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This guy hates Doom for sure

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This article speaks for itself. This guy sounds like crude/pretentious/douche. Not somebody I would like to even associate with, on any facet of life. He claims that he was in High School in 1994, but he sounds like a child. What an embarrassment to humanity.

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I hate these Pitchfork-styled sanctimonious cunts with more words than skill to string said words together meaningfully. 

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Wow I did not expect the article to be this shitty. Besides being formatted as a wall of text with diminutive indents, he barely even talks about Doom itself throughout the article, deciding instead to ramble on about his first experience with it as a kid, as well as games barely related to Doom (ctrl+F "Full Throttle": 7 results), and why people "mistakenly" like Doom nowadays (ctrl+F "autist": 6 results). Blown away by his garbage prose I decided to look at some other stuff, and geez oh man is he consistently atrocious. When talking about why no indie games are truly independent, he argues:



"The idea, then, is that the only way to be truly independent (i.e. to not have to compromise with anyone on anything) is to make the game entirely by yourself — but REALLY by yourself, starting with 1s and 0s [...] Bottom line is that, to be truly "independent", you'd have to live in a fucking VACUUM; you'd have to remove yourself from the universe and inhabit AN ALTERNATE FUCKING DIMENSION."


And know what the kicker is? He ends that entry with a Nietzsche quote about God. And we're supposed to be the hipsters?


Then I looked at his Sonic 1 review about why that game is art and for some reason he dedicates the bulk of the article to some "Josh" guy that wrote a review about Sonic 2 for his website, and rebutting all of the points he made (ctrl+F "Josh": 14 results). In an article he wrote called "Cocksucking Videogameland" he starts by again quoting Nietzsche and then going on a misogynistic rant by calling women that write about videogames "bitches", "trollops", and "sluts" (ctrl+F "slut": 16 results), eventually spiraling into a frothing caps lock rant. Then he has an article about whether videogames can be art (that uses the url "/for_artfags_only/") where he begins by quoting George Orwell and then mentions that everything can be art, including his cock "when [he] is in the right mood". I clicked on another link but it started with another Nietzsche quote, and by then I was done.


I love that he thinks people erroneously see Doom as a masterpiece because of "inveterate psuedo-criticism", when that's literally all he does. Bonus points for the wire fraud history too—icing on the shit sundae.



Edited by dobu gabu maru
Fear and Trembling at this shitty writing

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It's just a troll-bait article.  Anyone here could pick a similarly controversial stance and easily write a page of bollocks defending it for Huge Clicks.


Hell I'm almost tempted to make it a challenge: someone give me the most nonsense, ridiculous game-related point of view possible and I'll write you a genuinely sincere essay about why it's the right point of view and everything else is wrong.

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4 minutes ago, Bauul said:

It's just a troll-bait article.  Anyone here could pick a similarly controversial stance and easily write a page of bollocks defending it for Huge Clicks.

sorry to say this, but...no. he's not a troll. he actually believes that he's superior to everyone else.


he's the kind of scumbag you'd find leading a cult.

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16 minutes ago, Bauul said:

Hell I'm almost tempted to make it a challenge: someone give me the most nonsense, ridiculous game-related point of view possible and I'll write you a genuinely sincere essay about why it's the right point of view and everything else is wrong.

Quest for Bush as a feminist manifesto.

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I refuse to believe that he's serious when he's bragging about his awesome and refined self. My endless optimism won't allow me.


Everything else can be anything from conscious trolling to a sincere inability to express one's point of view without making oneself into an asshat, but those "ultimate art critic" parts can't be for realsies.

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This guy puts a lot of impotent-rage and energy, making these blogs. Yet, nobody is listening to him. Below are some pics of his pages, so you don't have to contribute to his shitty pages' visitor counter.







Edited by Kontra Kommando
Better English.

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Holy cookies dipped in vodka EVEN MY SHITTY FB PAGE HAS MORE LIKES!





(Right there where it says "Sviđa mi se:25" means 25 likes.)


So a walking talkin cringe machine like me has more likes than a fucking professional troll who gets paid!


This is like having a 1 inch bigger dick than some male celebrity who is famous for "getting around", and that feeling is MIGHTY!


