Ermin Posted August 10, 2017 (edited) CHESS BOSS FIGHT Here you will face off against all chess pieces each with various abilities. Edited August 11, 2017 by Ermin 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 11, 2017 (edited) UPDATE 0.8 (3 stages left, countdown to completion) Checkerboard stage complete. new boss/ enemies added. all stages have been updated new shop added major update to strategy guide Infinite ammo secret stage removed. The mod is almost at completion, its still not to late to donate and have your very own stage added to your specifications. Read here for details. If you wish to design custom levels for the mod read here for details. Once mod is complete i will no longer support any future updates. Thanks Edited August 11, 2017 by Ermin 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 12, 2017 Welcome to the pit Lure out that fat bastard of a boss by cutting off his food supply. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 13, 2017 UPDATE 0.9 (2 stages left, Final stretch) The pit stage complete. new boss/ enemies added. major update to strategy guide Estimated date of completion, August 20/27. Mod needs testing before release, if your interested inbox me and i will send you the final version on completion before release date. 2 spots left for reservation. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 16, 2017 1 of the final bosses. Pearly gates : Here you will face Lawrence, god of this realm. (coming in update 0.9.5) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 17, 2017 (edited) finaly got my youtube account up.. here is a wip demo of boos intro Edited August 26, 2017 by Ermin old footage 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
everennui Posted August 17, 2017 This looks really good @Ermin. I just put an order in Amazon. The ball is rolling on my new PC, and I'm so excited to see how this plays. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 18, 2017 (edited) UPDATE 0.9.5 (1 stage left, the next update will be the last. Last chance to donate.) New stage and Boss added. Fixes to all previous stages added a batch file to auto rename ini file to players name. new installation file made that installs game on users computer with desktop shortcut. The next update will be the last update. adding 1 more stage and then the final boss. Deadline next week latest. Edited August 18, 2017 by Ermin 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 19, 2017 The final stage of the game, The Underworld. 4 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 22, 2017 (edited) Update 0.9.9 (Final Testing phase) -New boss and enemy added -update to all previous stages -enemies updated -Outro cutscene added -strategy guide update -Newgame plus added (upon completing the game, you can start again with all weapons and items from previous play throughs. EXPERIMENTAL) Before i release the game i will be ironing out all bugs and making last minute adjustments. Along side the release i will also make a complete walkthrough video for anyone that is unable to play or to those that are simply stuck. There is a total of 14 stages each with varied themes and encounters, gameplay lengh is roughly 2-4 hours. I will hold a contest on release with a nice reward, If you have any questions ask away. i will be releasing the mod some time this week, the weekend at the very latest. Thanks for your patience. Edited August 23, 2017 by Ermin typos 2 Quote Share this post Link to post
Merry Widow Posted August 23, 2017 This is gorgeous!My compliments to you! :D 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 24, 2017 RELEASE ANNOUNCEMENT Everything is complete, testing is successful, all bugs have been killed and the game is now fully playable. Before i release the game i need to quickly record the step by step walkthrough and upload it, I am fully aware alot of you guys will be unable to play so these videos are specifically for you. Check back in a couple hours to download version 1.0 of the game. FINAL UPDATE NOTES You can now use cheats without it affecting any scripts in the game. All monsters have been updated. All levels have been updated. New game plus has been added and is now fully functional, this grants the player access to all levels on completion of the game with all items intact. Or simply use this cheat to start the game completely open. ( "Give Game_completed" ) Some bosses have been updated. COMPETITION ANNOUNCEMENT I will donate via paypal £10/$15 to the first person to upload a complete genuine playthrough in one sitting without cuts, cheats and in the quickest time. This competition will be open until 31/AUG/2017. Upload your video to youtube then post a link to your vid on this thread. