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[RELEASED!!] Confinement 256 CP

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Name: Agitation

Music: "Bonetrousle" by Toby Fox (MIDI sequenced by Blargzargo Hlaaluington)

Compatibility: Limit-removing (though it can be played in vanilla as well, if you can deal with a small tutti-frutti effect)

Note: I've included the MIDI lump twice in the .wad, once under the name JUDGEDEA (as requested) and once as D_RUNNIN, so that the .wad can be played with proper music outside ZDoom. The MAPINFO lump is included as well.





Edited by JudgeDeadd

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Quick and fun, something we need in this project :D


I actually just beat the time I had again before posting.




2 hours ago, Voltcom9 said:

Mouselook, crouch, jump are all encouraged for this map.


This reminds me - jump, crouch & mouselook are all disable-able from within MAPINFO, so authors who'se maps should be played WITHOUT some of these features, I urge you all to remember to disable these features rather than assume the player will behave the way you want them to! :)





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10 minutes ago, Dragonfly said:



Quick and fun, something we need in this project :D


I actually just beat the time I had again before posting.





This reminds me - jump, crouch & mouselook are all disable-able from within MAPINFO, so authors who'se maps should be played WITHOUT some of these features, I urge you all to remember to disable these features rather than assume the player will behave the way you want them to! :)







Jump and crouch should be disabled to avoid breaking the map, even if it's not intended to. 

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Jeez, I've been away for too long. Oops! :P

*cracks knuckles*


On 5/11/2017 at 2:40 AM, Obsidian said:


I almost forgot about you and I apologize! Y'know, I once said a year ago that 256 is a nice combination of 1024 and 64 and your map just proves it! It really feels like a 1024 map condensed. I love it!


Also, I think the music is from this.


On 5/11/2017 at 5:49 PM, rdwpa said:

Nerfed HMP, added HNTR, and added four player starts and some extra MP monsters and goodies (imagine four people trying to play this). 


I am now thoroughly impressed! :D


On 5/12/2017 at 4:48 AM, Walter confetti said:

Hi, i made a thing yesterday:

Description: is a "remake" in 256 grid size of TNT's MAP01 System Control


It's a pretty accurate remake for something so small! The one-time lift at the end kinda caught me off guard but other than that, very nice.


On 5/12/2017 at 9:00 AM, Mosshopper said:

Here's a set of 3 maps for this. Might submit some more. Made over the course of two days, though it didn't take 48 hours. Made for Boom compatible ports.


Well done! I especially like the shooting range one.


On 5/12/2017 at 5:25 PM, Dragonfly said:

Speaking of my maps, I'M FRIKKIN' DONE. It's not even a good map, and the lag... oh the lag. Sorry guys, this map's not the best :P


What are you talking about? This map FRIKKIN' RULES! It took verticality to a whole 'nother level! Unless you mean the lag, it wasn't much of a problem on my end. I can't imagine the struggles it took to make this. Those control sectors...


On 5/13/2017 at 3:51 AM, SArais said:

Dear god these maps with this limitation. Goddamn doom wizards; teach us your secrets.

I made a small map, might be of intrest to anyone looking to use it as a base or just use it par-norm

be advised that this isn't all that great.


Also well done! And yes, teach me, oh wise, wonderful doom wizards. Speaking of which...


23 hours ago, dobu gabu maru said:

I've attached my map if anyone wants to try it. It's called Cruel Precision. Don't let the name fool you, it's actually fairly tame... well, by my standards. Torn on whether or not to keep the soulsphere for the final fight. (Forgot to mention that it's Boom compatibility)


I really like the way this map was structured. I was thrown in for a loop when I found out it there wasn't just three keys in this map. I need to look into Boom sometime because your map gives me some ideas for normal maps in the future!


On 5/13/2017 at 4:41 AM, Jaska said:

I made a map too.


Love the cage look! I also think the background can be made into its own level, too. Not as a 256 map, of course!


7 hours ago, JudgeDeadd said:


What a nice, hectic map! Just have the ledge the revs and AVs stand on block monsters so they don't fall like this.




Oh, also...



Picture by Arborix


3 hours ago, Voltcom9 said:

This was a very fun little experimental map! I've never created a map out of such a rediculously small mobility range. 


I'm beginning to think that having no restriction on level height was a smart idea. Another map with 3D floors to take notes from! :D




By the way, long before this was a community project, I made a title screen for my wad. What do you all think?




It was inspired by this.





Edited by Xyzzy01

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Quick suggestion, would you be able to add the map links to the OP so people don't have to hunt through the thread? Makes things nice and convenient.


I dig the title screen, looks rather neat. :)

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I really like the titlepic but as a former pixel artist I can't help but notice that your isometric grid has a couple of gaps in it and isn't to the 'standard' of 2x1 pixel lines. I quickly reproduced it for you - I really hope you don't mind! :D


I've kept a copy of the layered version in case you want me to remove the inner grey grid I added, or any other components. :)



Edited by Dragonfly

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3 hours ago, Obsidian said:

Quick suggestion, would you be able to add the map links to the OP so people don't have to hunt through the thread? Makes things nice and convenient.


I dig the title screen, looks rather neat. :)


Thank you and good call! Done.


3 hours ago, Dragonfly said:

I really like the titlepic but as a former pixel artist I can't help but notice that your isometric grid has a couple of gaps in it and isn't to the 'standard' of 2x1 pixel lines. I quickly reproduced it for you - I really hope you don't mind! :D


If my avatar right now is any indication, I love it! :D Thank You!


1 hour ago, SArais said:

Nifty titlescreen



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Fixed the lift with a perpetual up and low instead of a single action one and the chaingunner trick in Mycrosystems:



Plus i made another map, this is a much more jokewad-y one than my previous map...






