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Console Heretic, or lack thereof

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I was wondering-why on Earth didn't Heretic get ported to the Nintendo 64, Playstation, or (/me shudders), the ill-fated Saturn a few years back? If you think about it, it makes sense.
They had Doom on N64, Playstation, and Saturn.
They had Duke Nukem on N64, Playstation, and Saturn.
They had Hexen on N64, Playstation, and Saturn.
So, why no Heretic?

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If raven are thinking of porting a game to a platform to make money, it makes sense to port their most recent game (at the time, the most recent and feasible game was hexen)... since this wasn't a financial success they wouldn't risk another.

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Yep, no more games, no more Saturn systems being made. Soon, this will be the Dreamcast's fate. Once the parts used in making a DC are used up, then-no more DC.

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screw heretic. sure, it's really cool, but the level design doesn't compare to doom or hexen's. what i can't figure out is why there's no blood on the psx or n64. they could handle duke, so blood should be no problem. and blood was a lot more popular than heretic and hexen, had origial weapons, awesome music, and the levels are some of the best i've ever seen. i still love the overlooked hotel...

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I don't agree, some of heretic's level designs are my uttermost favourite out of ALL FPSs. e1m5 (I think it is) springs to mind.

Also, I don't play consoles, I don't think a publisher can suck, I play games.

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Indeed. Some of the levels in Heretic are amazingly good.

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On average, Heretic's levels are way better than the Doom levels, and leagues better than any crap in Doom2 (except maybe Map14, Map17 and Map22).

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I really like Heretic, and whats wrong with the good ol' Sega MegaDrive (or Genesis)? IMO that whoops N64 any day.

N64= NO Good Games (Most of em are stupid cartoony kids games like Zelda... ugh)

And no, that isnt just coz I hate Nintendo or anything, I have a N64 and I hate all the games on it. I also still have a Sega Mega Drive and play it sometimes too!

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<...> blood was a lot more popular than heretic and hexen, had origial weapons, awesome music, and the levels are some of the best i've ever seen. i still love the overlooked hotel...

Whee, another Blood fan! It seems that mainstream gaming has largely overlooked this great game. Most of this has to do with the fact that it came out after Quake, and people mistaking "true 3D" for gameplay :(

I still play Blood a lot more often than whichever other game.

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Quick join-in:

Heretic has the best levels ever shipped with a Doom engine game.

Blood is still better anyway, and yeah, it does suck that it didn't make it to a home system.

The N64 generally does suck but there are a few gems. F-Zero X is a good racing game, in fact, the only one I can stomach. Duke Nukem Zero Hour is also a good action game that's hard as a fucking rock and loaded with cool effects.

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Mordeth on the General forum, of his own accord?
/me looks out the window

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That is a quote from the game blood, Caco.

"I'm here to donate some blood... someone else's..."
"I'm gonna paint the town red..."
"What are you gonna do, bleed on me?"

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