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The DWmegawad Club plays: Speed of Doom

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1 hour ago, Paul977 said:

...map 32 blind saveless...

Probably not the best combination to avoid frustration. :P I'd suggest looking up one of the pro-max runs for it since there are a few strategies that make the start more manageable and consistent.

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MAP31: Whenever I think of Speed of Doom this level comes to my mind. Best midi, really cool visuals and some very pleasant slaughter battles. With MAP28 the most memorable level in the set.


MAP32: Mixed feelings on this one. I remembered the troubling start, and after that the map goes for some slower clean-up before the blue key area. It felt good to beat this map the first time I played it but this time I was already tired when the big cloud of cacodemons started to appear, followed by "isn't over yet?" at every new group of monster that was repopulating the areas until you can reach the exit.

Edited by gaspe

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Damned Easter. I’m falling behind…




MAP15 - “Descent to Core” by Joshy

gzDoom - UV – pistol start


Lol, the start took me at least 10 times to figure out how to stay alive. Kind of silly. This whole map was. Not much to look at and not much fun to be had. A very small and congested switch hunt whose secrets gave me fits. I managed to find the soulsphere but would’ve never figured out that AV jump alone. It seems so obvious now but for whatever reason my mind just never goes there when an AV jump is required.


Didn’t like the mastermind placement. Ditto with the cybie. They were surprising I guess, but fighting them felt clunky as hell. In fact, a lot of this map felt like that. Clunky and chunky. Except for maybe this area which had just a tad more room to run around in. The pincer trap with revs and pinkies was notable. Too many spiders though who take up a lot of invisible room. Bleh

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MAP31 - “101001010” by Darkwave0000

gzDoom - UV – pistol start


It’s always interesting to see where other mappers got their inspiration from. Was not expecting to see Hellbound’s secret map again. Someone mentioned hunting Commander Keens again. I found this one much easier thankfully. I especially liked the obvious “7” that signifies how many you needed to find with the one freebie. Thanks for that.


Beautiful looking blue/red/gray color scheme for the surrounding techscape. Darkwave0000 even took some time to add unreachable distant views beyond. Unless that’s where the last secret I couldn’t find leads.


I had a fun time running my ass off around big waves of mixed groups with lots of built in infighting while pot shotting at anyone who looks your way. PLENTY of plasma ammo so it was a lot of fun once you got the BFG. Just unload without worry of running out. Ka-BLAM! Over and over again. LoL! Good fun. Especially useful on the massive rev group with the 3 big dogs roaming about.


The rev room was with the masterminds and spiders off in the distance was probably the most impressive thrill. Even had one stomping around the corner nearby for good measure. I liked how all of them stood looking away at first. I b-lined for that switch and ran right out again, haha. AHHHHH!!! I can’t remember having ever sprinted through that many revs before. Actually, perhaps something from Alien Vendetta now that I think of it. Anyways. That was a very uniquely awesome feeling as the SMM gunfire tracks you’re movement, peppering everything and everyone around you as you duck out of there. Clearing that area out and taking a second look is worth it. What a visually stunning array of square angles and lights. Reminds me of something from Tron but without color.


I enjoyed the look of the secret exit too. Especially since it ties in to the next map.


What a fun map with a nice laid back music track.

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MAP32 - “The Pyramid of Death” by Joshy

gzDoom - UV – pistol start


Holy geez, hahaha. Between this and the last few, I have been properly schooled in what the term “hot start” means. I don’t think I’ve heard that one before this, but I get it.


SLAUGHTER!! I save scummed well enough to keep things fun, heh. Got tripped up on how to get the red and yellow keys though and quit there. I was able to make it out of the beginning area alive, then had to wait for most of the infighting to die down before I started to clear each wing. Then I helped everyone kill the gatekeeper to the next area.


After surviving the gauntlet to the BK thanks to being AV launched into the invulnerability sphere; which was designed on purpose but discovered by pure accident; I then managed to make it back out to flip the blue switch and jump down and across to the necessary Y and R switches… with no keys!


Hmm. Is this part broke or what did I miss? I went back and killed EVERYTHING and still didn’t see a way up to grab either key. * shrug * Whatever. A slick looking, death dealing slaughter map without too much else to add. The slow moving flying swarm was a fun surprise. Not sure what I missed but I’m trying to catch up here, so moving on.

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MAP16 - “The Core” by Darkwave0000

gzDoom - UV – pistol start


This is a much more inventive map than the last. This has more of a setup and delivery with it’s slaughtery encounters, instead of just putting you in the middle of thousands of monsters without any foreplay.


