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Super Mayhem 17! Now on Doomworld file listing\idgames

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Sorry guys, looks like I managed to finish my map after all!


The Oasis

Short and probably quite easy nighttime desert map, complete with some caves and a pyramid. Not the worst map I've ever made, but don't expect anything amazing - I still don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to thing placement. 170 things across all skill levels, and *just* within the map area limits. Plays on MAP01, MIDI is "Desk Lamp" by stewboy. Thanks for any feedback in advance :)








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edited out


Eris, your download link seems to be non-functional on my end.

Edited by Marcaek

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Bam. Added in rf's ghosthouse stuff, Dragonfly's textures, an animated flat to match the gold mario 3 bricks, and made some of the green textures less shitty. If the minor palette tweaking has affected any custom textures let me know. I do know some Doom resources are affected but I'm preparing to re-add the lot of those so I'll tackle that then. Check out rf's new armor sprites!


Since a fair bit of new stuff has come out of the blue, I'm extending the mapping deadline to the 15th of June(uh oh it begins????)so any late starters or people who were on the fence about mapping for this can contribute. I better see an airship map! :P

Edited by Marcaek

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16 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

Bump - sorry for the double post but the mp is finished! I'd really appreciate some feedback and/or FDA demos. Difficulty settings have been implemented and the limitations have been adhered to. There's 260 things in the map, 4 of them are 'proper player starts (1 - 4). The voodoo doll player starts I've counted in the thing count.







P.S. I have made a few red coloured versions of other textures/flats, and merged them into the main resource wad (a5 version). These use the letters DF as a prefix to prevent conflicts. Ensure you play my map using this resource version! :)



Cute map. A few things I noticed: 


- These imps that show up after some blue key stuff don't add anything, I feel. They can't hit the player except from precise angles and require a bit of squirming around to get a good angle to shoot at them. The sergeants that also appear here can actually get a hit off, so a good step down from them would be zombiemen instead of imps. 


- This monster never warped in. Looking at the map in the editor, these monsters aren't connected by sound and teleport in with just scrolling effects, which causes the problem here: cacodemons (and flying monsters in general) aren't affected by conventional scrolling floors* in Boom format. Another potential problem is that these scroller setups don't loop, meaning that if a destination is blocked when a monster tries to warp in, that monster will never appear in the map. In casual singleplayer play that would be a very minor problem, but it could add some undesirable RNG to max routes, since there is some incentive to leave monsters alive: hell knights until the RL/SSG are available, for one thing. 


- The red key switch at the exit is apparently SR, while the other one is S1. I haven't checked if that is necessary, and now it seems like it might be intentional (for red-blue and blue-red coloring on each side), but at the time it seemed like a small mistake. 


- I happened on the BK-first route first. After a quick replay, the RK-first route is more fun. It gives the player the berserk and the chaingun earlier, at the cost of more initial danger, and I think the switch-based progression also flows more smoothly that way. Not sure if that is something you want to be addressed, but that could be smoothed over by making a chaingun available early in the BK-first route (perhaps in the extensive closet that opens in the room with the platforming, so the brunt of the attack is still handled SG-only at first, along that route). 



*I did a bit of research, and apparently you can use the deep water effect to move the cacodemon that way. 




Edited by rdwpa

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Thank you ever so much for the extensive review / bug locating @rdwpa - Ill be sure to address everything that has been mentioned. As for the RK > BK first, totally accidental - I tested it with both ways first and found that the BK First route was possibly 'easier' as it allowed you access to the SSG first, as opposed to the RL (assuming you go to the locked door rather than obtain both keys)

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13 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

Thank you ever so much for the extensive review / bug locating @rdwpa - Ill be sure to address everything that has been mentioned. As for the RK > BK first, totally accidental - I tested it with both ways first and found that the BK First route was possibly 'easier' as it allowed you access to the SSG first, as opposed to the RL (assuming you go to the locked door rather than obtain both keys)

I think the chaingun is the choice weapon for most of the 1st half of the map (lots of spread out hitscanners, where the SSG's slower fire rate has more risk involved). The berserk handled meatier monsters like the HKs and leftover pinkies as well as the SSG could. Despite this, though, I took less damage on the BK-first route, mostly because of overly aggressive punching on the RK-route while hitscanners were around. :D


On 5/24/2017 at 5:22 PM, Eris Falling said:

Sorry guys, looks like I managed to finish my map after all!


