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The soundtrack is almost too good for the game

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With all the weapon/enemy/environmental noises filling things out, Doom '16 is a pretty noisy game. I found I didn't enjoy the soundtrack too much during my first playthrough. But the other day while working, I put it on and, isolated by itself, it's fantastic. It has so much more going on than I noticed while playing.

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Eh, you just didn't turn everything else down enough.

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the music is pretty low in volume though, even when turned up to the max. i find it kind of infuriating when the music is inherently lower in volume than everything else in the game.

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  • 1 month later...

I really don't think the music is all that good.  Maybe one track is good, but it's certainly not metal.  Fan remixes outperform pretty much all DOOM '16 tracks, by a huge margin.  Doom '16 is a generic mixture of Skrillex-type shit. Shit being literal.


Now get off my lawn, goddamn hippy.

Edited by Flesh420

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5 hours ago, Flesh420 said:

I really don't think the music is all that good.  Maybe one track is good, but it's certainly not metal.  Fan remixes outperform pretty much all DOOM '16 tracks, by a huge margin.  Doom '16 is a generic mixture of Skrillex-type shit. Shit being literal.


Now get off my lawn, goddamn hippy.

Yeah I agree... it isn't Industrial Metal at all, because Industrial Metal is, ya know, Metal... DOOM 2K16's music is too dubstep-y for my taste.

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i still fail to see the dubstep music argument. have you guys ever listened to a Skrillex track and Doom's soundtrack back to back? it's... not quite the same. :V

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"It's dubstep", especially when the soundtrack isn't dubstep, has become the automatic "I don't like this music because" excuse, it seems.

Edited by Edward850

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"It's not metal therefore it's shit" as a common comment is so infuriating to me.


Not every single piece of music relating to Doom has to be cocking metal, why does everything have to be traditional thrash metal to be good? Don't you ever get sick of everything being blasted by guitar every five seconds? I know I fucking do, I prefer varied and different tracks for once.

Edited by mrthejoshmon

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Let's just say the doom'16 OST has some "dubstep-ish elements" to it. But if you asked someone who knows a thing or two about how close to dubstep it actually is, you'd be surprised how far off the "dubstep claim" is in reality. Not to mention that people who can only think of skrillex once dubstep is mentioned, know about as much about dubstep, as people think they know about drum and bass, because they own a fucking pendulum CD from way back when.


Just my 2 cents...

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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19 hours ago, Flesh420 said:

I really don't think the music is all that good.  Maybe one track is good, but it's certainly not metal.  Fan remixes outperform pretty much all DOOM '16 tracks, by a huge margin.  Doom '16 is a generic mixture of Skrillex-type shit. Shit being literal.


Now get off my lawn, goddamn hippy.

I don't blame you for not liking the soundtrack, but "it's certainly not metal"? Then what genre do tracks like Rip & Tear and BFG Division represent? And you can fuck right off with that "I'm calling it dubstep although it clearly isn't that" shit too.



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18 hours ago, mrthejoshmon said:

"It's not metal therefore it's shit" as a common comment is so infuriating to me.


Not every single piece of music relating to Doom has to be cocking metal, why does everything have to be traditional thrash metal to be good? Don't you ever get sick of everything being blasted by guitar every five seconds? I know I fucking do, I prefer varied and different tracks for once.

But DOOM is metal... I mean I like country music, but country music in DOOM wouldn't make sense... the only non-metal music I like for DOOM is the PSX/N64 OST... also I should've wrote my comments better, I feel like a friggin' idiot.

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Ya, Mick Gordon is fucking awesome. he's become one of, if not my favorite video game composer. It's industrial metal, it's just the synthesized part is being updated a bit as technology has grown, so I guess you could call it Neo-Industrial Metal. Oh, and anyone that thinks doom is all about metal needs to replay E4M1.


I'm happy Mick is doing all this work on id games, I think he's doing a superb job. I find his work to be exhilarating.

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1 minute ago, MrGlide said:

Ya, Mick Gordon is fucking awesome. he's become one of, if not my favorite video game composer. It's industrial metal, it's just the synthesized part is being updated a bit as technology has grown, so I guess you could call it Neo-Industrial Metal. Oh, and anyone that thinks doom is all about metal needs to replay E4M1.


