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[RELEASED!!] Confinement 256 CP

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Hi, i want to join the contest and i already made a map for it

I also wanna add that it was fun to make considering what i was Limited to do

It realy opened My creativity




Edited by Redead-ITA
Updated now it has a slight update to the monsters

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On 5/21/2017 at 2:57 PM, Kapanyo said:

Hey hey heyy!


Cramped Crates

(Replaces Level 20 for no reason)

Okay... viewing the level in Doom Builder really was the easiest way to take a picture of this level:

...Because if you try to use software freelook in here, man are you gonna have a tough time!


The verticality is strong in this one! Another one for the tall levels. My favorite part was falling down and sniping the chaingunner midway (since I don't play with mouselook :P). Really nice map, @Kapanyo! Perhaps you like the music in MAP20?


On 5/22/2017 at 9:05 AM, ShotgunDemolition said:

Do you still accept maps? Because, I made a hitscanner map. I call it Outdoors, because I am in a rush now and I can't find a good title without thinking.


Didn't seem like you were in a rush when you made this. This map seems to have a bit more detail than your previous ones. Good job!


On 5/22/2017 at 3:57 PM, Uncle 80 said:

I couldn't possibly pass up this opportunity to make a bunch of control sectors, so I made a map. Hope you like it.


And this is vanilla?! Like "Room to Breathe", this feels like a smaller version of a 1024 map. If you told me this was Boom, I honestly would've believed you because this is simply amazing!



Here's a deathmatch-oriented map, though there are singleplayer things in it.










55 minutes ago, Redead-ITA said:

Hi, i want to join the contest and i already made a map for it

I also wanna add that it was fun to make considering what i was Limited to do

It realy opened My creativity


Heh, I'm glad it was a fun time for you. There really are some creative things you can do given the project's rules. Thanks for submitting and also welcome to Doomworld!

Edited by Xyzzy01

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5 minutes ago, Xyzzy01 said:

Why is that? You feel you may not be able to complete you map in time?

Too many things to do lately...That's why...

Edit: But I'm sure that I can finish it :)

Edited by leodoom85

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Ah, I understand. Well don't let this get in the way of the more important stuff you need to do. :)

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5 hours ago, Xyzzy01 said:


Didn't seem like you were in a rush when you made this. This map seems to have a bit more detail than your previous ones. Good job!

Sorry, I wasn't that clear. I meant that I was in a rush naming the map and uploading it, ending up with an uninspiring title. But, it surely took a lot more time than the other ones, as far as development goes.

Also, thank you!  :)

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Wasn't expecting a crusher, a Commander Keen, or John Romero's head! Admittedly, I took me a bit to figure out where the exit switch is (and even then I had to look at the automap). Perhaps make it a little less hidden by making it bigger or maybe using a different texture for it? A more unusual map this time and I like it. You like making the kinds of maps, do you? :) I noticed just how many you've brought to the table.


A quick reminder to everyone, we're at 31 maps now. Since this is a (G)ZDoom project, we're not limited to the standard 32-map set; there can be as many maps as we want in this. Feel free to forget the vanilla limit of old and make maps to your heart's content, before the deadline of course. I'd also like to thank everyone who has submitted a map so far, I greatly appreciate and enjoy playing everything that gets put here.


Man, I feel like /newstuff doing all these quick reviews and feedbacks...

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Guest Unregistered account

Okay, update on Cramped Crates and a new map!

Cramped Crates: just moved one Medikit lol


As for the new map...


what the hell

Replaces Level 23 for a specific reason.

This is the best worst map I've ever created.

If you'd like to try 100% completing it, be my guest.

Bonus: The ____ change based on difficulty levels! Don't forget to test them all out! :D

If you play this in Vanilla, you'll find tons of unfixable bugs (monsters becoming alert despite you not firing and facing away from you)


Edited by Unregistered account

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"This item might not exist or is no longer available" when I try to download WTH

(btw, what port should it be played in?)


For everyone else, the map is on MAP23

another edit:

OK, finished it. It's cool, 8/10.

Edited by bzzrak

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Guest Unregistered account

Oh, Vanilla. Whoops.

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Guest Unregistered account

I suppose what the hell should be a secret map if it's included at all.

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Hmm, now I'm curious! From the sound of it, it seems like it will be "Nuts Remake" levels of strange. Can't wait to play it once I get home.