My favorite part of this is map is the secret for the early RL. I was marveling at all of the great detail with all of the caverouns green wateralls beyond the windows (as I often do) so when I discovered the hidden switch that actually let me crawl around them, I was overjoyed! YAY! Perfect.


Having that RL right away changes the pace of the core battles entirely. At least, for the first key anyway. I kind of fucked around and started over a few times without saving and ended up running circles, playing defense, grabbing every key and flipping every switch ASAP. HAHAHA, that was crazy fun.


I made the mistake of retreating back up the elevator leaving everyone behind though. I wanted to see what the all key door was about. Perhaps the exit? But no. Meh, just a megasphere and a broken telport pad. That was a mistake because the only way back down is that elevator and it’s one tiny door. Everyone just piles up at at the bottom waiting for you. Thankfully the cyberdemons were throwing enough aggro around to get themselves and a lot of others killed while I was away though. I powered through the last few mobs with the PG and busted through the other side of the horde to start doing circles again, SSG’ing the few straggling survivors until everything was finished. 


Then it was time to play BFG quick firing with like ten AV’s before getting to SHOOT THE CORE. One last elevator ride with a few more AV’s and that’s that. What a ride. Well crafted encounters with highly detailed areas containing just enough room and options to make things fun.


Almost caught up, whew.

Edited by Demtor

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MAP17: The Shrine

Kills: 100%

Items: 99%

Secrets: 0%

Time: 11:42


I did record a demo for this one, but unfortunately I had some weird compatibility settings in place for the first half that I didn't notice for a while, so it might desync. I'll play it back in a bit to see.


Holy shit, a Joshy map that doesn't make me want to kill myself! And woah it doesn't have a hot start! It's almost like this map was made specifically for my birthday. With the exception of some teleports, this one is another centralized compact map. But this time it's centralized with a pool of lava that must always be taken into account. Managing my available hazmat suits was surprisingly a nice addition to the onslaught of demons that teleport into the hub throughout. It did require me to save scrub quite heavily, but it was never too hard to find good places throughout the map where I could save with a decent amount of health left. This place doesn't really feel like a shrine to me but I can kind of see what it's going for. It maybe could have been more ornate in the center. We're slowly moving away from the techbase feel which I am glad for. I want more hell but we're still 3 maps off from the next transition. Ah well. I really enjoyed this map so I think I'll throw it on the list.


Favorite Maps:

1. MAP14: Sledge

2. MAP12: The Meat Grinder

3. MAP17: The Shrine

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1 hour ago, Demtor said:

I went back and killed EVERYTHING and still didn’t see a way up to grab either key.

IIRC there are little switches that appear on each mancubus platform when you walk onto them, and those make each key accessible when they're both pressed.

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10 minutes ago, Grain of Salt said:

IIRC there are little switches that appear on each mancubus platform when you walk onto them, and those make each key accessible when they're both pressed.

Ahhhh, I see. The switches do pop up once you get up there. Thanks but my main issue still is how to actually get up on the platform in the first place. Not the manc platform, the bigger landing with the health and armor I wish I could've had gotten.

Edited by Demtor

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MAP16: It's like a sort of an invasion map, it's allright to have something like this occasionally but I guess that this map is more fun if you press all switches in the main area causing massive infighting and helping the situation with the bfg or the rocket lancher. It's funny how the secret it also hinted after it can be really useful. Cool how the lights turn off when the core explodes. I think that Skillsaw took quite some inspiration from this map.


MAP17: Pretty nice short map with a clear inspiration from Plutonia. I wasn't really expecting to get teleported into that separated area before access to the exit, that was cool.

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MAP17: The Shrine
Time - 9:43


uhh I first throught this going to be brutal slaughter. But its a solid, good and Fun Plutonia inspired Map :) I kinda like the amount of Archviles these Maps have. I dont know why but I enjoy fighting against them and I never really thought they were placed unfair... I wish I could say the same about the Pain Elementals in "Speed of Doom" -_- I never played a Gameplay focused Megawad with that many... and normally they are not placed often because Mappers know its not Fun to fight against them... About the Map i have to say that it feels again a little bit like a filler ( a good one) because its to short and you get the 2 Keys to exit pretty easy but all in all a Fun Map :)

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MAP17 - “The Shrine” by Joshy

gzDoom - UV – pistol start


Good things in small packages I guess. Fun start. Probably the highlight really. Running circles trying to stay alive is always a thrill and here we go right from the get go. A common theme in SoD. Start a new map and GO GO GO!!


Inside the temple itself was pretty cool looking. Simple but effective. Surprised with the weak teleport ambush. More of a stiff jab at the player’s face instead of a right hook.


