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The DWIronman League dies to: Mapgame

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I made it to E1M4. Some cheap shots from idk where did doomed me. I think they were from a turret, something I wasn't quite expecting haha. The chaingun replacement is pretty cool, made this feel a bit fresh along with the altered color palette. Maybe I'll do better next month. I hope I was playing on the right difficulty, it didn't feel like UV but I did -skill 4 it. Complevel 9 and all that jazz.

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i have a question about this -


when the rules say only one attempt per month, does it mean you can submit only one attempt on the thread or you can only make one attempt and there's an honor system expectation that no one here will make several attempts and then just submit their best one? obviously the latter would be hard to enforce, but i'm not sure what the expectations are here for these and have been confused about that for awhile.

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5 minutes ago, ella guro said:

you can only make one attempt and there's an honor system expectation that no one here will make several attempts and then just submit their best one?

This is how I've assumed it to be. I know there is no way of preventing 'pre-gained knowledge', such as having played it before, watching other people's demo's or practicing it for yourself. I personally enjoy the rush of going in totally blind however, makes it a different experience altogether from 'just playing doom'. :D

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3 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:

This is how I've assumed it to be. I know there is no way of preventing 'pre-gained knowledge', such as having played it before, watching other people's demo's or practicing it for yourself. I personally enjoy the rush of going in totally blind however, makes it a different experience altogether from 'just playing doom'. :D

ok, because then i'm confused what actually constitutes an attempt. obviously several people won't be playing these blind so will have an advantage there. like could you make several attempts prior to recording and then submit the recorded one? it's just hazy and easy to kind of break the rules here without anyone else knowing, which is why i'm confused.

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You're permitted one attempt at the given map(set) and that's the only demo/recording you can link to in the thread. It's an honor system, in other words, yes. If someone wants to take advantage of the lack of screening for first tries then I'd certainly be none the wiser - knock yourself out - but my hope is that players will see these challenges more as an opportunity to test their mettle and engage in a different way of playing the game, with all the anxiety and creeping around corners that the threat of death brings with it. The whole 'league' and leaderboard angle is just a way to poke fun and play dress-up.


That said, I'm pretty anxious in seeing both Dime and Suitepee above my position. I mean, really, this is unacceptable. They're not that skilled. One of them is outright inferior even on a good day.

Edited by Alfonzo

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ok, that clarifies some things. thank you. i mention it because i had intended on making a few attempts and submitting the best one, but after reading the rules wasn't sure if that was ok. i might as well just go ahead and post the one serious attempt i made up to this point in the interest of fairness though:



i actually was doing quite well and was feeling pretty confident after almost dying on E1M9, and then i jumped into a pit prematurely and freaked out - and my 100% health went to 0% at very the end of E1M5. i was making good time too (even though i'm not super familiar with this wad i played it casually beforehand so i knew more about what to expect), so this was a really sad way to eat it.


as an aside - even though the turrets are bastards, i feel like they were definitely a cool addition to this wad. i do think the level design was a bit unnecessarily confusing in places though. a lot of strange progression and backtracking going on here.

Edited by ella guro

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New rule idea: You are only permitted to die before e1m4, or beat the wad. We can't have Alfonzo opening up too much of a lead over me 8)

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8 hours ago, Alfonzo said:

You're permitted one attempt at the given map(set) and that's the only demo/recording you can link to in the thread. It's an honor system, in other words, yes. If someone wants to take advantage of the lack of screening for first tries then I'd certainly be none the wiser - knock yourself out - but my hope is that players will see these challenges more as an opportunity to test their mettle and engage in a different way of playing the game, with all the anxiety and creeping around corners that the threat of death brings with it. The whole 'league' and leaderboard angle is just a way to poke fun and play dress-up.


That said, I'm pretty anxious in seeing both Dime and Suitepee above my position. I mean, really, this is unacceptable. They're not that skilled. One of them is outright inferior even on a good day.

I thought it was okay to scout ahead.  I haven't made my attempt yet, but I did watch a vid on E1M3 so I could find E1M9.

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Pretty late to the party, but I think I'm gonna give this a go. Luckily my streaming/screen capture software is configured from the last time I used it. I've never actually played this before so a totally blind run might make for some interesting viewing.


