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Did you cheat through Doom as a kid?


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Indeed when I was a kid, I cheated all the live long. Wasn't until about 10 years ago that I started playing normal and getting gud. Now I only use cheats for debugging or testing.

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I first beat Doom/Doom II around the ages of 6-8 on ITYTD, and I was completely unaware that cheat codes existed for it. However when I came back to it around age 12, I did toy around with the cheat codes to explore the levels in Final Doom. Other than that, I never used them seriously to aid me in beating the game.


However I go back and forth questioning if save scumming itself is cheating, or an extremely efficient method of time travel. Can't be bothered to crap away half an hour because of inescapable pits or some distraction causing me to get murdered.

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I mean, I was 11 years old when Doom was released and I was playing with keyboard only, so it was really difficult even on ITYTD. The demon encounters scared me shitless. So naturally cheating helped me overcome my fears :D

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12 hours ago, Archvile Hunter said:

I feel exactly the same way about saving in Doom nowadays. Every map is a contained challenge, and if you can't get through it without saving, you haven't truly beaten the map. Saves are only to be used if you have to stop playing to do something else, then return later.

I totally disagree, a distant chainginner killing me out of nowhere and forcing me to lose 30 minutes of progress =/= fun. A simple save lets me acknowledge the bullshit monster placement and react according without throwing precious time out the window. I haven't gotten any extra health or ammo, only what's provided, so I haven't cheated.


By that logic, merely being familiar with a map's monster placement is somehow "cheating"!


There's definitely something satisfying about beating a map without dying or saving, but to call saving cheating just feels wrong - to me, anyway.

Edited by Doomkid

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I'll be blunt: No. Unless you count looking up GameFAQ for "tips" on finishing Doom 2's map30 as cheating.


Then a Brutal Doom video led me to PWADs, source ports, the community, mods, Doom Builder 2, Final Doom, speedruns, DoomWiki etc.

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4 minutes ago, Voros said:

I'll be blunt: No. Unless you count looking up GameFAQ for "tips" on finishing Doom 2's map30 as cheating.


Then a Brutal Doom video led me to PWADs, source ports, the community, mods, Doom Builder 2, Final Doom, speedruns, DoomWiki etc.

In all fairness to that, I never completed map30 without idclip'ing through the wall. I knew what to do, but I could never be bothered to actually do it.


Shit boss anyway :-)


EDIT: I did however as a kid play that map on god mode and idkfa for a good half hour at a time nuking all the monsters.

Edited by Liberation

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First time playing, I didn't bother learning the cheats. I knew there we always cheats, but the first cheat I heard of "IDSPOSDIBISDISOP" or something like that (honestly it looked exactly like that to me as a young aspiring gamer), so I thought other cheats were "SEVENTEENPLUSINFINITYEQUALSWHATNOW" to get extra ammo and to get god mode I would have to type out a bible, so I said "screw it, I am going to play this the fair way"


cue several years later, whenever I am bored to the bones, I open up mock2, type in fast weapons cheat in the console, toggle inifinite ammo and god mode and idkfa respectively.

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With the original Doom I never did. Doom 2 on the other hand, I never finished a playthough at all since I was to busy warping through levels (usually map 15) and god mode-ing through them. I didn't finish Doom 2 proper until a few years ago.

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Oh, yes. And proud of it. I don't play games if cannot cheat, that's my nature, after all, a PC game is a competition between a dishonest developer that do not disclose what is in the game and makes you always start with the weakest/stupidest weapon possible and right around the first corner there is a boss monster... nice, so, I ran out of patience and resorted to this policy. "Oh, it is a game of skill and patience, and you have to develop those" they tell you. At $60+ or way more per game and with "features" (bugs), no, thank you, I don't have patience and time for those any more. Hey, I also want to watch Netflix too.


So, in Doom/ZDoom, today, it is even worst, nowadays, I use Decorate and ACS to produce very sophisticated mods, so now, I don't need those pesky commands/cheats and I am 100% immortal, and no, not even an "mdk" or unfair script can kill me and my weapons can sweep an entire level if I wanted to.


The only thing that saddens me is that when somebody like me makes a statement like the one I just made, intolerant people in forums start screaming and crying like if I committed a crime while governments really cheat on them a lot worse and they don't even notice or care.

That is why I will never publish my cheat mod, I don't want to deal with all the flames, once I did it with a little piece of my code and the flamefest that ensued was not worth it.

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I knew only 4 cheats back then: IDDQD, IDCLIP, IDCLEV, and IDFA (not IDKFA). Whenever I played the game on my own, it was with these cheats. I'd always IDCLEV to MAP30, turn on IDCLIP, IDDQD and IDFA, climb onto the platform below the boss, watch the spawner creating a huge army of monsters, dodge their shots even though they couldn't harm me, and once a while clear the area with the BFG. This was my favorite way of experiencing Doom back then, not actually playing the levels, let alone without cheats.

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21 minutes ago, lzvk25 said:

The only thing that saddens me is that when somebody like me makes a statement like the one I just made, intolerant people in forums start screaming and crying like if I committed a crime while governments really cheat on them a lot worse and they don't even notice or care.

very childish how the doom trolls are interested when i post about over rated unfair video games, but not when i post about over throwing the unfair governmenmt...

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27 minutes ago, lzvk25 said:

Oh, yes. And proud of it. I don't play games if cannot cheat, that's my nature, after all, a PC game is a competition between a dishonest developer that do not disclose what is in the game and makes you always start with the weakest/stupidest weapon possible and right around the first corner there is a boss monster...