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 25, 2017 (edited) VERSION 1.0 RELEASED! (DOWNLOAD) After a long 6 months developing the mod is finally complete, i have here one of the biggest mods ever made for doom with infinite replayablity with newgame plus. Before you get started there are a few things you should know, this mod requires a powerful machine to run. The voxels really do take its toll on the engine and im sure alot of you wont be able to start the mod which im fully aware of. This game is locked at 1920x1080 using all my custom graphic settings to perfectly suit this mod as intended. To play simply install the game and run the newly placed shortcut from your desktop (if this launches in full screen then you know its worked). Make sure before you start to customize your controls to comfortably suit you.And please read everything on this post to fully understand what this mod is about. Thank you!VIDEO PLAYLIST Here is a full episodic playlist. Featuring all levels, bosses and secrets within the game. FINAL NOTES Since no donations were made, there will be no bonus stage and future addons and updates for this mod. But you are welcome to make any unofficial patches and addons, just use the solace dreams IWAD found in the default install directory. Edited August 26, 2017 by Ermin Final polish 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 25, 2017 (edited) A few friends have told me that there antivirus detected the BAT.exe file as a threat, I can assure you it is 100% secure. Basically the .exe file is simply a .bat file i converted to allow administrative rights that allows the shortcut to run these commands successfully. Renaming the ini file to your username. thats all. Spoiler @echo off ren "%~dp0\*.ini" gzdoom-%username%.ini call "%~dp0\shortcut.lnk" Here is the original uncovereted bat file.Download : BATCH FILE.7z If you have any other questions just ask. Edited August 25, 2017 by Ermin 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 25, 2017 (edited) opps double post Edited August 25, 2017 by Ermin page error -_- 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Traysandor Posted August 26, 2017 I tried to download this out of curiosity, and my antivirus nuked the file from orbit before I could install it. Thanks, AVG, you're a pro. =p 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 26, 2017 (edited) 28 minutes ago, Traysandor said: my antivirus nuked the file from orbit before I could install it. Windows does not approve of any file from another computer renaming files specifically on the c:/ this is understandable. the desktop shortcut which my installer places is a shortcut of a bat file from the install directory. Since its not possible to automatically allow administrative rights for bat files, i simply converted the bat to a exe which i could then allow auto administrative rights which renames the ini file for the mod to load the settings. In short, not a virus. More curiously enough what did your antivirus detect it as?p.s. Avg is notorious for flaggin anything that may look suspicious. I suggest using malwarebytes along side windows default antivirus. Edited August 26, 2017 by Ermin 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Guest Unregistered account Posted August 26, 2017 Wait, is this being released as a standalone game? Doesn't it have resources from various games still in it (like the PSX Doom fire sky)? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 26, 2017 (edited) 1 hour ago, Kapanyo said: Wait, is this being released as a standalone game? Doesn't it have resources from various games still in it (like the PSX Doom fire sky)? it borrows from a lot of games, music, sfx and textures alike (dungeon keeper in particular). This is a stand alone game in a sense that is does not require doom2.wad to play that is all. there are still some issues with the missing border texture BRDR_B i cant solve, but its not gamebreaking. Edited August 26, 2017 by Ermin 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Noobirus Posted August 26, 2017 Hello, this looks quite amazing, but you should really release this in ZIP format or a better installer. Same as @Traysandor - my Windows 10 and Avast antivirus nuked the file to hell. Even lunching it with admin rights does not work on my side... 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 26, 2017 (edited) 38 minutes ago, Noobirus said: you should really release this in ZIP format or a better installer. Same as @Traysandor - my Windows 10 and Avast antivirus nuked the file to hell. Even lunching it with admin rights does not work on my side... to be honest i didnt think the installer would be such a issue, but as you requested i have uploaded the zip and the link for it here. It comes with the original bat file used to load the correct settings, simply run the game with launcher 1 or 2 there both identical. Dreams.7z?dl=0 (Version 1.0 Zip) Edited August 26, 2017 by Ermin 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Noobirus Posted August 26, 2017 I just played part of the first episode (up until the armor piece "puzzle"). I'm impressed, can't believe this is all made in the Doom engine (well... not really, but still). My only complaint is, that the game is very voxel and lightning heavy, and gzdoom barely manages to lift it in open areas (closed corridors and rooms are fine). I will try to finish it tommorow. Great job. