolute worst the engine can look, right now.

It's quite brilliant marketing-wise. This has the advantage of both giving us the hi-res screen shots we want to look at, and also to sort of yank us all down to earth in terms of what the new engine is capable of. I'm quite sure that the actual game, when we get it, will be somewhat below the towering hype that's built up, but above what these screenshots show.

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I don't like the clustered eyes. It makes them scary an' all, and they are more "impish". But I always thought of Imps as friendly little guys of Doom just there for blowing up. I don't want them to be scary :(

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well at least its not as babyish as its predecessor DOOM 2...damn babyish game come to think of it...now doom3 is more in touch with reality graphically..but from the looks of the enw imp, im keeping my fingers crossed because demons carry the greatest potential to elicit FEAR which this new "imp" fails to produce..

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Actually, what the right image of an imp in my mind is totally far off from what id has planned for Doom 3. The current look of imp doesn't look advanced "impish". Apparently, it tends to be more alien-like, in my opinion. What I had in mind was more like the original imp, possibly with an additional pair of wings and such. The best thing about the new imp to me right now is its motions. Its movements are definitely my taste.

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Arioch said:

If screenshots were all we were going by (and in fact that's all we have since there's no official video footage containing the imp)

The Legacy video has two scenes showing the imp full-size.

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