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The DWmegawad Club plays: Speed of Doom

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MAP03: Constrained Base|4:53, 100% kills|


Not much to say here, this didn't blow me away or do anything particularly cool, but it wasn't bad. Goes by it's name, it's congested and linear, it's alright. That's all, folks!





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28 minutes ago, NecrumWarrior said:

I think it's supposed to be like the Speed of Light, they just replaced it with Doom. Just supposed to be a name not an indication of the contents. I agree it's not a great name. 

Well, if you look at the text file, the maps have surprisingly short build times so they're mapped quite speedily. Doesn't make for a bad wad though. Scythe 1 was finished in a ridiculously short amount of time.   

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Map 04 Sedgemire


This map pretty much rules; easily one of my favourite of e1 if not of all the wad. The theme is the same of map 02 but this time in a much larger environment.

Like Demtor I took some screens to shows some of the visuals: 

Opening vista


Main area



Gameplay is mainly based on clever usage of monsters closets created in order to block all the escape routes. The difficulty is, rightly, not high because we are only at the fourth map. I like the midi too, very fitting.


On 2/4/2017 at 11:51 PM, Ribbiks said:

assuming the maps were made somewhat in order, playing this megawad is kinda like watching death-destiny darkwave's mapping 


Now that I think of it, indeed there are strong similarities between the two, this level in particular reminds me of Disturbia but also cc2 map 24


Edited by Paul977

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MAP04: design 5.5/10, layout 5/10, monster placement 5.5/10. Five Is A Good Score™


One of my favourites, along with 6, 14 and 19. Maybe too much emphasis on traps (it's the kind of map where you can die a fair amount playing with no foreknowledge but mostly breeze through it if you know where things are) but I still had fun. I swear there's a secret button in the first room, but I couldn't find it, so I guess I'm just thinking of a different map.

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map04 FDA

alright if you watch the demo let's get it out of the way: i cant believe i missed that secret switch (just to the right* of the chaingunner single alcove) - its so obvious at 2 different points, i pan the screen right past it! (skipsec 185 or so).

anyway, really lovely atmosphere & infighting simulator to start things off, sorry if i bored anyone. tbh a lot of the map continues that way 'here's a stationary turret, here are some mobile mobs, have fun!' but i think its a bit too obvious and game-y. sure its more fun to speedrun/max.

the midi is great, not sure about the farting sounds, odd choice...


*edited as Grain of Salt pointed out i got my directions mixed up!

Edited by rehelekretep

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MAP04 - “Sedgemire” by Darkwave0000


The first medium-sized map of the wad. Took me slightly over 20 minutes to max kills and find all the secrets. I must've missed that hidden RL room with the Mancs and Revs, and the following secret chain, on previous playthroughs. Continuing from where the last map left of, we're still in an underground techbase with non-damaging nukage and some aesthetically pleasing natural architecture in the background. As others have commented, this map is highly trap-based, often going for the "stuff in front, turret behind you" approach that can be used to promote infighting. I found it quite easy to retreat from all the traps too. The pop-in monsters are also not as prevalent as in map02 so no real complaints there. Although I still question the purpose of having groups of 3 Imps as part of an instant-floor surprise when they could just be placed there incidentally. Speaking of Imps, a significant bulk of the map's monster count is a bunch of these spiky idiots standing next to some barrels near a switch. Not particularly threatening there. The final trap is similar to the exit ruse in map03, except you have Imps and a Hell Knight instead of Shotgunners and a Pinky. Most interesting of the maps played so far.

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MAP04: Sedgemire


Great map again, sort of like map02 on a more expansive (horizontal) scale. The tunnels have a simple, highly orthogonal aspect, but that doesn't bug me; it feels right, actually. Mystery is among the main attractions, lots of secrets and at least one extensive side area housing some optional fights. Monster usage is perhaps a bit silly, both to good effect, as with the imps hordes (lots of imps + a few supporting mid-tiers is probably the map's signature gameplay element, also) and bad: the instapops in the tunnels. Sometimes instapops have a certain Death-Destiny-like elegance to them, but these vertically oriented rows look silly. Fun fact, there is actually a BFG9000 in this map, out in this pool, below this rock that is too short to get under, in this inescapable death pit. Presumably the baron standing watch on the tower chucked it in there spitefully after finding his hooves too cumbersome to pull the trigger. I really like the music too. It's reminiscent of the Mucus Flow without actually imitating it at any point, perhaps other than one, the deep groveling bass.