Firewalking into a wall of chaingunners was a shock. I should have taken the time to clear some of them out ahead of time, oh well. Thankfully on my playthrough they helped me out by killing themselves mostly. A panicky player can really find themselves in a bind if they happened to be running from the newly spawned Revs behind them, only to find hitscanners galore.


Couple of jump starts with AV’s. Nothing too crazy though the ledge with five of them was kind of funny. They really helped propel a player down the hall into cover, only to find themselves dealing with a trap full of zombies.


43 minutes ago, DAZZER said:

... I wish I could say the same about the Pain Elementals in "Speed of Doom" -_- I never played a Gameplay focused Megawad with that many... and normally they are not placed often because Mappers know its not Fun to fight against them... 


I have to respectfully disagree with that here. Not to be prickly but I wanted to mention them as well and see an opportunity here. With this map, the little pillars by the doors really helped to make fighting them A LOT more interesting than it could have been without them. They helped break LOS, so a distant PE won't spit another lost soul at you, while giving you cover from other attacking lost souls as well. Such a small design choice made things manageable and fun. 


As for the other maps, I did not find any particular encounter that made me angry at them. Though I will agree there are enough used to be remarkable. that said, I may not be as bothered with them as others because I don't use Doom's auto-aim and I tend to give them priority whenever they are mixed in with a group so it's easier for me to pop them over other monsters heads ASAP. If lost souls are flying about then I can't use my RL and if I can't use my RL, things are usually not fun.


Also, I don't know how everyone else tends to handle them... but I get right in their grill while killing them. That way when they attempt to spit a lost soul at my, it explodes because my physical presence is impeding the creation of another one. I think I've been using that trick since the dawn of Doom 2 to be honest. Probably not an unknown trick, but just thought I'd add that thought. When they explode, there's a chance to do the same in a smaller space too!

Edited by Demtor

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In the interest of catching up, I'll be saving the secret maps for the end of the month, if at all. For some reason (maybe cause I'm bad at finding secrets) I never end up playing secret maps of WADs. If I do it'll be via idclev.


MAP15 - Descent to Core


See @Demtor's post. Echoing a lot of the sentiments there. Not a lot of visual flair to this map, which is a shame. The only encounter I really enjoyed was the archie with the crushers. Kind of a tough fight without the plasma. In fact, most of the map is tough without the plasma. Unless you can sneak by the mastermind so it can fight with the cyberdemon (or maybe there's some plasma in a secret I never found) you'll be aching for cells. 


Progression is mostly finding the right switches and then hoping they did what you wanted them to do. Best moment was watching the sea of gray slime recede into the exit. 


Kills - 105%

Items - ??% 
Secrets - 0%

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MAP17: Time: 24:42 (or 46)

Short map, I'll say medium difficulty, neat layout, with mandatory use of radiation suits, perfect! It started as usual, enemies facing opposite to the marine, this time they were not reading something on a wall. Battles were quite fun. I'm surprised the instapop revenants didn't hurt me so much, I'm definitely progressing!. The this-Plutoniasomething-map-I-don't-recall-its-name room was very neat. To be honest I was expecting a cyberdemon like the Plutonia map, but it was so much better to face some other enemies teleporting enemies, and the following flying balls swarm, which I found the best way to fight them is through the "Plutonia" room, since they were coming one by one. I liked the red key trap which thanks the automap I already anticipated. Those chaingunners on the "grandstands" were really annoying since they could snipe through the bars before, but by the time the bars were lowered, there were only 3 chaingunners, and according to a picture posted before, there were more, how lucky. The teleporting archvile from near the end caught me in surprise. Although I was expecting to see one, I didn't expect him to teleport behind me, and in consequence he burned me once the millisecond before the BFG shot killed him, oh well... The last shotgunners were really easy to snipe from the inside of the middle room. So yeah, very cool map. Probably they only thing that didn't pleased me so much was that the radiation suits were in the middle of the way, and I eventually grabbed one by accident, they should have been on the sides or in little alcoves.

Found 1/1 secrets, always love hidden switches!  

Edited by galileo31dos01

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MAP16 - The Core


Whoops! I snuck through most of the large encounters of this map... I like the simple start, it was nice being back in the well-detailed slime caves from episode one. Activating all the switches without firing can allow a sneaky player to hoover up all the keys and rush to the exit. It's pretty fun, actually! There's enough health to tank through whatever monsters do wake up.


Taking the intended route can be fun as well, of course. There's plenty of ammo and health to lay waste to all things with the BFG. A very nice midway map.


