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If you have to pick one map per Doom’s episode…
Which ones do you choose and why ?
(Including Ultimate Doom, Doom II, Master Levels,TNT and Plutonia of course)

Pretty difficult to answer but to me, I think…

Ultimate Doom – Hangar (the first time I discovered Doom, what a shock !)
Doom II – Industrial Zone (when I saw « Entering Wolfenstein », they dared ! ! ! lol!)
Master Levels – Geryon (quite strange concept…I know, silly answer)
TNT – Mount Pain (The amazing view of the Mount at the end of the level, beau-ti-full !)
Plutonia – Go 2 It – (Survival horror ! ! !)

On PSX - Threshold Of Pain (Disturbing atmosphere…)
If this level exist on PC, I want it ! ! ! ;-)

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Ultimate Doom
E1-Phobos Anomaly
E2-Spawning Vats
E3-Mt. Erebus or Limbo

Doom II
level 8-tricks and traps

Master Levels
Black Tower

Final Doom
TnT-level 21-Administration Center
Plutonia-level 32-Go 2 It

and since i saw everybody posting Doom 64 i will add this in...

Doom 64
level 17 (i think, correct me if im wrong)-Watch Your Step

i like levels that are either wide open spaced or a good sense of difficultiness...or a combination of both

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Ultimate Doom

E1:Computer Station(Lots of areas to explore)
E2:Contaiment Area(Spooky atsmosphere)
E3:Unholy Cathedral(Big, evil and confusing)
E4:Unto the Cruel(Challegning)

Doom 2
The Spirit World(Large, lots of areas to look around)

Master Levels
Subspace(Just an incredible level)

Balystyx(Very Hell themed)

Congo(Simple, but it has some tough enemys in it)

Doom 64(If I may)
Dark Citadel(Spooky atsmosphere and disturbing music to it)

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Well, let's see....
Ultimate Doom:
E1-Phobos Lab/Computer Station-Both these level are large and require an amount of backtracking to finish them. They're also spooky.
E2-Tower of Babel-You vs. the CyberDemon!
E3-Mt. Erebus-I like this level because it's pretty eerie. The Hell theme is also pretty well done.
E4-Fear-E4's secret level. This one's kind of small, and it's pretty dark too, but it's pretty challenging.
Level 5-The Waste Tunnels-I like this one because of the Waste Tunnels themselves at the end.
Level 8-Tricks n' Traps-I like this one because you are never quite certain what's behind each door. At least I'm not.
Level 10-Refueling Base-The battle with the Cyb at the end is really intense!
Level 14-Industrial Zone-This a huge level, and I like huge levels. 'Nuff said.
Master Levels-Haven't played these.
Final Doom:
I personally thought that this WAD sucked. I didn't really like any of the levels.
Ballistyx-Pretty good Hell-themed level we got here. I also like the red sky with the black clouds-awesome.
River Styx-This one's spooky, and the entire River itself is made of blood.
Pharoah-A pyramid level for Doom!
Mill-This one is strangely quiet..too quiet...and then you fight the Cyber at the end.
Stronghold-Pretty well designed Base-style level.
Crater-Same as above.
The list goes on....

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Ultimate Doom:

E1M5 - Phobos Lab
E2M6 - Halls Of The Damned
E3M7 - Limbo/Gate To Limbo

Doom 2:

Map24 - The Chasm
Map27 - Monster Condo

Master Levels (PSX):

Level 8 - Minos
Level 10 - Paradox

Final Doom - TNT (PSX):

Level 19 - Deepest Reaches
Level 21 - Lunar Mining Project

Final Doom - Plutonia (PSX):

Level 26 - Aztec
level 27 - Ghost Town

Doom 64:
Level 13 - Dark Citadel
Level 18 - Spawned Fear

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The level with open terrain surrounded by lava was a really fun for me too.

E3M6 - Mt. Erebus

I think the first level I saw, was the first level of that episode, where you see that eye and click on it.

E3M1 - Hell Keep

Only name I can think of started with a V, verdona, vesp... I dun no.


that stage where the Revenants looked like they are dance in a disco club...

Club Doom

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i only get about 4 levels mixed up from ultimate doom

E1M3:Toxin Refinery
E1M4:Command Control
E2M5:Command Center

take a wild guess how i forget these...(two pair have same word in it) i needed a piece of paper and pen to write these 4 levels down to type it on here

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That's the similar poll from what is best/worse in Doom

So once more Downtown from DoomII, don't got the other games.

And how the hell do I get my logo back?

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And how the hell do I get my logo back?

You don't. Mine disappeared after the forum upgrade and I never got it back.

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You don't. Mine disappeared after the forum upgrade and I never got it back.

So Ralphis could keep his Avatar [logo](spelling?) and you don't? Oh well, shit happens.

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