For this post I'll attach a run by Qaatar, which someone else already uploaded to YouTube. Qaatar is not around anymore unfortunately, nor did he record much, but he is one of my favorite runners. He is incredibly skillful at SSG multi kills, and his positioning is masterfully efficient. Also some cool micro manipulation of infights too, in this demo.



Edited by rdwpa

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MAP04: Much bigger than the previous levels, and the things start to get more tough here with lots of traps that compose most of the gameplay. Visually I really like the style of the base, the usage of the black walls and those darker variants of the stock textures. Best part of the map are the nested secrets that start with rocket launcher to the soulsphere after the trek over the poison.

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@rdwpa really sterling work by TheLonerD, who has slowed down on uploading unfortunately. great demo by Qaatar who wasnt around when i started playing/speedrunning so ive never talked with him.

seems i missed a lot of nested secrets/optional stuff in 04!

its amazing how many little things in 04 remind me of some of Sunlust's cave maps: music/nested secrets/little shoot switches/cramped combat etc.

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@rdwpa what the hell is that bfg doing there? is it a co-op multiplayer item? or just a little easter egg from Joshy and Darkwave?

and by the way your screenshots are dark as hell!

Edited by rehelekretep

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That area doesn't have a DM start either, probably just a little Easter egg. Funny thing is that Sunlust map14, which is one of those cave maps with a similarly gloomy and mysterious atmopshere, has an Easter egg too. It's not marked secret, which is obviously the right choice. 



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stewboy your Coldwires midi was in Valiant too. And I think one other wad that had something to do with a Wendy's used it as well (what was the name of that?).


MAP04 Sedgemire


So this is an original Darkwave track. You know, hearing a track like this and playing a level like this makes me wonder if I am playing a miniature version of that one map by B.P.R.D., The Mucus Flow (cchest2|24). I mean, the setting checks out, some of the incidental combat checks out, it all fits seemingly. But I guess Darkwave is different than B.P.R.D.


The SSG ambush is an interesting highlight, with mancubi blocking the exits with arachnotrons backing them up, the imps, and apparently a baron on a ledge too. That baron takes way too long for me to kill, so he's in a bad spot. Another interesting setup is the entire path past the yellow key door, involving a mancubi and demons, and another one where barrel killing wins out. End stretch was played out rather well.

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MAP04: Sedgemire
Time - 7:28


I understand the name "Speed of Doom" more and more. You have to be scared of every room cause this wad is filled with traps, traps and more traps ! and that is a cool concept cause all these Traps wants you to move and circle around your enemies :) So i guess the true beauty of this Megawad is the gameplay :D Awesome ! But in this Level i did not like the invisible wall infront of the imps trap... I shooted them when i arrived the area and didn't think much about it... After I pressed the switch all imps came out and fucked me up pretty hard... visible walls would have been a better choice in my opinion. The Setting in this Map is a bit over the normal tech base standard which is good. And Already 200 Monsters ! ._.



Edited by DAZZER

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MAP04: Sedgemire


Kills: 85%

Items: 82%

Secret: 16%

Time: 7:23 (Several deaths though)


This map was laid out in a sort of snaking design, which seems like something I don't see very much. It did a good job of not drawing attention to that fact by having each bend look different and contain different challenges. I died a few times but tbh I mostly chalk it up to me being really tired. I did make the mistake of blowing up the barrels in the Imp room without realizing they were blocked by invisible walls, resulting in a very frustrating death. After that, I thought "I know the map layout pretty well now... let's try to speedrun back there!" More deaths followed. Mancubi are assholes when you want to go fast. So I switched to moving through faster but still fighting enough to keep the crowd under control, and that's the run that got me to the end. I really liked the encounter presented after the SS. The Imps provide a good opportunity to go on a power trip for a minute before you realize you're being besieged by Mancubi and a Baron, so I would say it's a battle with really good flow. I might have to steal that trick. The environment was good but I don't remember a whole lot except for the slime pit and the box room, and the latter only because it is so different from the rest.