Kills - 23%

Items - ??%

Secrets - 0%

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1 hour ago, Demtor said:

With this map, the little pillars by the doors really helped to make fighting them A LOT more interesting than it could have been without them. They helped break LOS, so a distant PE won't spit another lost soul at you, while giving you cover from other attacking lost souls as well. Such a small design choice made things manageable and fun. 

good point. I didn't notice that. But I'm just one of these Persons who hates the Pain Elemental in every way doesn't matter where its placed. For others its the Revenant or the Arch-Vile :)

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MAP17: The Shrine


I like this map. I certainly agree with  @Cynical that Resurgence is where Joshy really took off as a mapper. This is one of the first of his maps in SoD that I enjoyed as much as some of the fun smaller Resurgence maps*. Almost all of the monsters were soundly placed: exceptions are those chaingunners, where I share @galileo31dos01's opinion, and maybe a few of those hell knights at the end. I do wish the map had a lot fewer hitscanners so reality max would be fun to try. Those single archviles that show up in the lava could be converted into duos, to make up for it. :)

The key difference between this and map16 is there is a meaningful element of choice. There are a lot of ways you can play this one, and it is a breather map so it's not like there is a strong strategic incentive to choose one over another, but just having the option to shape things according to your whims is nice. I've noticed that these SoD maps are mostly cool with allowing the player to leave the first room before killing everything inside it, which I'm a fan of.


@NuMetalManiak, yeah, I thought that soulsphere secret was a vile jump at first. I was planning on keeping one of the archies alive for it, but then I came to my senses and did some math, which led me to realize that it would be a stupid secret. Too stupid. Maybe not entirely out of the question, though. Also apparently calculators fire shells. :)



*I've decided I also really like map09 of AA too. I found it fun on my first playthrough but underwhelming a couple weeks later or so, but it turns out that I didn't play it as aggressively as I should have. It's really fun to just blaze through. 


Edited by rdwpa

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You're right -- trios would be better, I think. The landscape is well suited for archvile quartets because of that central tower, and the player easily has enough DPS to handle warp-ins of five archviles at a time. Besides, even if the six-packs of viles get out of control, the player has a chainsaw and infighting at their disposal to kill the monsters that the sevensomes of viles revive.


Edited by rdwpa

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1 minute ago, rdwpa said:

You're right -- trios would be better, I think. The landscape is well suited for archvile quartets because of that central tower, and the player easily has enough DPS to handle warp-ins of five archviles at a time. Besides, even if the six-packs of viles get out of control, the player has a chainsaw.  

Stop, I'm getting light headed! Can I go back to the Hangar and shoot Imps with my pistol? 

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If this keeps going the way it does, I can already see NecrumWarrior's custom user title... It has something to do with Archviles, if it wasn't obvious enough by now... ;-)

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Map 32 The Pyramid of Death


After 35 mins and something I completed this map... The start is where most of the death comes thanks to all the massive shit projectiles thrown at you.. by dint of repeating the situation sure you get a better start especially if cybers collaborate in making out the revs. The following main pyramid section was rather slow to clean but with some BFG shots and rockets I've always overcome without too many problems...

Then comes the worst part of the level namely the BK courtyard with the arch-viles and the invuln and, here, the rage can be high because: if you don't grab the invulnerability, you are dead, if the viles blast you out of the map, you are dead. And every time I died there (3-4) took another solid 8-10 mins from the start to reach that part....... The cacos/pes swarm which follow can be rather bad thanks to the massive infinity trolling in that gigantic open space. Also GG at the viles pop-up without cover. The finale was more lenient, I think cause viles get distracted from the MM, mainly.

Visually is not a bad map, I liked the main pyramid, the BK section and the other structures. This level is clearly inspired by AV32 both in the layout and gameplay but AV32, on this respect, do a better job IMO, because it's shorter and doesn't have dickery section like the vile-invuln area.


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41 minutes ago, rdwpa said:

You're right -- trios would be better, I think. The landscape is well suited for archvile quartets because of that central tower, and the player easily has enough DPS to handle warp-ins of five archviles at a time. Besides, even if the six-packs of viles get out of control, the player has a chainsaw and infighting at their disposal to kill the monsters that the sevensomes of viles revive.


