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[RELEASED!!] Confinement 256 CP

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Oh man, this thread got buried, didn't it? Sorry about that.


On 5/15/2017 at 8:42 AM, Walter confetti said:

Plus i made another map, this is a much more jokewad-y one than my previous map...


Haha, good one! Sure, there's not thousands of monsters in this map, but the reference and joke is still there (the sped-up Kashmir, for instance). I'm now highly tempted to make a Nuts 3 version of this...


On 5/15/2017 at 1:16 PM, Jaska said:

I made another map.. A techbase theme this time.


Quite a lot going on there! I like the amount of detail in this map. And the way the terrain transformed overtime was a spectacle of Boom mapping (for me) to behold!


On 5/15/2017 at 5:48 PM, Mosshopper said:

Here's another map, a demake of Underhalls. The SSG is pointless though.

The demake is nice, took me a bit to figure out how to get the SSG. It really is pointless! :^)


btw, THIS is what I've been working on the whole time I was gone!






Over 300 control sectors and I had to set the height for each and every one individually. UGH, now I know how Dragonfly feels. And all for what?



Teleporting Explosions!tm





This was a colossal headache to get right. Why did this have to be so tedious to make?







Edited by Xyzzy01

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6 minutes ago, Xyzzy01 said:

btw, THIS is what I've been working on the whole time I was gone!

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Over 300 control sectors and I had to set the height for each and every one individually. UGH, now I know how Dragonfly feels. And all for what?


  Reveal hidden contents

Teleporting Explosions!tm





This was a colossal headache to get right. Why did this have to be so tedious to make?


  Reveal hidden contents





300 of this? Impressive, I think I need to review all of the maps submitted until now, just in case...

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Thanks. The OP is (hopefully) up to date with links to all (24!) maps.


I encourage you all to name your maps if you haven't already. There are three weeks left!

Edited by Xyzzy01

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@Xyzzy01 That's an awesome amount of work!  Really looking forward to trying it and all your other maps out!


I've also been hard at work.  After about 30 hours or so of pretty painstaking and headache inducing work, so far I have this:




Suffice to say, there is slightly more to the map than this would suggest... :)

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Hmm... interesting! This looks like it could be some sort of puzzle map. Really looking forward to your map as well, @Bauul!


Also I have an idea for the base of the hub map (i.e. without the scripting mumbo jumbo :P) if you want to see it? 

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2 minutes ago, Xyzzy01 said:

Also I have an idea for the base of the hub map (i.e. without the scripting mumbo jumbo :P) if you want to see it? 

Absolutely!  Send me a PM with the details and I'll take a look!  I was happy to make one but if you've an idea for what you'd like to see then absolutely let's use yours, it's your wad after all!

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OK. A short review of some maps that I tried:


bzzrak's map: This is a clever puzzle map with switches everywhere and a poor archie where the objective is simple, reach the exit by using the switches and lifts to your favor. Good map. Also, that ending :D


rdwpa's map: This map took me 3 tries to get it right. This is like a time-limit map which after a certain time, the next group appears, so you must be quick to kill them all. The HK/imp/mancubi/caco segment was the hardest part and where I die twice. And also....why did you put a MGS track?. Nostalgia hits hard, you know :D


Lifts to your Death by axdoomer: This one is kinda chaotic thanks to the lifts. Starting with a chaingunner, then a rev with all the space that you have. Also...is it necessary to kill the archvile?...I don't know. Good use of imps in tight spaces. And the spiders left me deaf :).


Confinement Beam by Pinchy: This map took me a good bunch of tries to clear it. First of all, this is a strategic map, especially at the end. The plasma box along with the blur sphere is the key to this map. I couldn't get the bosses fight each other for some reason. The chainsaw is a lifesaver for a good portion of the map.


Room to Breathe by Obsidian: This is another map that took me several tries to finish it. The hardest part was definitely the archie/HK/pinky combo because of the super shotgun/berserk pickup time, it can get things ugly thanks for that. Maybe picking one of those before that confrontation is better. After that there's two switches to shoot.......it was a bad idea to shoot both of them. The revenants killed me many times :D. And the BoH fight can be skipped. 


I can say that the maps that I played are NOT for everyone which can depends of pure skill. Manageable but really hard. And I still need to test the other maps...

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38 minutes ago, Bauul said:

Absolutely!  Send me a PM with the details and I'll take a look!  I was happy to make one but if you've an idea for what you'd like to see then absolutely let's use yours, it's your wad after all!


Ok, just give me some time to get it ready. Since I already have a custom texture in my wad, I thought "might as well make some more just for this map".

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16 hours ago, Xyzzy01 said:


Thanks. The OP is (hopefully) up to date with links to all (24!) maps.


My map seems to be missing.

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Btw, for that thing, you can't access the map that Jaws In Space did. It gives you an error...

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Are we at a point where @Bauul and/or I should start to compile the maps into a single beta release? I have to say I love how quickly this escalate into what is nearly a full megawad already!

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This is the thread's 256th reply! :D


@Dragonfly I think so, but I know five people who are still working on their maps. Specifically, @Bauul@leodoom85, @HyperLuke, @Arctangent, and @Kapanyo have yet to finish their maps. I will keep an eye out for the regardless ;) And I agree, I didn't think we would end up with as many maps as we have now (30! if the five users mentioned submit their wads). That's awesome!


Speaking of maps, Bauul and I have made the hub map!

Edited by Xyzzy01

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3 hours ago, Xyzzy01 said:

And I agree, I didn't think we would end up with as many maps as we have now (30! if the five users mentioned submit their wads)

Gotta go fast and finish that map!!!

