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FPS of the future


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As we sit back and watch the development of new and (sometimes)better games of the first person category, such as Unreal, Wolfenstein, Quake, Doom, we always envision the coming innovations to revolve around the basis of using a keyboard, mouse, and monitor interface to play the games. But what about the descendants of the aforementioned game series, 10, 20, 30 years from now? Will gamers reach a point where today's standard of interface becomes obselete because of the introduction of a type of a control that puts us in a more realistic position in the game? What if someone developed technology that tricked your mind into thinking it was *in* the game? Would gamers want that level of depthness? Would we be able to handle it? If you sudden awoke to find yourself in a virtual world so real you could feel particles of simulated dust flying into your eye, would you also be able to handle the simulated explosion of a bullet through your arm? Something to think about while we wait for Doom 3.

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Ah, Very Good. You feel the same way I do.

I earn t play a good VR game that realistic. I think it would be awsome. BUt there would possibly be side effects. If it tricks you that much, what if you get "stuck" there, go insane, and "accidentally" die? Becuase you mind would percieve that it is real, you might get blasted in the stomach with a rocket, and actually die, or even "exit" your body. They could test them on retards.. jk

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Eventually, people will forget of all other types of entertainment, because gaming will be all of them together. Imagine, a brain/machine interfase would allow us to LIVE oniric worlds just like you can see, for example, in the Matrix. Of course, the world's complexity will never match reality, unless the computers are stored in hyperspace where computations take 0 time.

Will it affect our way of living? Hell, yes. In the good way. The transition will be so goddamn slow that it won't represent a shock.

Do you feel the society is wrong because of music?
Do you feel the society is wrong because of painting?
Do you feel the society is wrong because of TV?
Do you feel the society is wrong because of Literature?
Do you feel the society is wrong because of the Internet?

I guess we adapt and loose the old "rational community behavior pattern". Afterall, look how was the life for the Ancient Romans, some of their stuff now looks obnoxiously primitive and savage. Not having Internet will be considered just like that in less than a decade.

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That would be cool....instead of having to use a keyboard/mouse combo, it would obviously be YOU as the Space Marine.
Side effects, however, could be devastating. You could very well turn into a zombie of sorts after you saw a simulated zombie get blown in half by an angered, simulated, Shotgun Guy.
I'd like to see this sort of technology someday. Sounds like fun.

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aw come on.. when that stuff is available, only messed up psychopaths like us would make a nightmareish world. They'd make happy places where everything's good and shit, nothing else, IF it got so realistic we'd mistake it for reality.

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IF it got so realistic we'd mistake it for reality.

And that's precisely bad? Sure, it looks WRONG now, but things will change for society in the future.

Afterall, I'm not seeing you hunting for your family and dying at the age of 20. I'm not seeing praying to your wicked 543254 Gods, or commanding a couple of slaves.

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