First attempt: Furthest I got was E1M2 and got stuck because an important door wouldn't open, although I was running with the wrong compat settings so it wasn't even a valid run. Will attempt this again with the proper settings. That'll teach me not to read.

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Come join me to heckle my poor performance through Mapgame:







Massively outperformed my expectations, a few 'brown-trouser' moments here and there, and the fucking turrets oh my...


With an incredibly slow method of play, I am placed in 4th place at the time of writing - Last place of the "Survived +1" category. I timed E1M8, so based on the time shown on the transition screen until the 'end story' screen, and added it to the time taken. I make the TOTAL TIME to be 1:39:42



Edited by Dragonfly

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https://www.twitch.tv/videos/137139148 = my playthrough, SURVIVED w/ secret level in 2 hours and 27 minutes. (forgot to timer check at the very end, but figured it out from the recording off a map check I did just before the final Baron fight)


Finally, the first Ironman I've survived!!!!


Granted it did help a little bit that I'd watched some of Dragonfly's Ironman run, so I had knowledge about how the turrets worked and what E1M8 would entail.....that being said, I still had to bumble around a lot of this wad blind, and some close calls were had near the end. Goddamn turrets! But I kind of felt that my slow & defensive/cautious playstyle was almost suited for this wad, especially with the turrets around.

I felt it also helped to really conserve my ammo on the first map by punching out several Pinkies; made it slow going, but I feel the ammo I saved help set me up for the rest of the run, and I never really ran into ammo problems.


I've given an_mutt the task of having to find and beat the secret level (alongside the whole wad!), whilst playing at a decent pace. I'm sure if he gets the hang of this wad, he'll probably win with a faster time......but here's hoping the turrets claim his soul!


And now Alfonzo, you really ought to be worried..... ;)


Edited by Suitepee

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Survived in 28:48






I lied about not having played this before xD pretty hard not to considering it won a Cacoaward and all, then I waited till near the end of the month to do my run to build up suspense :3 It's one of those E1 replacements which stands out from the crowd thanks to it's innovations with the palette swap, new sounds and weapon skins along with a notorious custom monster :p


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Hmmmm & here I was thinking that anyone could be at the top of the leader board this month with playing an easy wad. I should have known better.

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1 hour ago, Bloodite Krypto said:



I lied about not having played this before xD pretty hard not to considering it won a Cacoaward and all, then I waited till near the end of the month to do my run to build up suspense :3

Haha, yes, that's the spirit! A cat wants to toy with the mouse first, not kill it outright. Like Jaws, I genuinely thought Wilou was going to come close to taking it home, but in the end he wasn't even in the same ballpark. Ouch. Oh well, you'll die sooner or later - I'll make sure of it.


@Suitepee I hadn't considered it ahead of the month but yeah, I can see how Mapgame is suited to your slow, conservative play. Not everyone's a fan of the turrets and how they stall a more concerted effort to reach the exit in good time; playing peek-a-boo with the flare gun and all that. Happy to see that you took full advantage of the situation. Not happy to see that I now have some ground to cover to correct this shitty injustice.


Dragonfly's run was a pretty fun watch. He must have bled more than fifty gallons on his way through to m8.

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The thing that mostly destroys my runs is that I always aim to max the map, at least monster-wise. That takes time and gives me bullet holes in return... But it's a thing I always set as a goal when I play a new mapset. 


Kudos to Bloodite Krypto for being amazing fast as always and to Suitepee for a first survive! 

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@Ancalagon Ouch. Was this a genuine misstep or were you like JudgeDeadd, just immensely dissatisfied with the idea of having to play through an episode 1 replacement? It's kind of crazy, either way, seeing some bona fide speedrunners cop it so early in these challenges. 4shock was never all that keen, at least.

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On 4/21/2017 at 10:34 PM, Bloodite Krypto said:

Survived in 28:48

Hooolyyy hell, I wish I was able to watch this while at work. Any chance of a video encode being uploaded for everyone's viewing pleasure on Youtube?


Even though I've yet to see it, well done! :D

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Gonna be giving this the ol' college try: https://www.twitch.tv/dobu_gm


And the college try paid off! Finished with +0 in 1:10:44, though all the turrets, demons, and obscure progression certainly did me no help. Was my first time playing it though, so I'm just glad I survived.

Edited by dobu gabu maru

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