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Updated Doom level megawad Project?

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My idea for a megawad, though not exactly like a New and Original one... Is it bad? I don't know.. I wanted to sort of Update the Vanilla Doom levels, and "Modernize" (The levels can look exactly the same, but like mosernize as in like Adding Deep water segmente, Dynamic Lights, Colored lights, Making use of line horizon, 3D floors, Maybe even Ambient Sounds to or anything that the GZDoom engine can do. ) Like plutonia levels could maybe us a little fog to add to atmosphere? Or Doom 2 levels having a Dark brownish slight tint of atmosphere color that fits the skybox color. We can edit the levels and stuff, which we will probsbly end up doing anyway.. (As long as it just retains the original level shape and its within recognizeable boundries. New segments are welcome, but must lead to an exit or back to map. ) We can also use this opportunity to fix up some Buildings in Doom 2 for example that have that weird lowered ceiling Sky texture, so when you see theres obviously a taller building in the back drop, it just fades into that texture, those are the type if fixes that should be considered, and use 3d flooring to make those maps more realistic. Ill try to make an example "Update" map soon when I have the time. Be sure to add rotating skies or Use skybox sectors to!

Edited by UAC-Janitor

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I think the Doom 2 Redux project is also something like modernising the Doom levels (in a sense).


But the idea certainly isn't original. It's the execution of said idea that has to be original.

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I feel like such a newbie. Its not that I just dont want to have people lazily copy the Original maps and sloppily place in all of GZDooms features, I want them to be used if necassary or fitting, just giving a refreshment to the original levels, and really put colored lighting to good use as well as dynamic lights. Id like to see plutonia levels being "updated" like this and see the end result of it. 

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I forgot to mention that I dont want the KDiZD level of detail and complexity. Some maps dont need to look like those unless its for a specific reason

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So basically you want barely-edited remasters of the originals


As far as I know, such a thing doesn't exist

Edited by StalkerZHS

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54 minutes ago, StalkerZHS said:

As far as I know, such a thing doesn't exist

Better get started then ;)

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Its not a Bad idea is it?? I mean it isnt much of a huge project or nothing ground breaking, just like an addon. Sort of how Half-Life 2: Update is to Half-Life 2, ya know? Who wouldnt want to play through doom again with some nice PSX ambient lighting? Changes in skyboxes in each level? Hell add some weather elements to. You guys ever played maps of chaos? For Doom 1? Notice how the additional mapping segments they add arnt much more detailed and look like the rest of the map? Id like to see some architectural additions to look like that. Your allowed to add a little more detail in each sector if you'd like, just dont go KDiZD mode.  Though your still allowed to use slopes and such advanced features! Sorry if this sounds like a crummy idea..

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From what I can understand, the idea is to polish up the levels as opposed to completely overhauling them to make them feel a bit more fresh. I think it's a neat idea certainly, much of the original Doom feels very dated but projects like KDIZD feel like completely different games. Now something I am unclear on is do you want to make a single Megawad that has a sort of Greatest Hits style collection of levels that have been updated or are you talking about updating everything? Because the latter seems like a very daunting challenge and the former sounds like it could even present a new progression for continuous players. This would have to be more than lazy clones with a couple of extra features though.

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Thats a very interesting thought Necrum.. What exactly do you mean by "Greatest Hits"?  My idea was to simply refresh the levels a bit with GZDoom's more advance Features and make the experience refreshing. Levels can stay the same with maybe some textural and even map part differences. I want to do this for all 4 IWADs hopefully. Id like to start with Doom 1 though and add more atmosphere and loose places you can explore freely that dont involve anything with level progression. Id like MP3 music to. It'll come together as we discuss it more. I just want the levels to atleast retain their original shape, I dont want a DTWiD (As much as I love that WAD, I want to keep the levels the same. Though lets all figure something out, right?)

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What I meant was a sort of 32 level Wad for Doom 2 containing levels from across Doom 1, 2, Final Doom and maybe any other official content if someone wanted to update something outside the core games. I think you'd be more likely to get people involved on something like that since they would have more options to pick from than going straight into updating the original Doom, maybe use it as a sort of Proof of Concept WAD for justifying an update to an entire game or four.

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Necrum, thats actually a Really good idea to see if people would even like it!  Imagine playing complex doom on co-op through these updates maps and maybe giving opportunities to create special challenges in these maps using the original source map as the base! This is great! Ill see what i can do to organize this stuff..

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Dibs on MAP01 of Plutonia. I love that map for some reason and a chance to deconstruct it and try to improve upon it would be a great learning experience. 

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Im curious to see what kind of Skybox Sector or Effects you'd use on Map01 of plutonia.. I really think some white fog would give it much more atmosphere. How about some slopey outdoor parts? Im curious to see. If you had something else in mind, go ahead and do so. I was thinking of fixing up map29 of plutonia. 

Edited by UAC-Janitor

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Sounds like a cool idea... I'm curious, how much liberty would you allow on such a project? For instance, if someone thought that there were too many invulnerability spheres in Spirit World or that the Factory needs more monsters outside, would you allow them to alter the gameplay in that way?