On my feelings with the set as a whole so far, I am finding that I really don't like enemies that just... appear. They seem like a cheap tactic to disorient the player. I would much prefer they just teleport in with the animation, but that's just me.


I liked the map a lot, but playing no saves is frustrating as hell. But I am determined and will stick through!

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MAP04 - “Sedgemire” by Darkwave0000

gzDoom - UV – pistol start/no saves


Yep, I can tell that this is going to be one of those WADs where I kick myself if I don’t find all of the secrets. The hidden steps to the drop down into a different sewer section for another RL ambush (ouch) followed by a cool sequence through the lower caves with damaging brown sewage taking over ending with the flooding of the gap over to get the soulsphere was all a really cool side quest. One I almost missed it completely!


Before finding all that I was going to complain about the use of damaging floors from one map to the next (what is and what isn’t, make up your mind) until I realized that it was tied in to the secret closet and had a sign clearly marking “poison” before dropping down further. So it all kind of worked.


Anyways, great map with more and more traps inside a wonderfully crafted large cavernous sewer with lots of green sewage for extra special detailing.


Very dangerous traps though with a new feature introduced. Invisible walls! Yay… I didn’t see that one coming. I was a little too quick with making those barrels explode before I realized the imps weren’t technically in play yet. Whoops. Dirty. There seems to be a lot of deaf monsters use from time to time as well so it’s going to be tricky deciding what’s what. I’m going to have to start paying closer attention now.


Yep, the opening peek out the windows to the right and left show off some really fun environment details that give a player a sense of being somewhere bigger then themselves and their direct experience. Love it. Any time a mapper gives extra character to a map by detailing a space you aren’t even able to step foot in, get’s big cheers from me.


Big note about this map is return of THE SSG!! Oh how you’ve been missed. Doom 1 was such a bore at times with barons and a single barrel.


Speaking of the easter that egg BFG, I noclipped back through the starting entrance to find a small bit of detail that would’ve gone unnoticed too. This small little additional content connects things with the previous level nicely. I wonder if a lot of maps are going to have that kind of thing.


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After reading other's posts about MAP04, I realized I am the only person who thought the music didn't fit at all! It just seemed very out of place for some reason.


17 hours ago, Spectre01 said:

The final trap is similar to the exit ruse in map03, except you have Imps and a Hell Knight instead of Shotgunners and a Pinky.


I'm not sure it was supposed to be an exit ruse, honestly. That was what I thought at first too, but the exit sign is on the opposite wall next to the barred off cave, which should have been a sign to me that the cave was the actual exit. I think the setup at the end is just very misleading in an unintentional way.


@rdwpa Dang, that demo made me realize how much content I missed by not finding the secrets. I tried to find the one in the pit but it just never came to me...

Edited by NecrumWarrior

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@NecrumWarrior I've found so far that even if the midi doesn't fit the map, it is still a great midi and so doesn't bug me that much. Felt similarly here as I did with Cold Wires on the previous map.


MAP04 - Sedgemire


This map is fantastic. I liked it the first time through and I liked it the second time through after the exit ambush killed me. Lots of tricky monster closets in this one, as other people have mentioned. The detailing is great, again. I particularly liked the SSG room. The varied use of textures and colors made it visually interesting. Green, red, blue, brown, silver, it all looked so nice. 


You can tell it's going to be a different kind of map from the previous three, with a shotgun and chaingun on display right in the starting room. Appropriately, the danger escalates throughout the rest of the map. Ambushes urge the player forward for more health and ammo. Risks must be taken to get out of tricky spots. Secrets must be hunted for. As noted by Demtor, the layered secret for the rocket launcher and soul sphere is incredibly rewarding. There's also something cool about sneaking into the room with all the crates.


There are lots of great chances for infighting in Sedgemire; right from the start a crafty player can play the hell knight and mancubus off of each other while dealing with the imps. After picking up the SSG one can allow the imps to bully the mancubi and have the arachnotrons provide long range fire. The lone baron on the pedestal was a bit of a laugh too. Very rewarding being able to telefrag that jerk.


I know the other lifts in the room and the 4 radsuits are for co-op play, but seeing them gave me an odd feeling that the marine shouldn't be alone. Indeed, it would have been comforting not to go it alone while exploring the dark and slimy tunnels of Sedgemire.