I'm dead

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MAP18 - “Silent Hour” by Darkwave0000


I've seen people fondly mention this map as a highlight of SoD's E2 and I'm inclined to agree. This level is large and non-linear, offering multiple paths to take at the start. Speaking of the intro, it's another hot one where you're mobbed inside the spawn room and sniped from every direction outside by entrenched enemies that don't feel like leaving their cover. This map had one of the higher death counts which @rdwpa posted and it's certainly no joke. The best early strat for me was rushing into the bloody circular area and grabbing the BFG there. This unleashes a trap with two Cybers but is well worth it for the rest of the map. Big fan of the secrets in this map, and the intricate warehouse section with plenty of corners to explore. The visuals are also quite nice, looking like a mix of map13's brown+blood Plutonia style with a bit of Scythe 2's maps 21-25. I had a rather frustrating death towards the end on a first good attempt where I was one-shot by a Cyber rocket right after taking the two-key teleporter near the start. No chance to move, just got splattered as I warped-in. I called bullshit, hit 'resurrect' and subsequently died to a Baron. Take 2 went a lot better as there's actually a two-key "secret" teleporter which takes you up to where you can crush those buildings full of Mancs and then telefrag the Cyber. Amusingly, a 2nd one spawns right after but it's worth it to save some cells. The ending is basically map10's where you grab an invul and BFG some Viles. Good map.

Edited by Spectre01

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rwpa clearly has a boner for certain setups. Did you even see the hidden button for MAP17's secret, because it doesn't require any sort of math.


MAP18 Silent Hour


Another Darkwave-composed track! Yes! One that has a militaristic theme to it, like ROTT's Task Force, but somehow more imposing on the setting too. An okay onset, one that's alright to run away from, and some enemies in the distance, where I leisurely take out the mancubi, and then there's the arch-viles, set free upon touching the pit, probably not a good idea to destroy them until you have the correct means necessary. The red key area is only mildly interesting at best. Now remember how there were pop-up monsters before? There's pop-out walls, or whatever, in places, rather inexplicably occurring.


Well the pop-up monsters do like to make their presence known on the side wing which eventually leads to the yellow key. There are quite a number of secrets which come in handy for bypassing some enemies, but overall I didn't find it all that tough. With red and yellow keys in hand, I remember the switch where those arch-viles were and use it to open a teleporter. A few side areas later, telefragged a cyberdemon and now moving on. Except another one forms behind me with all these enemies, and the worst part is he can't be telefragged. So the slow-go to kill a cyberdemon was as expected, boring. The endgame tries one spectacular stunt with a few archies, negated easily by the invulnerability which I know without I wouldn't make it through that. Good thing the music is wonderful.

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MAP18: This is a really good Plutonia and Scythe inspired level. There's a pretty hot start, and the main trick of the map is to have many windows and openings to get you exposed to the crossfire while the only actual traps happen in the circular areas where you can get the keys. Even this time Darkwave0000 put some nice secrets in the level. Visuals are really cool and the warehouse with its light grey and green combo is particularly lovely.

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MAP18 - “Silent Hour” by Darkwave0000

gzDoom - UV – pistol start


LOOOOOOVE the music. Way to be Darkwave. Not every level needs to be hyper or upbeat to match the gameplay. For instance some of my favorite maps and tracks from Sunlust are the ones that used stuff from Secret of Evermore and Chrono Cross. Takes a bit of resolve to put a track like this in something with Speed of Doom for the title.


Lovely music for a lovely level. Lots of good times to be had. Tricky start having to squeeze yourself out of harms way to begin running circles around everyone outside. You get to dance with quite a few AV’s here and there a lot earlier than you should if you aren’t careful.


Enjoyed exploring the vine covered storage area with great lighting next to a blood red lake. Up the ominous looking elevator lead to a seemingly natural formed blood river in a smaller cave was all a good change up from the rest of the map.


Plenty of hunting for secrets but I only managed 3 of 5 as I couldn’t quite figure out how to get in to that last little storage room below the chaingunners. Oh well.


The dual cybie fight with a BFG was fun. Ditto to the rev swarm with a nice triple circular design for patterned strafing behind cover. Perfect time for a tree of woe looking design.


SMM’s are always good for pissing a few people off.


The dual key face switch below with a half dozen AV’s threw me off. Don’t think I’ve seen that kind of design before. Being able to crush some mancs and telefrag a cyberdemon was a great use for it and I laughed when another one just teleported in to take his place a second later, hah. The courtyard behind him with all of the barons was decent. Had a blast with the imp horde behind that door. Glad I waited to open it!


Finish all of that with another nice IV sphere vs AV show down before the exit.


Man… that’s a lot of cool stuff. Great map. One of the best.

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Map 18 Silent Hour


Best Darkwave entry so far. My favorite fight is the beginning with all the crossfire and the many enemies but with a good open space for avoid/shot; the final fight is a sort of Vile Pain tweaked version due to the BFG. The theme is also very good, like said by gaspe a mix of Plutonia/Scythe 2. Cool custom midi indeed.

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