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Quake Champions

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Gotta say I'm not liking the overly designed guns. Weapons need to be instantly recognizable and distinctive. Also kinda weird that there's green and cyan gibbing. But these are just visual complaints. It looks like a lot of fun.

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Jaxxoon R said:

I know I'm absolutely terrible at predicting things.

MrGlide said:

I wonder how this is gonna work. They can later change their business model like they did with Quake Live.

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I'm not excited about this aspect, mainly due to the ass load of cheaters that will be coming in from this.

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jazzmaster9 said:

To dislike it is one thing, but to generalize all modern games as objectively bad is Hipster mentality.
The game is not even out yet.

I don't like MOBAS but I don't know know what QC has to offer yet.

I don't think I dislike every modern game. Some things I dislike more than others, but for the most part I criticize games because I want them to be better.

Like this other guy said: the trailers make this game out to have a huge identity crisis. On the one hand you have the fast gun-play and rocket-jumping like good old times, but then they introduce these 'hero' abilities that they so obviously nicked from Overwatch. I don't think those two elements will mix very well. It's best if they focus on doing one gameplay-style well, instead of doing multiple sloppy ones.

I'm affraid that in the end, this game will not please either old school Quakers or Overwatch fans. Quake fans will dislike most of the changes and go back to playing Quake Live instead, and Overwatch fans will prefer to play Overwatch because that's what all their friends are already playing.

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Agentbromsnor said:

I'm affraid that in the end, this game will not please either old school Quakers or Overwatch fans. Quake fans will dislike most of the changes and go back to playing Quake Live instead, and Overwatch fans will prefer to play Overwatch because that's what all their friends are already playing.

Couldn't agree more, if it sucks I will more than stick to Quake Live, Quake 2 and OpenArena.

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Agentbromsnor said:

Like this other guy said: the trailers make this game out to have a huge identity crisis. On the one hand you have the fast gun-play and rocket-jumping like good old times, but then they introduce these 'hero' abilities that they so obviously nicked from Overwatch. I don't think those two elements will mix very well. It's best if they focus on doing one gameplay-style well, instead of doing multiple sloppy ones.

Your criticizm basically boiled down to "Eww Heroes in mah old school FPS"
We gotta wait and see how this plays, people shat on Doom 2016 based on the trailer and it ended up being amazing.

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DoctorGenesis said:

Couldn't agree more, if it sucks I will more than stick to Quake Live, Quake 2 and OpenArena.

Oh yeah, OpenArena is a thing. I tried that a few weeks ago, and that was quite fun! Played it with a friend for a bit.

I'll admit though: it's pretty cool that this is going to be free to play. I'll give it a fair chance when it comes out if it really is to be free to play.

Did you miss the whole part where Quake is always different than the last iteration? I'm willing to bet that if this game was announced in 1999 you wouldn't be complaining but rather jumping up and down with excitement. "Oh wow a new quake game! Holy shit look at that she went invisible that's awesome!".

It's true that every Quake game is different, though I don't think the core gameplay of the games have ever been greatly different. I'm not saying that a new twist on things will be a bad thing, it's just that this obvious Overwatch twist would probably do the game more harm than good. I mean: "hero"-abilities isn't the only thing they could go for. They could have gone with a Tribes-approach to the game, for example, but I think it's fairly obvious that the higher-ups at Bethesda don't think that would be raking in too much money.

We'll see what options are available when the game launches.

I think RTCW is still the better Wolfenstein game, I can keep replaying it and never tire of it.

I love it as well! I think it's probably one of the best Wolfenstein games, though it still has its flaws. RTCW is the most "serious" out of all the Wolfenstein games, but it still has its silly moments as well.

jazzmaster9 said:

Your criticizm basically boiled down to "Eww Heroes in mah old school FPS"
We gotta wait and see how this plays, people shat on Doom 2016 based on the trailer and it ended up being amazing.

I don't think "amazing" is the word I would use to describe the multiplayer in Doom 4.

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Agentbromsnor said:

I don't think "amazing" is the word I would use to describe the multiplayer in Doom 4.

I wasn't talking about the multiplayer but the game in general.
And the Doom 2016 MP wasn't even made by ID.

If Quake Champions is being made by the same people who would Play Quake 3 Team Arena after officer hours non stop, then I am very optimistic about QC.

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jazzmaster9 said:

I wasn't talking about the multiplayer but the game in general.
And the Doom 2016 MP wasn't even made by ID.

How can you even compare it to Quake Champions then? It's like comparing apples to oranges...

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Agentbromsnor said:

How can you even compare it to Quake Champions then? It's like comparing apples to oranges...

Im not compraing the gameplay, Im compairing the public reception to the Games Trailer vs. The finished product

Everyone shat on Doom 2016 based on the trailer but then finished product was great.
You can't base quality over an early trailer.

Maybe learn a little bit of reading comprehension.

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jazzmaster9 said:

Im not compraing the gameplay, Im compairing the public reception to the Games Trailer vs. The finished product

Everyone shat on Doom 2016 based on the trailer but then finished product was great.
You can't base quality over an early trailer.