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Guest Unregistered account

Hey hey heyy!


Cramped Crates

(Replaces Level 20 for no reason)


Okay... viewing the level in Doom Builder really was the easiest way to take a picture of this level:


...Because if you try to use software freelook in here, man are you gonna have a tough time!

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I'd of put more effort into my 256, but a larger project beckons my attention.


Maybe next time.

Edited by SArais

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Do you still accept maps? Because, I made a hitscanner map. I call it Outdoors, because I am in a rush now and I can't find a good title without thinking.

Here it is:Outdoors


The only problem with it is that the sides of the final door don't want to cooperate with Lower-Unpegged and I can't find what is wrong with that. Hope everything else works.

Edited by ShotgunDemolition

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1. Dude, if you have a solid wall that isn't supposed to change in any way, make it void, not a 0-height sector.

(Delete sectors: 13 17 22 21 18 36 20 26 29)

2. Also I can advise to change the steps' lower textures from STARTAN to STEP2.

3. If you have a window or something, make its linedefs both upper and lower unpegged, makes alignment WAY easier.


Other than that, cute little map. 7/10



18 hours ago, Kapanyo said:

Cramped Crates

Very vertical, a bit of a pain in the neck, cute, fun. Reminds me of my own map, heh. Why have an automap powerup? LOL.

Please move the medkit on the teleporter, you can't use the teleporter without picking the medkit up which sucks when you have like 97% health.


Edited by bzzrak
included a paragraph about kapanyo's map

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The Computer Area Map, along with the Archvile in the Exit on hard difficulties (is that still in there? I can't remember if I removed it or not :/ ) are just little gags, like the theme.


I'll definitely move the Medikit!

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Thanks for the feedback bzzrak! Also, about deleting those sectors, I tried deleting one and it lost its textures on the outside. Is it ok to just place the textures again or do I have to do something more, after deleting them?

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6 minutes ago, ShotgunDemolition said:

Thanks for the feedback bzzrak! Also, about deleting those sectors, I tried deleting one and it lost its textures on the outside. Is it ok to just place the textures again or do I have to do something more, after deleting them?

The texture disappears because when you delete the sector you've gone from showing the back of an upper texture (presuming you'd lowered the ceiling to the floor and the linedefs faced inwards) to the front of a middle texture.  


It doesn't mean the geometry is broken or anything, just that you need to put the texture back.  


Deleting sectors is better than 0 height sectors is simply down to making the map run more efficiently.  0 height sectors won't break anything, but they're just a much more inefficient way of having void space.

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32 minutes ago, Bauul said:

The texture disappears because when you delete the sector you've gone from showing the back of an upper texture (presuming you'd lowered the ceiling to the floor and the linedefs faced inwards) to the front of a middle texture.  


It doesn't mean the geometry is broken or anything, just that you need to put the texture back.  


Deleting sectors is better than 0 height sectors is simply down to making the map run more efficiently.  0 height sectors won't break anything, but they're just a much more inefficient way of having void space.

Ok, then I will start erasing immediately. Unpegging both top and bottom parts of windows and deleting sectors is something new to me. I will probably post about the map again, later or tomorrow.

And thanks for taking your time to explain me that.  :)

Edited by ShotgunDemolition

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I couldn't possibly pass up this opportunity to make a bunch of control sectors, so I made a map. Hope you like it. I call it "Engine Core". It uses no fancy zdoom/boom effects, pure vanilla. Didn't make a mapinfo, but it's +NOJUMP, +NOCROUCH, +ALLOWFREELOOK anyway.




edit: tested in prboom and zdoom 2.5.0. without problems

Edited by Uncle 80

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@Uncle 80 Well I couldn't pass up the opportunity to look at a bunch of control sectors, so I cracked open this map real quick; here's an FDA. I did use freelook here, figuring there would be some vertical mumbo-jumbo going on.


This was a cool little map; I always love to see more done with less, and even through vanilla mechanics this map manages to capture the same spirit as Dragonfly's beautiful map for this same project, albeit on a smaller scale and a little more cramped. Still, an interesting map to play on the gameplay side of things, but I just love the mechanics used here to transform the little area several times to give the feeling of something new while retaining that same x-y play space.


On the mechanical side of things, I always love to see multi-tiered control sector setups and follow the logic of the author. Something kind of random: I was going to make a compliment on the little setup you have for the stairs which rise after the BK, but something I saw after looking at the map closer which struck my interest more was the way you went about changing the flat for the exit sector with it still retaining the same tag as pretty much everything else. That makes me laugh right there; good stuff! It's always cool to see these types of setups, which are so fleeting in their ability to either work or break (especially when it's a side-effect of a standard trigger/action that is being utilized, especially more when said action applies to many sectors, and compounded further when only a fraction of those affected sectors need to receive this change) depending on how players approach the map, or more-so cross/activate the various triggers, but who's dependability is achieved through smart map design preventing these type of cool setups from breaking.


Fun stuff; great job!

Edited by Fonze

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wow, that's a close shave :)


Thanks for kind words. And yes, I love the Raise Donut line type. It's the script language of vanilla! :P

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@Uncle 80 your map kicked my ass so much, but it's still such an adorable and brilliant little level! Due to no mouselook I didn't even see your exit flat triXx0rZ, heh.

11/10, you're the boss. Shootable switches 4eva.


the only thing I didn't like was D_RUNNIN, do something about it, please

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@Uncle 80 I just played your map and I got to say it is crazy for me what you did there, with so little space given to you. It is a fun map with great balance and an overall beautiful design.

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