I take you don't play anything made after 1998? Modern games don't really have cheats anymore, they have unlockables, but that usually entails having to put up with playing the game the way the evil developers designed it! What a chore!!

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21 minutes ago, Use said:


I take you don't play anything made after 1998? Modern games don't really have cheats anymore, they have unlockables, but that usually entails having to put up with playing the game the way the evil developers designed it! What a chore!!


30 minutes ago, esselfortium said:

very childish how the doom trolls are interested when i post about over rated unfair video games, but not when i post about over throwing the unfair governmenmt...


See. What did I say ?  Please stop it. It is not worth it.


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5 hours ago, Doomkid said:

I totally disagree, a distant chainginner killing me out of nowhere and forcing me to lose 30 minutes of progress =/= fun.

Well, that's probably exactly why I don't like it when maps exceed 20 minutes, lol.


I totally respect your opinion though. There really is no universally accepted "correct" way to play Doom, and it seems like everyone has a different experience playing the game. With all the different difficulty settings, control schemes, source ports, mods, and self-imposed rules and limitations, everyone's way of experiencing Doom is different. I think the multitude of ways you can tweak Doom to your own personal preference is the primary reason it still lives on today.

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3 hours ago, Liberation said:

I did however as a kid play that map on god mode and idkfa for a good half hour at a time nuking all the monsters.

I did exactly the same thing sometimes! IDCLEV30, IDDQD, IDFA, just run around and kill some demons. Then finally kill the boss and watch that kill percentage rise into the millions!

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1 hour ago, lzvk25 said:

Oh, yes. And proud of it. I don't play games if cannot cheat, that's my nature, after all, a PC game is a competition between a dishonest developer that do not disclose what is in the game and makes you always start with the weakest/stupidest weapon possible and right around the first corner there is a boss monster... nice, so, I ran out of patience and resorted to this policy. "Oh, it is a game of skill and patience, and you have to develop those" they tell you. At $60+ or way more per game and with "features" (bugs), no, thank you, I don't have patience and time for those any more. Hey, I also want to watch Netflix too.


So, in Doom/ZDoom, today, it is even worst, nowadays, I use Decorate and ACS to produce very sophisticated mods, so now, I don't need those pesky commands/cheats and I am 100% immortal, and no, not even an "mdk" or unfair script can kill me and my weapons can sweep an entire level if I wanted to.


The only thing that saddens me is that when somebody like me makes a statement like the one I just made, intolerant people in forums start screaming and crying like if I committed a crime while governments really cheat on them a lot worse and they don't even notice or care.

That is why I will never publish my cheat mod, I don't want to deal with all the flames, once I did it with a little piece of my code and the flamefest that ensued was not worth it.

What on earth are you on about? The world is not a fair place, but you can play your games how you want to... its ok! 

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Does having your dad playthrough a level you were to scared to play count as cheating? I remember asking him to finish one or two levels when I played through doom. E3M2 in particular. I can't remember if I asked him to play another level too.

Edited by nxGangGirl

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iddqd just for sight seeing. I ended up coming back and beating them on Ultraviolence years later.

Edited by Houndoom

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52 minutes ago, nxGangGirl said:

Does having your dad playthrough a level you were to scared to play count as cheating? I remember asking him to finish one or two levels when I played through doom. E3M2 in particular. I can't remember if I asked him to play another level too.

HA!  I did this same shit when I was a wee one.  I'd be able to play Entryway and Underhalls by myself...and then when I got to the Gantlet and the tougher bad guys started showing up..."Hey dad, do you wanna watch me play?  Just to see how good I am."  That worked like twice I think, and then he realized what I was doing.

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I clearly remember using idclip to walk into the HOM void and painting a colorful tapestry of repeating BFG, plasma and rocket sprites. The 12 year old equivalent of tripping balls.

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As a kid I never did. My brother was the one who knew all the cheats and he wouldn't give them to me. 


He did tell me about "ILM" in Wolfenstein though, and I overused it like any kid would. I did however feel bad when I saw the score go back to 0 every time I cheated...

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7 hours ago, Archvile Hunter said:

Then finally kill the boss and watch that kill percentage rise into the millions!

An epic ending if you ask me, cause who would've thought you'd be killing 1500% of monsters at the final level, right?

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No. Never.

... Doom didn't exist when I was a kid.


Did I cheat at Doom when it did exist? Sure, but my real vice was easy difficulty. I played episode 1 on HNTR because I hadn't learned to dodge; I didn't learn to dodge because there's little need on HNTR. When we got the full version, episode 2 seemed impossible because of the apparent ammo crunch around E2M4, so I stuck to E1 on HNTR.


Obviously, I did eventually get out of that rut. ;-)

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Echoing Soundblock, the only time I cheated was to NOCLIP somewhere to try and determine how an effect/action was accomplished.  Of course, I wore out my F6 key quicksaving, but I don't consider that cheating (wimpy, maybe, but not cheating).

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I usually played in HMP or UV, but I saved more than 2 files in same map(one of them is for backup).
Also I always used IDCLIP in map30 when I was a child.
Hide in romero room and look down monsters from small window,

I remember I really liked watching infighting and disappearing monsters.

Edited by Kurashiki

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Haha I used to do that too! when I first heard about John Romero's head I was really scared and didn't dare to type IDCLIP until I did it by mistake, hehe.

Icon of Sin level really freaked me out when I was 16.

Edited by Gerardo194

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