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 26, 2017 (edited) On 8/26/2017 at 9:02 PM, Noobirus said: My only complaint is, that the game is very voxel and lightning heavy, and gzdoom barely manages to lift it in open areas i agree, that is one of the mods major design flaws and sadly will prevent a massive portion of people playing it. However, its here for the archives and for anyone to download and play at anytime. If you or anybody else cant complete a particular stage for this reason you can use these commands to bypass the stage entirely. I have color coded each level on how aggressive the voxel usage is for curiosity sake. 🔵 - Not many voxels, should play quite well. 🌕- A fair amount of voxel usage, may or may not lag. 🔴 - Very voxel heavy, will lag badly.Give map_3_completedGive map_3_completed2 (🌕Ali - Darkest Dungeon) < knife locationGive map_4_completed (🔴Laura - ThemePark) < shotgun locationGive map_5_completed (🔴Victoria - Nightclub) < uzi locationGive map_6_completed (🌕Lee - School) <pistol location + headlightGive map_7_completed (🌕Faith - Hospital)Give map_8_completed (🌕Nicole - Caverns)Give map_9_completed (🔴Thalia/Melpomene - Theatre)Give map_10_completed (🔵Karl - Matrix) <Lightning rifleGive map_11_completed (🔵Rory - Checkerboard)Give map_12_completed (🌕Dylan - The pit)Give map_13_completed (🔵Lawrence - Pearly gates)Give map_14_completed (🔵Rachel - Underworld) (using all these commands together will initiate the final cutscene, resetting the game for newgame plus) Give Game_completed (Gives player access to all levels but removes all collected tokens) Edited August 28, 2017 by Ermin 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
snapshot Posted August 26, 2017 Hi, I Just played your game and I thought It was well made, kinda reminds me of Amnesia the Dark Descent, My only complaint is that there's no option to change screen resolution, I had to dig through the ini file to change manually. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dragonfly Posted August 26, 2017 I'll probably way through this tomorrow if my day doesn't get fucked about. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 26, 2017 if any one could work out a fix for the BRDR_B missing texture which is related to the borders i would appreciate it. i have tried everything from changing the default doom textures, to actually copying every said texture to my game but it simply wont work without the actual doom2 iwad. you will see the error run down your screen when you go to the console. if someone finds a fix for this i will release a patch 1.1 which will also include these changes... add more ammo and health pick ups accross all maps decrease health of the king chess pieces and reduce there fire rate include the f_sky texture, not nessasry but it removes the missing texture message in console (really ocd about that) script fixes with some ingame items add shortcut keys for healing items add gift packs in the main hub when a boss has been defeated decrease dynamic lighting in theme park stage add more player dialog during certain events and situations and maybe, just maybe add a new weapon. (the original planned but canceled final weapon "lighting rifle" from the matrix) If this mod does recieve alot of good feedback i will go back and work on upgrading the game to the lastest gzdoom. If you find any other bugs please post, if you have ideas you would like to see implemented letme know. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Ermin Posted August 27, 2017 (edited) Out of curiosty i did a side by side of a voxel vs 3dmesh. Here is a true 3d version of the main character. Yes its a very heavy modified Ellie(last of us). Just practicing converting and importing 3dmodels. Edited September 17, 2017 by Ermin 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
snapshot Posted August 27, 2017 Funny I remember someone here saying making voxels for each monster frame would be so difficult yet here we are. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dragonfly Posted August 27, 2017 - DOOM II - Solace Dreams - Full Doom TC Playthrough! 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
Bauul Posted August 27, 2017 Just watched Dragonfly's play through. Holy hell this is impressive! While the gameplay won't be to everyone's taste, the sheer quantity of effects on display is absolutely phenomenal. I've never seen Voxels used so extensively and it was pretty inspiring! Honestly this is the kind of mod I wish I could make. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post
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