I'm happy Mick is doing all this work on id games, I think he's doing a superb job. I find his work to be exhilarating.

Ya know, I guess you're right about it being "updated" industrial... still not a huge fan though... but I'm not one to derail threads that I don't agree with.

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if we're going to be really technical, the style of music in Doom 4 is definitely industrial metal at its core, but all the guitars are played in a djent fashion apparently, which is something i am unfamiliar with. but the soundtrack is quite diverse: some tracks like VEGA Core has a pretty aggressive industrial hardcore feel to it (stuff like Terrorfakt comes to mind),  BFG Division is a pretty anthem-y industrial metal song, while Rip 'n Tear is a bit more thrashy (well, kind of, there's no guitar shredding going on, but the tempo and rhythm is kinda trash metal), not to mention the more quiet and eerie ambient songs, like Olivia's theme.


i do feel that the industrial and djent influence runs through the soundtrack like a red thread; it may not sound like old industrial music, but art evolves with time, and just because a song belongs to a genre doesn't mean it has to sound exactly like whatever songs you're thinking of. but ultimately, Doom 4's music is a unique beast of its own. the closest match i could find is this Blue Stahli guy's music which, you guessed it, also counts as industrial metal.



one thing's for sure, though. dubstep music this ain't. it doesn't really sound remotely similar to it, the only thing that does is this song that was used for the closed sneak-peak teaser that was shown, which was axed anyway.



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For anyone still salty about Doom 2016 having "dubstep" for a soundtrack, watch this video:


There are completely valid reasons as to why Doom 2016 can't have just thrash metal blaring in your ears, and why it's been so heavily lauded as a result.

Also, a bonus video that both backs up the OP's argument, and provides a rebuttal at the same time:


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Long shitpost inbound, sorry.

5 hours ago, DoctorGenesis said:

But DOOM is metal... I mean I like country music, but country music in DOOM wouldn't make sense... the only non-metal music I like for DOOM is the PSX/N64 OST... also I should've wrote my comments better, I feel like a friggin' idiot.



It is not just metal, a large portion of Doom's themes ARE metal/metal inspired but you are forgetting that other considerable portion consiting of horror, gothic, sci-fi, religious and abstract art (we'll call it that for simplicity) themes with music that is largely metal based/inspired but also filled with horror ambience with a focus on tension and dread, calm and smooth moving lounge music and some of the most inappropriately upbeat tracks I've ever ever heard...


... And that is just the base game, Doom's broad as fuck design choices and varied visual styles open up the music style to be able to be almost fucking anything given the setting, you could mix the sci-fi sections up to synthetic bass tracks (80's style synthwave) or space exploration music (calm etherial tones) or multibeat techno music and it would work but I wouldn't put hardcore metal because it wouldn't fit thematically so it wouldn't work, you could mix the hellish temples with huge epic orchestral pieces or dark foreboding ambient tracks or even a churches organ playing a classical piece of a Christian hym and it would work but I wouldn't put techno here because it wouldn't fit thematically and not work...


Heck, Doom 2016 takes place in industrial areas where, weirdly enough, industrial metal plays to thematically fit. Did you notice how hell's music had more of an imposing and threatening orchestral mix to it? It was because hell was thematically imposing, grand scaled and unholy and the music fit. Vega Core had a more techno bass style that was fast paced and harsh, oddly enough it would be because you were in a large futuristic AI core locked in hardcore close fast paced combat with constant intense peril... Guess what, it worked, so well in fact that it is without a doubt the best track in the entire game to me just because it enhanced the experience of that level so fucking well.


Saying "I like country but I wouldn't put it in Doom" as a way of attempting to dismiss my point was a foolish one, I wouldn't put it in Doom unless the level itself allowed itself to have country music as its backing (example: a wild west/mountain/valley/canyon style level would probably benefit from a country track more so than a metal one). The music used has to complement the environment it is in, if Doom 2016's music was all thrash metal then it would have been tonally dead and actually be a detriment instead of enhancing it.


