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Can't start "Doom 2 In Name Only" in vanilla Doom

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I try using Doom2+ (which is like vanilla Doom 2 but with raised limits) to start the mod (https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/levels/doom2/megawads/d2ino), the WAD is loaded, the game starts, but when I start a new game (level 1), Doom 2 quits with this error: 


Z_CheckHeap: block size does not touch the next block


Doesn't matter if I try with or without the Dehacked patch.


The wad is listed in the vanilla megawads /idgames location and says it's vanilla/Chocolate Doom compatible.

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I experienced the same thing. (First time I tried DOOM2P with this win 8.1 computer) But for no reason it works after I only right clicked the exe and viewed out all the compatibility and user rights menus without changing anything. Windows quirks?




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I didn't get any error in doom.exe 1.9 on winxp. I loaded the wad, then started a new game and map01 started fine (I was using -nomusic with pc speaker sfx and d2ino.wad that is 19,737,215 bytes).

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It seems that the music on the first level is precisely the problem. You can directly warp to any other level at startup and it'll load without an error, but -warp 1 will produce the same error mentioned in the OP: -nomusic also allows the first level to load without error, as will the rare random startup because of DOSBox frustratingly skipping the sound card check (this is a problem common to many games when using DOSBox).


While inspecting this problem, I also tried to load in the DeHackEd patch vanilla-style (using DOOM2.EXE, not DOOMP.EXE) and got this error during startup:

W_GetNumForName: STGNUM1144824578 not found!


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What music driver are you using in Doom's setup (under DOSBox)? I'm using the "Sound Canvas" (not Blaster) driver just to get the OS native MIDI quality playing.

Edited by printz

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