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Block Players but Not Monsters



Trying to make a wall that blocks players' movement, but not monsters' movement, or attacks from either monsters or players. 


Here is what I've got: 



Using GZDoom Builder, UDMF.

Thanks in advance.


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Does it allow other monsters to pass? It might be that the pinky demon cannot find sufficient space on the other side of the linedef to move (ie: shallow stairs can block larger monsters and allow smaller ones)

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Umm, to set a wall to block the player and nothing else. But it is blocking a pinky demon's movement which is not what I want.

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As @traversd is hinting, it sounds more like an issue with your geometry. Try an aerial enemy to test this further - can a lost soul pass through? If so, your map is designed in such a way that it is preventing the demon to enter.

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If "block players" is set, but "block monsters", "block projectiles", "block everything" and "impassable" are not set, the line will indeed block just players and nothing else. Your problem might be that you actually have stairs (or whatever geometry involving floor height differences) that are too steep for monsters to climb, even if they could pass the lines if the stairs weren't that steep. Make sure that, in any place on the stairs where the monster can potentially stand on, the height difference between the highest and the lowest floor level below the monster's hitbox is at most 24 map units - if it's higher, the monster will just not go there, seemingly blocked. Alternatively, some monsters are higher than the player, for example Hell Knights, Barons, Arachnotrons and Mancubi are 64 units tall, whereas the player is only 56 units tall, therefore the abovementioned monsters will be unable to pass through corridors that are less than 64 but more or equal 56 units tall, which the player will pass through without a problem.

Edited by scifista42

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