What if someone thought the progression of a certain level was too confusing (e.g. The Citadel or The Chasm)? Would you allow tweaks to the map layout?


Unfortunately, I am unable to contribute to this project given my current circumstances (much as I'd like to!). I just ask because I'm curious...

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9 minutes ago, 42PercentHealth said:

Sounds like a cool idea... I'm curious, how much liberty would you allow on such a project? For instance, if someone thought that there were too many invulnerability spheres in Spirit World or that the Factory needs more monsters outside, would you allow them to alter the gameplay in that way?


What if someone thought the progression of a certain level was too confusing (e.g. The Citadel or The Chasm)? Would you allow tweaks to the map layout?


Unfortunately, I am unable to contribute to this project given my current circumstances (much as I'd like to!). I just ask because I'm curious...

This is what essentially would help establish the term "Update" for these megawads and attempt to polish them more. This is great! Though lets not change these levels too much to the point they become DTWiD look alikes. So yes, you may edit enemy placement and item placement as long as it isnt too drastic. 

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7 minutes ago, StalkerZHS said:

I get all of Doom Episode 1.

I know PERFECTLY how to do that, as I've done it in secret by myself before!

Consider adding som rainy weather effects, itd be perfect for E1M1 and E1M9! Deeper water effects to, maybe add in some new secrets? ;)

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Guys! Dont forget to add Ambient Sound effects to! Computer buzzes, winds, Ambient battle noises, or anything that fits the level!


Also may I mention you can use friendly marines if you want !

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Or alternatively, this might also be fun as a mapping challenge:  modernize an IWAD map as much as possible by using every GZDoom trick in the book, EXCEPT you can't move or add any verticies in the map.


Basically you have to do it 100% through special effects.


Not quite the same as the original intention granted but it might make for some fun interpretations!

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18 minutes ago, Bauul said:

Or alternatively, this might also be fun as a mapping challenge:  modernize an IWAD map as much as possible by using every GZDoom trick in the book, EXCEPT you can't move or add any verticies in the map.


Basically you have to do it 100% through special effects.


Not quite the same as the original intention granted but it might make for some fun interpretations!

Originally that was the Idea, and still makes up a great portion of the idea. Just a few more liberties to edit such things, I dont want the overall map layout to be affected. Think of an HD GZDoom remaster, but not KDiZD and bases its self entirely off the original maps. Thats what im aiming for. No new enemies or weapons however. I want there to be Co-op support as well. You can add or remove enemies as you please! But dont turn a map into a miserable slaughter map when the priginal wasnt like that. 

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I will look forward on this, but I'm afraid I can contribute something because I am vanilla and limit-removing mapper. Still even not touched Boom format.

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2 hours ago, riderr3 said:

I will look forward on this, but I'm afraid I can contribute something because I am vanilla and limit-removing mapper. Still even not touched Boom format.

Sounds to me like a perfect way to learn! You just have to worry about the new effects, not putting together a whole new level.

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21 minutes ago, NecrumWarrior said:

Sounds to me like a perfect way to learn! You just have to worry about the new effects, not putting together a whole new level.

I remember old times when I start playing doom pwads and plans to build own big ZDoom map project. And for sure like many of us, I abandoned it because lack of knowledges!
I think the best format for beginner mappers is limit-removing, cause ZDoom too complicated, but vanilla have many limitations.

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1 hour ago, riderr3 said:

I remember old times when I start playing doom pwads and plans to build own big ZDoom map project. And for sure like many of us, I abandoned it because lack of knowledges!
I think the best format for beginner mappers is limit-removing, cause ZDoom too complicated, but vanilla have many limitations.

Give it a try! ZDoom features may look very hard and difficult to utilize.. But maps look much better! And when you get the hang of it, you'll be able to give more life to maps then ever. I've never used another format besides UDMF for Skulltag, Zdoom, Gzdoom, and Zandronum. I thought it was the best thing to use. Ive only taken slight looks at other formats and noticed how much simpler it is.. though I wont budge. Keep going and try it out! Experiment with MAPINFO! Btw! You all are allowed to use Skulltag textures as long as they fit the architecture. No skulltag weapons though. 

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2 hours ago, UAC-Janitor said:

Give it a try! ZDoom features may look very hard and difficult to utilize.. But maps look much better! And when you get the hang of it, you'll be able to give more life to maps then ever. I've never used another format besides UDMF for Skulltag, Zdoom, Gzdoom, and Zandronum. I thought it was the best thing to use. Ive only taken slight looks at other formats and noticed how much simpler it is.. though I wont budge. Keep going and try it out! Experiment with MAPINFO! Btw! You all are allowed to use Skulltag textures as long as they fit the architecture. No skulltag weapons though. 

Well, if other people will be interested, I can try to modernize some small Doom 2/Plutonia/Evilution map. But I need to decide which level is better suited for improvement in my opinion.

P.S. I suggesting edit this thread, or create a new because when someone starting a project, rules must be in first post, to clarify what is allowed, and what is forbidden (list).

Also you can take a look how guys improved some old 1994 wads


Edited by riderr3

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