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SlaughterMAX. Now on /idgames!

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Sorry, just decided to have look another time at the thing and found out some issues with it. Just fixed a HOM and a orphaned invuln that I accidentally placed?




Midi track is "Crystal Teardrops" from Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, midi sequenced by BlackStealth

Edited by floatRand

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11 hours ago, Benjogami said:

That is some good evidence you found! I'll add that as the name. @42PercentHealth can correct me if it's wrong. :)

Yep, "Dang!" is the name of my map. (Yeah, real imaginative, I know....) :-P


As it is, I have implemented a conventional easy setting. I have some ideas for reimagining fights, but most of them involve changes to the map that will probably desync Ancalagon's demo, so I don't really want to make them. I guess you can feel free to spam archviles.

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31 minutes ago, 42PercentHealth said:

I guess you can feel free to spam archviles.

I can do some changes... seems like I'm not gonna get a map ready in time, and seeing how it's too likely that, even I met the deadline, it won't get in due to slots being taken, which is kinda not encouraging me to push the map I was gonna make to a finished state, I might as well do something... aside of helping elmle with his MIDI, for that matter...

Besides, I can easily mess with shit without fucking up anc's demo... ;-)

Edited by Nine Inch Heels

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9 hours ago, floatRand said:

Sorry, just decided to have look another time at the thing and found out some issues with it. Just fixed a HOM and a orphaned invuln that I accidentally placed?




Nowhere to hide now, you see me dead on screens! Only close-quarters combat saved me from the revs invasion. Good thing that they didn't come down all together at me at the starting area so I killed the second group at south-east room from the rl area and the third group at the bfg and at the YK spot I killed last. Approximately it was like that.




What about the stairs replacing lift and some new passages and so. Pretty cool, but why I need to push the switch in plasma secret or in front of the wall to the YK? Man, I just really don't know what it's all about. Meanwhile, some walls do not have switches. In short, it was hot in the library mb you will do something interesting in red tones someday?))





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Velvet uv max 35:49


Ok so the rev fight at the end.. I dont know what im doing 100% of the time besides the start of it, rest of the demo is like casually playing through a map. (I wouldn't watch it ;p )





Edit: Also just one more map to max @Spectre01 CoolStoryBob

Edited by Bdubzzz

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I've been trying to max HMP-style UV for a couple of days now. And while that seemed fine in practice, it's proving a bit more difficult when I choke 50 minutes into the run. I could post the new version if anyone is interested in trying to max a more reasonable difficulty, otherwise I'll hopefully be able to get the run myself in the next couple of days. CoolStoryBob

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Will do when I get back home. In hindsight, my DMP2017 map would've been a better fit here since it takes ~45 minutes during casual play instead of nearly ~1.5 hours. Oh well. I'll definitely make something shorter if there's a similar project in 2018. :P

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Ok, here's the (hopefully) final edit of my map. Includes a music changer object and MUSINFO (using Valiant as an example), which I've always wanted to try, that changes the midi to the one from Scythe 2 map30. Triggers after you climb the central tower where the finale is activated.



-Old UV has been moved to HNTR. Largely unchanged from the previous version, aside from having 2 less Arachnotrons and some other enemy missing.

The intended experience, but obviously not something that's friendly for max runs.

-More reasonable HMP moved to UV. Still non-trivial, but should be possible to max. I've made it to the Cyber encounter before the final area, but apparently can't dodge 3 Cybers consistently during phase 2 of that fight.

-HMP is standard "easy" difficulty. At least as easy as I could make it without gutting the fights.


Let me know if you find any buggery present. I should be able to max UV soon, but if somebody beats me to it that would be cool as well.


Edited by Spectre01

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3 hours ago, 42PercentHealth said:

@Spectre01 Go ahead and post the WAD... I predict that you'll get a 55 minute demo, then within 24 hours Ancalagon will post a 38 minute demo. ;-)

Ancalagon goes pretty fast when beating levels. I bet that if he were to beat my Ice Rage level, it would take him 2 hours to beat it while I took 5.5 hours.

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24 minutes ago, mArt1And00m3r11339 said:

Ancalagon goes pretty fast when beating levels. I bet that if he were to beat my Ice Rage level, it would take him 2 hours to beat it while I took 5.5 hours.

that's quite hard when 90% of your levels consist of clearing and waiting for locks to open.

Edited by Ancalagon

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Velvet UV max 14:16

I felt bad about my terrible first demo so heres a 21 minute improvement ;p

Red key area could of been better and probably blue key area and last fight but think I'm done with this map :D


Edited by Bdubzzz

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4 minutes ago, A7MAD said:

damn dude , how are you so fast at maxing these 'I hate making this demo' maps?

Well just takes some practice in key areas, i had a save after the opening, then the small rev fight, then red key, then red key exit, then library switch, then blue key, then blue key exit then final fight then it took like 5-6 hours to max 

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Since we're almost done, I should say something about graphics.


The voting will work like so: after 1/31, when all maps and demos and graphic submissions are final, anyone who has a map or a max in the project can submit one ballot. Probably just PM it to me. If anyone would like to vote anonymously, we can probably figure out a different way to do it. Submit a ballot that looks like this:




TITLEPIC: Benjogami






The results will be tallied, and the winning submissions will be used. There will also be a credits screen, which I'll probably create by using one of the winning backgrounds and throwing some text on top of it.


I think it's best if the TITLEPIC, INTERPIC, and BOSSBACK don't have text on it, especially if the text includes "SlaughterMAX". I personally prefer that the M_DOOM be responsible for representing the project title. But that's just my opinion; I'll leave it up to democracy. B)


The end-date for voting will be 2/11.

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Final version of Skin-Sec 04, with a UV-Max demo attached! It's 94 minutes long and took a few days to get an exit, mainly due to stupid deaths and inconsistent play on my part. I also blame -shorttics. :P My ability to push buttons deteriorates after ~40 minutes, so don't expect high-quality gameplay. I also played the finale as safely as humanly possible, and made a spectacular showing trying to platform in the Revenant building.



  • Removed unintentional 20% pain sector.
  • Delayed Cyber teleport in the underground finale by ~1-2 seconds.
  • Added metal plating to some teeth to avoid sickening texture misalignment.
  • Minor misc visual tweaks.

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37 minutes ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

Abscess - UV-Max in 6:45

I was wondering before watching this if you grabbed the BFG early, thought of that after i made my demo lol, nice run though

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1 hour ago, Bloodite Krypto said:

Abscess - UV-Max in 6:45



Thanks for the demo @Bloodite Krypto, really nice aggression at the BFG section and just really patient play throughout! Shame that the end fight turns into a bit of a circle strafe-fest (should have put more revs and viles and less HKs) and that the cleanup is a little dull for speedruns. Regardless, a great run to watch!

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Appreciate the comments :) A good performance in the red key area meant I got up the lift with a lot of health and armor, so I thought I'd take advantage of it and rush the viles, shame about that annoying caco who hit the ceiling and went out of range of the BFG spread. Due to the amount of HKs in the finale I linger a while and let the ybers infight or you run out of cells early, revenants would make it more intense and less grindy, the vile placement works well appearing from the corner alcove as they infight easily so your unlikely to get fried at an unfair moment, so you just need good timing in choosing when to shoot them. I was nervous at the end and thought I'd rush the cyb with the BFG rather then wait for him to come out of the valley for a two shot, but the BFG usage was poor and I had to finish him with rockets, it would have been a late 6:3x otherwise which isn't a huge loss.

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