Kills - 99%

Items - ??%

Secrets - 100%

Time - 10:04

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So, now it's Speed of Doom. This one, I think, can by this point fairly be called a 'classic', in the sense that iconic WADs ala Scythe, Memento Mori, Hell Revealed, Alien Vendetta and the like are classics, in that it's both highly evocative as a clear part of a creative discourse involving major WADs that preceded it, and also something of a stylistic watershed serving as inspiration or direct influence for many mappers that followed in its wake, as can already be seen by a number of comments in the thread. Indeed, at the time of its release, it was widely touted as "the new Alien Vendetta", which is telling in itself. The community hardly lacked for content in the late 00s period, of course, but it was the first time in what felt, at the time, a significant while that a traditional 'high production' megaWAD with a sense of thematic/aesthetic continuity and unity had been seen.


In terms of the nuts and bolts, of course, it's overly simplistic (read: objectively wrong) to think of SoD as a direct spiritual successor to AV--there are a number of direct references to AV in there, for sure, but Erik Alm and particularly Scythe II and some of his lesser-known works (One Bloody Night, etc.) probably have an even more pronounced influence here, both as regards aesthetics and gameplay. Like most WADs of similar renown, you'll also find that overall opinions on it tend to be widely varying and more impassioned than is perhaps the norm, ranging from those who admire its consistent marriage of brash, occasionally hamfisted violence with a compelling sense of subtly surreal, shady atmosphere, to those who find it an ambitious yet heavily flawed and consistently aggravating project mired throughout in a bevy of obnoxiously persistent design idiosyncrasies--uncomfortable movement spaces, arbitrary instapop monsters, rather crass sardine-can boobytraps, a progression device Alfonzo has referred to as "Joshybars" (more on that later), etc. Broadly speaking, though, I think it offers something for most players, though it's certainly one where I'd expect there to be quite a pronounced schism between those who really dig the earlier parts of the game and those really into the later parts (again, not unlike the Scythe series in that respect, or AV to a lesser degree).


Incidentally, for those who may not be aware, and are thus somewhat in the dark about certain allusions that have been and will probably continue to be made here, it is very widely believed/often implied that Darkwave0000 is Death-Destiny, a bygone community member of some renown and/or infamy (you can bet that if we ever do a singles or episode month I'll be wanting to pick some of his stuff). I can't claim to have the concrete truth/proof myself, but from an outside-looking-in perspective, there's a veritable mass of 'forensic evidence' to support this in the earlier Darkwave maps, to say the least, though it becomes harder and harder to draw the parallels the farther you get into that handle's career. Indeed, on that note, another interesting point about SoD is that, for all of its contemporary and lasting influence, both of its two authors these days make maps that, by and large, differ very markedly from much of what is seen herein, which makes for an interesting window into the growth/change of individual styles over time.


Map 01 -- First Blood - 100% Kills / 100% Secrets

Those who were with us for Resurgence should remember this one, as the meat of this map makes a self-referential cameo therein. Little more than a glorified storage shed situated in some temperate foothills near a little cave-nested brook, it's a very small and compact map where most of the major areas directly interface with one another in some way or another (here it's as simple as assholes in the shed shooting at you as soon as you make the main yard, and depending on playstyle cacodemons are quite able/willing to follow you places where it may not be initially intuitive that they can), which is true to a greater or lesser degree of the vast majority of Joshy's maps in SoD, which all occupy the odd-numbered mapslots (save m32). Generally speaking SoD has a somewhat traditional longform difficulty progression, beginning in relatively conventional climes and ending in slaughter and/or roided-out 'Dark Plutonian' territory, and so the action here is pretty straightforward, though Joshy wastes no time in farting around with the age-old "Hangar"/"Entryway" conventions--it's simply not that kind of mapset. 