TL;DR: Doom and its soundtrack are adaptive to one another and isn't JUST metal. Also you could put country in Doom.

Edited by mrthejoshmon
lern 2 spel

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15 minutes ago, mrthejoshmon said:

Also you could put country in Doom.

I would put these in DOOM (among other things):


^Just so ya'll know some proper dubstep. ;-)

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5 hours ago, DoctorGenesis said:

But DOOM is metal... I mean I like country music, but country music in DOOM wouldn't make sense...

I think Country music in Doom is fine considering the fact that Doom 2 has Samba music.



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It's industrial metal, I swear the moment the hint of something even remotely electronic in nature is branded as dubstep in this day and age clearly points to someone who hasn't listened to enough music.

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It's music.  I get that people like to label things as a shortcut in discussion but I find the whole "it's this, no, it's that" argument really tedious.  The '16 OST has a lot of elements from a lot of styles of music.  One can't simply label the whole soundtrack as (Insert genre here).


Yes, it's mainly aggressive and often dissonant but it's not typical genre music.  Let's rejoice in the fact that it's not yet another generic orchestral me-too score that's so prevalent in big titles these days. :) 

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Personally, I love to play Doom without music or with my own music. Nothing wrong, but mostly it's doesn't fits gameplay on the screen. IMHO.

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When it comes to categorizing the soundtrack, I think people forget that movies and video games featuring original scores often defy immediate labeling. Mick Gordon went for an overtly electronic sound that has industrial, metal, rock, cinematic and horror elements. There's no wubs, but the use of glitchy rhythms and over processed guitars overlap with some elements of aggressive dubstep. It's obvious that he wasn't going for x genre. Instead, he crafted a sound that he felt worked for Doom and in a way it's kind of its own thing. A similar example would be how 12-bar blues progressions of thrash riffs wasn't exactly something you heard actual metal bands employ much; rather, it was just Bobby Prince being Bobby Prince.

Edited by GoatLord

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I really like the soundtrack, but still I turned the volume very low because all the environment, interaction and monster sounds are much more important for an immersive atmosphere for me.

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Yeah, I kinda wish there were more ambient music passages. They did an incredible job on the sound design overall.

Edited by GoatLord

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On 4/10/2017 at 4:33 PM, Viscra Maelstrom said:

the guitars are played in a djent fashion apparently



I feel like this is the aspect of the soundtrack that i'm not that fond of. The original doom OST was midi-style Thrash.


Edit: I feel that the thing I dislike the most about the djent style, has more to do with the tempo of the drums that can accommodate it. I like stuff that's more rhythmic; it doesn't necessarily have to be fast. I just hate it when metal tries to be too avant-garde, and technical, that it makes the song just boring as hell to listen to. IMO djent sounds like Morse code done with a guitar; not my cup of tea. The thrash/shredding style, invokes more excitement, attitude and adrenaline, which is what I like for a FPS like Doom.


Bonus: According to metal-archives, djent is not true metal. According to some, djent, within and of itself, has dubstep-like admixture. Thus it is not attributed to the electronic-sounding aspect of the Doom soundtrack. Rather, its the progression of the notes, and the sporadic inconsistent tempo that's the real turn off for me.



Edit 2: The MA-user, kingnuuuur, on the thread mentions something called djentstep. This is most likely, what you could consider the Doom (2016) ost I think.


Edit 3:


Context for people that don't know what I'm talking about.



Edited by Kontra Kommando
expanding my explanation.

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I generally don't listen to either industrial or djent, I like my music to have some more melody, and while I did miss Doom 2016 having proper tunes to enjoy, I thought the music fit the game excellently.  I never really stopped to listen to it, but it certainly provided the right kind of atmosphere, especially when the fire fights got going and riffs kicked up a gear.  The dynamic nature of the music was exceptionally well done.

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Once again dropping AN, because I fucking can, that's why :-P . For some reason I always have those fuckers in the back of my head when I play the new DOOM. It's like a grease-lubricated gangbang between Dark Funeral, Whourkr, and Queensrÿche.


Edited by TAPETRVE

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