The Oasis

Short and probably quite easy nighttime desert map, complete with some caves and a pyramid. Not the worst map I've ever made, but don't expect anything amazing - I still don't really know what I'm doing when it comes to thing placement. 170 things across all skill levels, and *just* within the map area limits. Plays on MAP01, MIDI is "Desk Lamp" by stewboy. Thanks for any feedback in advance :)

The berserk pack reveal is quite awesome, probably the best 'secret' I've seen in a while, even though it isn't actually a secret. (On my first playthrough, I found the green armor secret only after completing the rest of the map. Given the location, DotW wouldn't be proud.) The YK fight can be tedious if the player doesn't grab the SSG either before it or immediately after picking up the YK, which is a real risk because platforming to the YK is easier than going all the way to the SSG. After dropping off from the YK, you can camp where the red key switch is and the vile won't follow you, and at that point you just have to plink away at it with the SG/CG. The only potential danger is running out of ammo if you miss the berserk and the PE goes crazy. Putting a RL on the YK dais, even with just 1 or 2 loose rockets (or none, tbh), would make that part a lot smoother, if you want to keep the SSG where it is. The secret at the start should probably be a fast lowering floor, because there's a window of time where it looks like you can enter but you'll bump your head, which feels off. A casual max in around 2:30. Aesthetically, this is really nice. I liked the start and exit areas best.


Edited by rdwpa

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Transformation Palace


A castle/dungeon map that you have to build through in order to progress to the top that progressively gets more difficult. Ceilings aren't as detailed as the floors because I don't feel like making a million billion dummy sectors and no one should be looking at the ceiling (until the Cacos and Pain Elementals appear of couse).

272 Things (including 16 Player Start things). Music: Chex Quest III: E3M5.




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I attempted that with an invisible floor to simulate jumping but what I ended up with felt dumb :P


I should mention, I did add an all-black box midtexture for the backsides of any floating boxes people felt like making. It should help maintain the illusion a bit better than just having ? boxes on the inside and out of the line.

Edited by Marcaek

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Map name: Airship of Doom





-It uses 2 custom tiles, which are just wall textures without a flat variant.

-The propellers move faster on gzdoom than prboom. Also they may start to glitch on prboom if you stay too much time there.

Edited by Gothic

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Name: Shifting Sands

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4junw35njgp8kkj/Crunchynut44_MH17_Shifting Sands_A1.wad?dl=0





This map was a development travesty due to a last minute decision to open the map up architecturally by adding the eastern sea area, which in turn created a huge amount of problems for myself, oh well. Demos, feedback and criticism are all of course very welcome!


Edited by Crunchynut44

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@Benjogami I've noticed your map doesn't adhere to the limitations / rules set out in the OP. It seems only the thing count limitation was acknowledged, and this assumes that player starts used as voodoo dolls don't count towards the limitation.




On 2017-5-6 at 11:56 PM, Marcaek said:

Each map must have no more than 256 things and exist within a boundary of 5120x3840.


On a side note, the exit / name-sake of the map is hilarious!

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I thought it was playable space had to fit in those dimensions? Which it does, if you move it around and don't count the big pain sectors. :P

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Playable space yes, but the second area falls outside that. Let me deliberate on what to do about it a bit


EDIT I'm going to let it slide for this one, because the execution between the above\below sections is cool and technically each playable area does fall within the limits if you interpreted that way. It is meant to be a total limit though, entire playable area in a box of 3848x5120: If you can block off the damage areas outside this limit with lines or something pls do and we'll call it even

Edited by Marcaek

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Alright, I'll try to tackle that sometime soon. IMO the distant rev in the underground stretches the meaning of playable space more than anything else, so if you'll let me get away with that, I'm happy. :D

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Monsters can exist outside of playable space no prob, that archvile though is a bit much for other reasons :          )

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The archviles and ice mechanics were both really annoying. I really like the aesthetic though, and the goofy teleport river.

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WIP (Super Mario Kart counts right?!). Rainbow Road themed map. Textures are placeholders at the moment but this hopefully shows the intent of the map well enough. Linedef action 242 abuse ahoy...



Edited by Scotty

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