Theoretically, and with experience, this is quite a quick play, but first-timers may be taken aback by the rather burly mass of enemy HP aligned against the player, and for the more cautious/methodical among us it's pretty easy for this to become something of a cover shooter: quite a hefty dose of pinky demons, specters, and cacodemons beef up the expected m01 contingent of zombies and imps to keep you from simply sashaying around at your leisure since the early-game armaments cannot necessarily quickly clear a path. Traps to introduce threat from multiple angles/to sandwich the player between different fronts of enemies also make a very early appearance here, beginning with the somewhat antiquated 'view-box' imp-closet which rigs them to port into the mouth of the cave as the player nears  it. At this early point you can still simply retreat/funnel almost any problematic incursion with a bit of awareness, but nevertheless the stage is being set early here. I think it may actually be a little too HP-heavy for its own optimal good, in truth, though I respect it as being very up-front about the mapset's style and intentions, as well.


As a layout this is really simple stuff, though from the get-go there's certainly an obvious care given to aesthetic presentation, with mini-dioramas of offmap terrain to flesh out the cave sections (just because they look purely cosmetic doesn't mean you shouldn't experiment with trying to climb into them, though ;) ), and a hint of the languid shady lighting which is a hallmark of most of the set making an early impression as well. The key cave is of course heavily redolent of both particular parts of AV and, perhaps, Kama Sutra; SoD is flush with moments of callback like this, though to its great credit at no point does it ever really strike me as a set trying to lean on or heavily leverage its inspirations. Also dig the gratuitous barrel-chain kill of the chaingun zombies on the ledges overlooking the little yard as a bit of extra pizazz.


Map 02 -- Mysterious Cove - 100% Kills / 100% Secrets

Darkwave0000's maps all steadily inhabit the even-numbered slots (save for m31, as you might've guessed) in SoD. Here he greets us with a moody little cave-base, the peculiar, subtly dreamlike atmosphere that characterizes so many of his maps (new and old) here making itself felt as the little brook of the previous level is given over to a panoply of subterranean cataracts of non-toxic green ooze which shimmer and flicker strangely in the dim, damp air of the earthen cave. IIRC it was openly acknowledged by the author at the time that B.P.R.D.'s "The Mucus Flow" (m24 of the second Community Chest set) was a major point of inspiration in his exploration of this general theme, though it's definitely SoD itself that became more widely known for this signature 'mint chocolate' aesthetic. The music track is a midi rendition of the main Raccoon City P.D. theme from Resident Evil 2, which was used a number of times around then (most significantly in Hellcore 2.0), indicative of the mapset's general slant towards the more ambient/atmospheric and mellifluous in its track selections, though IIRC there's more insistent stuff from Heretic and elsewhere in there as well.


This one likely sours a certain subset of players very early on with its mandated early pincer trap, a contrivance which sees the player stuck between two fast-porting arachnatrons and others while traveling through the (eminently suspicious) alleyway between the two main buildings, a situation difficult to play in a really aesthetically attractive way (either you slip the snare or mosh around wildly). Shortly thereafter, a fresh dose of mixed opposition insta-pops out of what appears to be solid ground. Further in, around the locked exit, more monsters fast-port around after taking a step or two from their initial positions, making initial careful scouting something of a wasted investment. Let's be clear: Speed of Doom is positively full of devices like this, and while Joshy tends more towards the instapops and Darkwave tends more towards the zany yo-yo 'porters, you'll be seeing a lot of both from both. One of the major criticisms of the WAD has tended to be its heavy reliance on a relatively limited array of devices driving its flash encounters (of which there are many), which I reckon is pretty accurate/fair. Most of its best action is made through denying the player safety in a more incidental way (Joshy's maps in particular will feature quite a lot of 'hot starts', something this WAD arguably champions like very few before it had), and as the maps loosen up and breathe more farther into the set we'll start to see and more variety in encounters, but as you play you'll likely start to develop a sense for when something's about to insta-pop out at you, largely a function of just how exaggeratedly ubiquitous the device can be here.


Darkwave's general style in SoD is much more airy and open than Joshy's as a generality, though here he shows he's more than capable of working in more compact spaces as well. The level progression here practically flows more vertically than it does laterally, courtesy of the clever multilevel elevator construction at the core of the eastern building, which efficiently plays with space to create a very credible illusion of 'true' floor-over-floor 3D space. The little leap into the second building from the top floor, followed by a descent into the open basement for a pretty standard key ambush (note: more insta-porting pincer-attacking mid-tiers, with some imps clawing out of the walls for support) adds a touch of the unusual to what is otherwise a pretty straightforward early-game map, albeit one at SoD's adjusted difficulty pitch.