(also pls gib likes I post stuff regulary and its nice and i dont force people to pay me money to see my shit... yet)

Edited by Battle_Kirby

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Now I've seen more of his content than I ever wanted... twice. And thanks for providing me with all those links, I would've surely clicked them by accident without you and increased the guy's view counter on Twitter. Ooooh, is that Divinity in his YT channel? Brb checking that out. #spoileryourlargecrap #bringbackdontquoteimagesdumbass

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This guy is a troll who gets off on people becoming angry in response to what he writes. The more attention you give him, the happier he becomes. This thread brings boner-level credibility to an absolute moron. That being said, it's been pretty fun to laugh at those garbage articles...


Worth it.

Edited by RUSH

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19 hours ago, Cynical said:

For those unfortunates who don't know, Icycalm/Alex Kirkegaarad is basically a "professional troll" (seriously, his forum and most of his site content are behind an absurdly expensive paywall) who takes contrarian stances on every matter for attention.  He previously declared Doom, Quake, and Half-Life -- all games that he derides in that article -- some of the greatest games of all time; he's walking that claim back now since "fuck CoD, I want more games like the old FPSs!" has become a popular sentiment.


this is a true assessment. Alex Kierkegaard has been around for forever. back when i used to go on the tigsource forums, i remember a thread from 2011 where an indie game developer (i think it was Jason Rohrer) was trying to "debate" him. that was the last time he was relevant - and even then, most people there knew he was just a troll. i'm someone who likes to overanalyze things and is basically a game critic, so i'm very sympathetic to his sort of analysis. but there's just not much there in his writing most of the time. he'll dresses up really shallow points with lots of references to philosophers to make him look more like an intellectual titan. i've tried to engage with his work more deeply in the past and there's not much substantive content there. honestly he's probably just trying to get attention from anyone he can at this point.


that said, never seen this one fraggle and others brought up: https://everything2.com/user/Ashley+Pomeroy/writeups/Doom will check it out


23 hours ago, fraggle said:

I read this years ago and I think I've even linked to it a few times in my comments here. It's certainly an entertaining read, and I think it's not entirely serious - there's definitely something of a humorous tone to it, though maybe others don't detect it (I used to be moderately active on everything2.com myself, years ago, so I know the culture there a bit better and what passes for humor).


Though as the saying goes, many a truth was said in jest. While it's clearly exaggerated to absurd extremes for comic effect, some of the stuff there does seem almost on point. "Doom is a male space" for example. From perkristian's work we know that Doom's sound effects were deliberately designed to make the weapons sound more powerful. The feedback loop to the player essentially emphasizes feeling like some kind of manly tough guy. I expect that some kind of Freudian analysis of the game could be quite ... interesting.


i have mixed feelings about Doom being analyzed primarily as a hyper-masculine game. while it's true in a lot of ways, there are so many games that fit that category now that i have no interest in and don't go back to. honestly Doom is a really hard game to categorize and pin down thematically - there are elements of horror, action, sci-fi, fantasy, etc. that's what makes it a unique creation for me. it suggests at a lot of different things at once. while it's a hyper-violent masculine game that uses a lot of metal/industrial kind of imagery in a lot of ways, there are also supernatural elements like teleporters and oftentimes confusing, organic feeling worlds. the way it mixes a lot of these things together makes it not quite like anything else.

Edited by ella guro

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What's wrong with hyper-masculinity or a hyper-masculine game anyway? If that's the experience you want to extract from playing Doom, cool. Let dudes be dudes, no problem there.


Doom also has elements of many other things for those who want to enjoy the game for different or additional reasons (horror, science fiction, atmosphere, maze-like level design intricacy) etc.

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8 minutes ago, RUSH said:

What's wrong with hyper-masculinity or a hyper-masculine game anyway? If that's the experience you want to extract from playing Doom, cool. Let dudes be dudes, no problem there.


Doom also has elements of many other things for those who want to enjoy the game for different or additional reasons (horror, science fiction, atmosphere, maze-like level design intricacy) etc.


the point i'm making is it's not just a hyper-masculine game, which is how a lot of people (esp critics) seem to remember it. i don't have problems with people enjoying that element of it at all - obviously i like how fast and violent the game is. but there is a lot of other weird shit going on there that a lot of people tend to forget about.