Maybe learn a little bit of reading comprehension.

Maybe you should learn basic grammar ("compraing", "compairing"?) and how to stick to a topic. Why are you suddenly talking about reception?

but then finished product was great

That's just YOUR opinion, not mine.

I don't give two shits about what others think about a game. So what? Doom 4 sold well, what's the point? If your argument is that this by default means that the game is great, then you also have to assume that based on popularity alone Justin Bieber is a brilliant singer.

If you want to talk numbers then go over to Metacritic or something. I care more about the direction the game will take and how well it will live up to its expectations and promises.

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It's ok bromsnor, no one gives a shit about your opinion either. Have fun getting worked up over games you apparently can't enjoy. I'll be having a hell of a time.

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MrGlide said:

Most of my worries have been calmed, thank you for sharing that DoomRO. we gonna play together?

Sure! I hope there's going to be a Doomworld clan! Would be great to play with the good folk around here.

Aaaah, TB. Always a voice of reason!

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Agentbromsnor said:

Maybe you should learn basic grammar ("compraing", "compairing"?) and how to stick to a topic. Why are you suddenly talking about reception?

Lol you if i like how you had to resort to using a typo to try to get me.

You have NO idea how Quake Champion is going to be like until release. ACCEPT THAT.

Agentbromsnor said:

*something about Doom selling and your crush on Justin Beiber.

I was basing the reception of Doom 2016's qaulity based on peoples general comments about it.

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Agentbromsnor said:

Thanks for your exceptional mini-mod contribution that adds exactly fuck-all to the topic at hand.

Lol right.

DooM_RO said:

Wow this actually looks pretty fun! I'll definitely be playing with you and MrGlide. Hopefully we all get in the beta. I wonder if the abilities have some sort of 'charge' and a cooldown after use. Thanks a lot for posting this :D

Also, just found this video with gameplay that's about 12 minutes. Looks fun

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It'll be interesting to see if this game has lasting appeal or not. Whenever any professional or indie arena shooter (Quake Live, Toxikk) pops up you have everyone acting like a Quake 3 pro when it comes to feedback then once the game comes out no one really cares and it's dead within the month. I'm convinced the audience for this sub-genre isn't as big as the internet likes to think.

Edit: lol, I read the last few posts and TotalBiscuit said the exact same thing.

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jazzmaster9 said:

Lol you if i like how you had to resort to using a typo to try to get me.

You're saying this as if typos are an exception in your writing.

You have NO idea how Quake Champion is going to be like until release. ACCEPT THAT.

Did I not previously mention that I'm hoping the game will be better on release? You're acting like a child here by saying "how dare you form an opinion based on the trailers and footage that they released!". If they make a public trailer that looks absurd, people have all the freedom to express their concerns, especially when it's an established franchise.

I was basing the reception of Doom 2016's qaulity based on peoples general comments about it.

And people still think the multiplayer is shit, which is the biggest factor that people complained about when they released the Doom 4 multiplayer beta. Nobody even talked about Doom 4's singleplayer that much. In fact: most people commented how the singleplayer is going to make up for everything and how Doom has never been about multiplayer (which is stupid). Don't act like Doom 4 has lived up to everyone's expectations in "qaulity" (sic) and how it's the best thing since sliced bread just because you enjoyed the game a lot.

MrGlide said:

It's ok bromsnor, no one gives a shit about your opinion

Then stop trying to turn this topic into a flamewar. I expressed a concerned opinion and you don't agree with that. Can you at the very least just accept other people's views and stop acting like a baby with these petty insults?

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jazzmaster9 said:

You have NO idea how Quake Champion is going to be like until release. ACCEPT THAT.

We actually do, some people have already played it at QuakeCon. However I have been told by Top Men "No complaints except for the art style", so the game is provably Quake at this point.

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Agentbromsnor said:

people have all the freedom to express their concerns, especially when it's an established franchise.

Nobody even talked about Doom 4's singleplayer that much. In fact: most people commented how the singleplayer is going to make up for everything and how Doom has never been about multiplayer (which is stupid). Don't act like Doom 4 has lived up to everyone's expectations in "qaulity" (sic) and how it's the best thing since sliced bread just because you enjoyed the game a lot.

People have the freedom to express an educated concern. The trailer is nothing more than to build hype, that is not gonna be finished product.
Quake has never been the same on all its iterations so QC being different should be no surprise.

Also a lot of people have been talking about Doom 2016's rebust singelplayer, but I guess you want to push those under the rug to further your "argument".

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Agentbromsnor said:

I don't give two shits about what others think about a game.

MrGlide said:

It's ok bromsnor, no one gives a shit about your opinion either.

Agentbromsnor said:

Can you at the very least just accept other people's views and stop acting like a baby with these petty insults?

Ya ok man.

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Why are they even calling it Champions anyway? It's not exactly an alternate word for Arena. "Quake: Arena" hasn't been taken and this is pretty much a reboot in some sense.

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