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You can all stop bitching about the release date

Lord FlatHead

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I bought and XBox last week so I already have the hardware to play it I guess... Though I better buy an NV30 or something too if I want to play it on the PC and make levels for it.

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orion said:

[bitching]But I wanted it released on doom's 10th b-day!![/bitching]

I second that.

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Archvile64 said:

Ugh, I need a new computer.

Heh, hopefully four months from now I'll have 600 bucks, then atleast 200 from christmas, and maybe I'll get a job to get a 1000 for a new computer. Right now I have 300, and I am owned another 300 from a friend.

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I'll have to play it at 400x300. Thank God for the Carmack though, it doesn't matter if you have a GeForce1 or a Radeon 9700, the game will look the same.

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Zaldron said:

I'll have to play it at 400x300. Thank God for the Carmack though, it doesn't matter if you have a GeForce1 or a Radeon 9700, the game will look the same.

Hahahahahahaha..haa.hahaha....ha...ha...buy yourself a good card ;-)

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niguel said:

everyone against the xbox version!

Now why would we be against the X-Box version? Dude, do you realize that not everyone owns a good PC that can play Doom 3, but these people might have their hands on a X-Box? This would be their only way to play Doom 3 without having to shell out more cash to upgrade their systems.

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Could someone guess what kind of resolution I'd expect to be able to play it in (Athlon 1400, 512MB, GF2 64MB)?

Hello. I am forgotten. :(

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