Edited by ella guro

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I didn't mean to direct that comment towards you, my bad. It was more meant as a general statement, I agree Doom is more complex than many people give it credit for. I remember when I first saw the game as a kid I thought it was just mindless killing and gore. But once I started playing it I was surprised at how complex and interesting the levels were. I'd say speed and level design is the greatest strength the game has. What other games let you whip through hellish labyrinth structures? Rather than be strung along on a slow, trudging CoD roller-coaster ride.

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1 hour ago, Gez said:

Quest for Bush as a feminist manifesto.



Quest for Bush, or the how self-reflection is the Patriarchy's greatest weakness

A manifesto for feminists


Fighting against the ever-present patriarchy in our society is a constant and worthy struggle.  It's perveilance infiltrates every part of our lives, to the extent where even enlightened feminists such as ourselves fail to realize.  It sometimes takes something from a very unlikely source to reveal the patriarchy for what it is: weak, and precarious, relying on aggression and condemnation to stamp out any sign of dissent before it becomes too clear it's a house built on sand.  But what if you held a mirror to it?  Then what?


Allow me to back up, and introduce you to Jesse Petrilla.  A 33 year-old Californian man, who models himself as a kind of activist.  He's produced politically charged video-games, and has spent time as a politician in California.  His target: threats to the norm.  He mostly claims to be focused on national security, but at heart he is threatened by the thing that all men feel threatened by: anything that seeks to undermine their self-supporting, domineering role in this world.  


Petrilla is a perfect example of the kind of male-centric thinker who believes he is fighting for a better world, when all he really cares about is his own worldview.  Back in 2001, he was arrested for firing rifle shots in a bar following a confrontation.  The subject of the confrontation is unknown, but it's a safe bet it was about something Petrilla disagreed with, and it should be no surprise he opted to defend his worldview with that most phallic of inventions: the firearm.  As an adult, he became well-known for creating "satirical" video games, but his first release could hardly be less satirical - a pirate themed game, called Plunder and Pillage.  It doesn't take a genius to understand what he was hoping to create: a power-trip simulator, where fellow males could live out their fantasy of controlling, kidnapping and raping women under the guise of a historical experience.  It's a fantasy all men deep down desire, and Petrilla is no different.  From these two examples alone, we can safely understand what kind of man Petrilla is, and how he at heart he represents all men, and the Patriarchy as a whole.  As a proxy for society, Petrilla pretty perfectly fits the mold. 


Two years later, he released what was to be his crowning achievement - Quest For Saddam.  A game that combined all of his most precious concerns: the male fantasies to kill and win, a permanent phallic experience through the use of firearms, and a way to virtually engage with, and defeat, a threat to his worldview, namely the Iraqi president of the time, Saddam Hussein.  It was a cheap effort designed to grab attention as much as anything else, building controversy on the back of a very real war.  A war where, yet again, the male soldiers of both sides were the focus of all attention, leaving the innocent civilians, many of whom were women, to be mere statistics.  It's existance was greeted with a mild shrug, as while it was a somewhat unusual subject matter, it's worldview didn't seek to interfere with the establishment.  Instead, it supported it.  Another girder in the vast infrastructure that keeps the patriarchy in power.


Petrilla got his attention, and the patriarchy's de facto influence on the world continued unabated.  Until something happened he did not expect: in 2006, he got a comeback.  An Al-Qa'eda linked group called the Global Islamic Media Front released an edited version of his game called Quest for Bush: The Night of Bush Capturing, where the threat was no longer Saddam Hussein, but the US president George W. Bush.  It took his game and inverted it: the American military were the threat, and the player a Muslim extremist fighting against it.   The reaction from the establishment was as swift as it was predictable: outrage.  How dare they use a tool of the western patriarchy against them?  Media were up in arms, and the US State Department condemned it as an "indoctrination tool", without irony.  But here was a clear example of just how flimsy a hold on the world the patriarchy has.  All these extremists did was shove the patriarchy's propaganda right back at them, and it withered under the pressure.  It panicked under the pressure.


Quest for Bush, regardless of its intentions, revealed something clear - the patriarchy is weak.  As a feminist manifesto, there are few better examples.  It is a clear and unabashed example of how using the patriarchy's own tactics against them is an effective and clear way to continue to dismantle its immoral grip on the world.  The reaction from the establishment was a clear indication of the fragility of the ice the patriarchy knows it is standing on.  