Title: Mutant Squirrels ate my nuts!

Port: Boom-compatible

Description: Two rooms filled with monsters and weird texture choices. Or a nuts.wad remake in 256x256 grid, for short.

Build time: 2/3 hours in two days

New midi: a fastened version of Led Zeppelin - Kashmir

Edited by Walter confetti

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To follow on from @Dragonfly's point, if you're able please write your own MAPINFOs, much better than us having to guess at what you wanted.


Unless explicitly stated, we will presume to allow freelook, disable crouch and disable jump for all wads.  If you want any of those different, please write them into your MAPINFO (or just make it clear on your post).

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1 hour ago, Bauul said:

Unless explicitly stated, we will presume to allow freelook,

I can imagine reasons why some maps would disallow freelook in order to make sure that they can't be cheesed via it, but from my experience, a disabled freelook for any reason will always annoy some players, so the preferable solution is to design the map such that freelook couldn't break it. For example, put every shootable switch into a very deep hole in a wall, such that reaching the switch would require standing right in front of the hole and on the same height level.

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33 minutes ago, scifista42 said:

I can imagine reasons why some maps would disallow freelook in order to make sure that they can't be cheesed via it, but from my experience, a disabled freelook for any reason will always annoy some players, so the preferable solution is to design the map such that freelook couldn't break it. For example, put every shootable switch into a very deep hole in a wall, such that reaching the switch would require standing right in front of the hole and on the same height level.

My thoughts exactly.  I've seen streams of people trying maps that disabled freelook and being confused as to why freelook suddenly stopped working.  They presumed it was something wrong with their set-up.


If a mapper insists on disabling freelook though, it feels a little prescriptive to tell them they can't, so in those rare situations (presuming they will be rare) I was thinking we'd just put a little PRINT script when the map starts that says "Freelook has been disabled for this map".  At least then we avoid the above situation.


I highly suspect that that will be a very rare situation though, and for most maps we can just leave freelook as an option as per usual for those who like to use it.

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I'm still in the process of making my map btw, some priorities are first :)

My progress is 50%

Edited by leodoom85

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5 hours ago, Walter confetti said:

Fixed the lift with a perpetual up and low instead of a single action one and the chaingunner trick in Mycrosystems:



Plus i made another map, this is a much more jokewad-y one than my previous map...






Title: Mutant Squirrels ate my nuts!

Port: Boom-compatible

Description: Two rooms filled with monsters and weird texture choices. Or a nuts.wad remake in 256x256 grid, for short.

Build time: 2/3 hours in two days

New midi: a fastened version of Led Zeppelin - Kashmir

This is pretty a pretty fun map, though with that name I expected more monsters :P Also in the final room it's too easy to accidentally wander into the exit while trying to avoid the cybies, I didn't get to kill everything because of this.

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2 hours ago, Mosshopper said:

Here's another map, a demake of Underhalls. The SSG is pointless though.

256x256 Underhalls.wad.zip

Nice little map!  I managed not to find the SSG, so it really was pointless for me, hah.  One small bug: the wall that has the sergeants behind it is upper unpegged so it doesn't scroll right when the wall raises.


On a personal note, my map is slowly taking form.  I don't think I've ever put so much brain-power into such a small room!

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9 hours ago, Jaska said:

Titlepic is cool!


I made another map.. A techbase theme this time.



Not to rain on your parade, but are you using custom textures there? I believe one of the stipulations of the project was to stick with the stock textures.

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11 hours ago, Obsidian said:


Not to rain on your parade, but are you using custom textures there? I believe one of the stipulations of the project was to stick with the stock textures.

It's basic comptall but I forgot to take away some resources which replaced it.

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On 2017-5-12 at 10:25 PM, Dragonfly said:





My map has been updated! Now complete with a MAPINFO, a new sky and a midi. I've bug-fixed the lift and made us of Sector_SetLink(). I removed the 'exit switch corner decorations' that make the player's head cause the lift to go ALL THE WAY DOWN (lol what was I thinking?).


I also made some subtle changes to improve the gameplay, including 8 extra shells and 50 extra bullets. I modified the player start to give you a preview of the full tower before you actually conquer it. Please re-test if you've already played and let me know if you think these changes improve the experience.


The link is the same as before, so simply click the quoted link above! :)

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Heh, you caught me right before I was going to bed!


I'm a big fan of spaceship levels, so this is automatically a plus for me! The revenants seemed like a massive difficulty spike, though. The little space you have to fight them requires either stunlocking them with the chaingun or baiting them to swing a punch constantly. And sometimes shooting them prompts them it fire an 80 damage missile anyway regardless if you're in melee range! :( The super shotgun is just way to slow; they kicked my butt! Maybe give the player a megasphere when they drop down if you want to keep the agitated skeletons?


Anyways, the "You need a red key to start the engines" message was neat touch! I also jammed to the music, but is it just me or it didn't actually start playing until after a few minutes of playing? Weird... 


All in all, the 2563 layout was done fairly well. Nicely done! :D Going to use the starship to travel to Dreamworld, now!

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2 hours ago, Angry Saint said:

Comments on my level?

It was nice until you started spamming revenants, I ragequitted when I saw that.

You could move the first medkit a bit, so that you can save it for later.


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@Xyzzy01 @bzzrak


Thank you for your comments. I think the main problem is that the revenant attack you on sight when you fall from the upper deck. An improvement could be that he gives you shoulder so you have time to grab the SSG and plan the battle.


In theory the tactic should be to take the SSG, kill the first Revenant, stay near the door to avoid the other to enter. You can also hide behid the wall so that the "follow" you (up and down the corridor) and don't enter.

Edited by Angry Saint

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