As a general aside, I've heard it said more than once (and by more than one source) that the balancing between different skill settings in this WAD is often rather poor/half-assed, so it will be interesting to read the experiences of those selecting something other than UV.

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MAP05. Every few seconds it's like "who the fuck is damaging me". Honestly, I think this is a good map, but I did not enjoy playing it this time around. Roll on MAP06.

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map05 FDA

this feels like a different WAD all of a sudden; and not in a good way.

i died multiple times on this in frustrating ways, most of them my fault but this map just rubbed me the wrong way.

why is the nukeage now pain-floor? just to make the map more annoying?

loads of chances to fall in if youre not paying attention, plus warping cacos, plus goddawful lost souls. eugh.

the end of the map you basically need a radsuit/high health - if you dont you're fucked.

luckily this is an outlier in the first 10 or so maps otherwise id be pissed off!

interested to know if this was an earlier work roped in to the mapset, or what its chronology was.


@Grain of Salt well said!

Edited by rehelekretep
agreeing with Grain of Salt :D

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MAP05 - “Cliffside Siege” by Joshy


Apparently a reference to an AV map with a similar name. Gameplay takes place mostly up and around one central area with plenty of snipers on every cliff. Oh, and there's a Mastermind that you eventually telefrag. It's a step up in difficulty with the introduction of Archviles as well as environmental hazards with some minor platforming over damaging nukage. Why is it damaging all of a sudden? I dunno, lol! Would be nice to have a radsuit for that upper area, but then again you can camp this spot and punch out all the Spectres. Not as annoying as I remember it being, which is a good thing.

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MAP05: Cliffside Siege


A surprising number of bad design choices: impassable linedef right behind the player start is too close; spectres in the nukage pool below can block and corner the player with infinite height if they decide to jump down to grab a radsuit and look around (I died this way); and this little opening being impassible is very crude. Also crass: the chaingunners at the YK can hit you while you are standing on the ridge marked by an X, even though you can't see them, because your head peeks out just above the YK hill.


But believe it or not I don't actually hate this map. First off, the spider mastermind looks absolutely hilarious in its little distant enclosure. You can look at it from near the spawn spot and idly think you are looking at an arachnotron or something, and then you wipe your eyes and say, "Wait, no, that's a mastermind?????" The core combat is also reasonably strong. I like maps that take place in complex terrain like this, because there are innumerable ways such terrain can be designed, and when you pair that with a specific set of monster deployments, you are unlikely to get a map that plays in meaningfully the same way as any other map you played that month. The fights are largely about ideal positioning for maximal safety, and you are often given a long leash to move around the map at will and pick the most favorable spot, very much Doom as a pure strategy game. Even the nukage pool serves not only as a threat but a potential haven to clear out entrenchments from safe ground, as long as the suits last. 

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4 hours ago, Demon of the Well said:

As a general aside, I've heard it said more than once (and by more than one source) that the balancing between different skill settings in this WAD is often rather poor/half-assed, so it will be interesting to read the experiences of those selecting something other than UV.

What's crazy is that the two authors don't even fuck it up in the same way!  The Joshymaps tend to be almost the same on HMP and UV, with the changes on HNTR frequently being utterly bewildering, with the easy fights being totally gutted and the toughest fights getting less radically altered.  Darkwave's tends to just utterly gut them on HMP.  The result is that if you aren't game for UV here, there's no satisfying way to play; Joshy's maps are going to rip you to shreds, and Darkwave's will put you to sleep.


(Also, I wasn't aware of the rumors of Darkwave being a new handle for Death-Destiny.  Interesting that Darkwave would be the "big open space" mapper here, given that D-D always loved his cramped spaces...)

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2 hours ago, Cynical said:

the rumors of Darkwave being a new handle for Death-Destiny

AFAIK Ribbiks did quite a few investigations around that topic so maybe he'd like to share some of his insights. Personally i always wanted to believe it's true. One of the things i was always wondering about is that Darkwave never bothered to become active on DW (correct me if i'm wrong) despite being registered on various other Doom forums whicht might directly relate to D-D's departure here.

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