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Post your Heretic/Hexen textures and decorations!

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Another mini set. The giant candles I posted some time ago, improved with color variants and blue flame. I included map where they are set up already. It is bit finnicky to just copy and paste but better than nothing.



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Some prop/texture thingy, a "Chaos Ouroboros" meant to be either made yellow or gray as gold or stone decorations
Two examples:
Another funny easteregg thing:
I can't believe the wise magical tree fucking died.

Wooden exit sign edited from @Nootrac4571's hell exit sign

Edited by Craneo

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  • 1 month later...

Quick edit midtex for caves or other areas.
Figured someone might like it.


Sneak Edit:

Edited by Desfar

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4 hours ago, Desfar said:

Quick edit midtex for caves or other areas.
Figured someone might like it.


I've been looking for just this texture! Thank you

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've updated NJHeretex to v1.1. Link


Changes since the last version:

  • Added brown water (as distinct from brown sludge)
  • Updated the coloring of a few of the FBGRSS* midtextures to better match with the corresponding MUD1WGR* textures
  • Added vertical rotations of the TSSL* series (straight single-color only, for both 32-wide and 64-wide bars)
  • Added cleanups/edits/colors of several more stone/brick sets from Stalungcraeft. The most important ones here are ARC1A*/ARC1B*, which are probably the best general stone arch textures available for Heretic, and BRICD*, which is a really good chonky brick texture that forms regular layers in multiples of 8 units. I also included BRIC4* and BRICY* while I was at it, because they're pretty good brick walls.
  • Added edits/colors of W_902/903 from Hexen
  • Took all the tan/jade W_041/042 textures from Hexen, and the variations from 129th_Visplane, Ichor, and Baker's Legacy, and merged them into a single set with additional color schemes in brown, emerald, ice-blue, red, black, black/red, and black/emerald.
  • Took all the ornate bronze/steel doors from Hexen, and the wide versions by Zrrion, and merged them all into a single set in whatever colors looked good (bronze, gray, brown, jade, emerald, ice-blue, red, and bright gold). I also created a larger version of the small demon head emblem (sample shown below).
  • Took various big stone block textures from Hexen 2, their variants from Avactor and Ancient Aliens, and a similar set of Egyptian blocks from Ancient Aliens, and merged them into a single set in various colors.
  • Updated the short credits to include some new sources and a couple I missed in the original. Please use the new short credits if you're going to use the texture library! Long credits updated with all new additions as well.
  • Added changelog to main folder.


1go84AC.png K19LpyB.png

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  • 2 weeks later...

The iconography genious has logged on

e: some of the bigger ones in context:
these should work in the same size as the decorations on the GSTNPB* textures

Edited by TheHambourgeois

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  • 5 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey here's all the individual color ramps in .gpl format, I can convert them to .pal or whatever other formats people think would be useful if they want it and for extra credit I may create the expanded/combined ramps notjabba made. This is probably most useful for avoiding brown/gold/tan crossover but I would find it useful for stuff I am working on so I made them. ILY mwah 


e: what the hell heres the extended palettes in this post:


Edited by TheHambourgeois

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