If Quest for Bush can show that even propaganda video games can be inverted in intention, then everything can be.  We can take the lesson Quest for Bush provided and apply it everywhere. If a man is derogatory about your looks, think "what would Quest for Bush do?".  It's clear: be derogatory right back.  Let the game be your personal manifesto: Pass up men for promotions.  Insist men wear high-heels to work.  Reverse that pay gap: pay men 17% less than women for the same job.  Take every social structure men have ever built to protect themselves from you and use it right back at them.  


If we as feminists channeled Quest for Bush into everything we did - threw the patriarchy's false narrative back at it at every single opportunity, the impact would be immense and long lasting.  A true manifesto for the ages.

Edited by Bauul

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Well played, Alex Kirkegaard, well played. 10/10 would erase my memory and read again.



21 hours ago, 40oz said:

5. The author states that if you play Doom and are involved with the Doom community, you are to some degree, autistic, and celebrate your autism under the cloak of being a hipster.

ha ha ha ha ha... what a dumbass... ha ha... ha... *starts weeping*

damn it




I like this guy TBH


Edited by bzzrak

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3 minutes ago, Bauul said:

*cool text stuff* (cant full quote bc some people will see it twice and be oh noooo)


Good thing, but what about the community centered around the game?

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4 minutes ago, Battle_Kirby said:


Good thing, but what about the community centered around the game?

Heh, well, aside from having no idea about the community around the game (although I can guess), picking a completely blinkered point of view and ignoring anything that contradicts it is a pillar of crappy Internet writing!

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4 minutes ago, Bauul said:

Heh, well, aside from having no idea about the community around the game (although I can guess), picking a completely blinkered point of view and ignoring anything that contradicts it is a pillar of crappy Internet writing!

Ah, now I fully understand the morally-damaging sound and level design behind this monstrously manly game aswell!


*insert your own feminist comment cuz i don't do this stuff anymore and i forgot*

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On 4/16/2017 at 2:24 PM, dew said:

Oh yeah, I've seen that one. Guy seems butthurt that he has no power over killing a popular thing he doesn't get. Still not half as unhinged and badass as this old beauty:


There's something seriously wrong with this guy...


Edit: More on topic: The "not art" review:

This arrogant ass claims that, because he's not "poor", and because he's bought and played tons of games, that somehow his opinion is more important than the opinions of the "unwashed masses" that can only afford to buy a few games, or people that have received hand-me-down PCs that happened to have Doom installed on them. He claims that those people have narrow views, and can therefore not properly assess the quality of a game like Doom.


I don't have to try every flavor of ice cream known to man, to know that Rocky Road is some good eating, right?


To him, the lack of coherent story, and the abstractness of levels is just plain shitty, boring design. Here's my assessment:

This is one of those guys that has played so many games, watched so many action/thriller movies, etc, that he has become completely desensitized. This guy has so little imagination, that he requires constant stimulation to feel anything at all. 100% consume, 0% create. I imagine this guy is boring to be around, himself, cause he spends his time trying to feel anything at all.


What's my proof? He doesn't like Doom. Does this need more explanation? :)


Edited by kb1

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13 hours ago, dew said:

Now I've seen more of his content than I ever wanted... twice. And thanks for providing me with all those links, I would've surely clicked them by accident without you and increased the guy's view counter on Twitter. Ooooh, is that Divinity in his YT channel? Brb checking that out. #spoileryourlargecrap #bringbackdontquoteimagesdumbass

Pong is not art. Clearly this guy knows what's up.

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For whatever reason, my school's internet isn't letting me load that webpage at all. weird. Though, looking at the other responses and all of the dirt that's been dug up about this guy, I guess I'm not really missing anything that's worth caring about heh.


seeing those pitiful view and subscriber counts for someone with such an inflated ego is pretty amusing, though.

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2 hours ago, InsanityBringer said:

For whatever reason, my school's internet isn't letting me load that webpage at all. weird. Though, looking at the other responses and all of the dirt that's been dug up about this guy, I guess I'm not really missing anything that's worth caring about heh.


seeing those pitiful view and subscriber counts for someone with such an inflated ego is pretty amusing, though.

Your school lets you get on Doomworld? Fuck, I wish I had gone to that school...

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11 hours ago, grouchbag said:

Oh, cheer up please! :D He has to pay taxes and he'll die like we all will.

Username doesn't check out.

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