"Back after a hectic day of work, let's see what we got here!"





*cue hell revealed II map32 music*










The level was good... yep... please ignore the above spoiler, pretend like it doesn't exist.

Edited by Xyzzy01

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Before doing Kapanyo's map........turn off the autoaim!!! Guaranteed way to clear the map :D

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Guest Unregistered account

Oh man, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. xD

(Love those reaction faces) Anything to improve on?

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Guest Unregistered account

BTW, @bzzrak, you keep on saving me from my file-uploading tendencies xD
ALSO Thanks for reminding me about the map number and port... grrrr

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19 hours ago, Kapanyo said:

Oh man, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. xD

(Love those reaction faces) Anything to improve on?

I don't really know, unless you want to make the map 100% completable.



You could make it so that the archviles get crushed when step onto the raised secret platform. And replace the computer area map with a megasphere so that not only is it more worth it to get to in the first place, but with it you can barrel-y (ha!) survive the explosions and take out the remaining chaingunners.


Or maybe move one of barrels so that it provides a bit of a shortcut if you simply punch it out of the way, like the solution to the barrel puzzle in ATRIUM.WAD



But the again, that would require putting the "deaf" flag on the one chaingunner. :P


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Today I discovered that thanks to what appears to be a bug in GZDoom, my map crashes to desktop whenever I put any monsters in it.


Guess it's going to be a puzzle only map!


Edit: This is probably a good thing actually. I was completely torn on whether to put any any combat in at all, and this just makes the decision for me. This way I can properly embrace the no combat approach: yup, I'm even taking away the pistol!

Edited by Bauul

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Hello all! I've been working on the compile along with Bauul and Xyzzy. It's starting to shape up really nicely, with over 32 community made maps (plus an additional 20 maps by Xyzzy01 soon to appear!) making this set of cute little maps actually quite weighty and impressive.

I've compiled a list, seen below, of maps that didn't have music and/or a name. If you see your username below, please reply so I can update accordingly!













You can ask for us to name your map(s) and pick music for you. Equally, if you fail to reply by the submission deadline (June 7th) we will pick names and music etc on your behalf. :)


If anything above is incorrect (for example, you DID provide music) please let me know.

Edited by Dragonfly

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Hi, Dragonfly! I'd like to request that Cramped Crates' music track be either The Healer Stalks or Between Levels, and for What The Hell's to be Bye Bye American Pie, please. Thank you!

Is there any chance of more maps being submitted? I have an idea for another map, but, I mean, I've already sent two in, so...

Edited by Unregistered account

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There's no limitation - Mosshopper's got some 5 or 6 maps! The only limit you have is to be done and submitted by June 7th as outlined in the OP.


As for those tracks, no problem! Can you remember the lump names to save me a time? (e.g. D_RUNNIN)

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20 minutes ago, Kapanyo said:

Hi, Dragonfly! I'd like to request that Cramped Crates' music track be either The Healer Stalks or Between Levels, and for What The Hell's to be Bye Bye American Pie, please. Thank you!

Is there any chance of more maps being submitted? I have an idea for another map, but, I mean, I've already sent two in, so...


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Updated the current compile - D_BETWEE used for CC; D_AMPIE used for WTH. I will update the list on the previous page so it is up to date.

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Since I decided to make my map in the slot 05, it will use the default music or D_DOOM in this case :)

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Hey dragonfly

Considering im not a good at choosing the music for it might just ask you to use a midi track of your liking and reverse it

considering that Down Up theme is that litteraly the map look is upside down It makes sense that a track like that could be nice for it

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26 minutes ago, leodoom85 said:

Since I decided to make my map in the slot 05, it will use the default music or D_DOOM in this case :)

Correct me if I am wrong, but you've not yet submitted a link to a map of your creation yet, have you? If this is the case, please leave a note on the post when you post the map of your music selection. Thanks! :)



17 minutes ago, Redead-ITA said:

Hey dragonfly

Considering im not a good at choosing the music for it might just ask you to use a midi track of your liking and reverse it

considering that Down Up theme is that litteraly the map look is upside down It makes sense that a track like that could be nice for it

Interesting idea Redead - Sadly I'm not skilled in the way of midi creation/modification so I am unable to do this for you. I can pick out a midi for your map however, minus the 'flipped audio' effect. I will do this for now, until someone else offers to reverse the notes and/or you choose a midi of your own. :)

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