Redneckerz Posted October 5, 2021 Diggity bump, but after some back and forth, DZDoom now is on DoomWiki, Team GEC approved. That way everyone now understand what the port is capable of :) 8 Quote Share this post Link to post
Hydra Spectre Posted November 2, 2022 I am hoping that this project is still well and alive. I am concerned since the last post was last year. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
AmethystViper Posted November 3, 2022 Me too, I've been worried about the state of this project because of the radio silence. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
PepperAlien Posted May 3, 2023 hope y'all are still working on this! from what i've touched it's pretty good, but it's cool if the CE Projects took over :P 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
MeinLeben4MomRus1945 Posted May 18, 2023 On 5/14/2017 at 11:04 PM, Erick194 said: Finally, we have just finished this project DOOM64 and PSXDoom/Final DOOM for GZDoom [GEC] Master Edition. And to celebrate Doom's 25 birthday we have decided to release it for everyone right now! It includes Doom64, PSXDoom and PSXFinal DOOM in pk3 format plus an edited GZDoom with new features unique to these projects. Here the link to download: Master Edition [GEC] Update download: Master Edition [GEC]_v2 Changelog: Fixed firing error in shotgun and super shotgun, PSX and Doom64. New flag added in order to the player can auto-telefrag himself. Menu pictures can be stretched to 348 and pics are added to the edges "black bars" to compesate 16:9 screen resolutions. Fixed the double ammo bug given by the Zombie Marines when they die (Zombie Man, Shotgun Guy and Heavy Weapon Dude). You just need to run the Bat.files to start a game. the games are previously configurated. Source Code: the next objective about this project is to aim these features in newer official GZDoom Versions, feel free to make use of all the codes included here! Update : Source Code_v2 In a couple of days, i will be uploading the source code on Github and will also make a documentation about all of these new features about this source port. Thanks for being waiting this project, those who are interested in this project. Happy Birthday DOOM! Reveal hidden contents As we said before, we have 75% complete with these projects. Here are some videos in their beta phases: PSX DOOM PSX FINALDOOM DOOM64 Enjoy :) Expand How do you use it on Delta Touch's GZDoom Android Port? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Xeebleton Posted May 19, 2023 On 5/18/2023 at 5:45 PM, MeinLeben4MomRus1945 said: How do you use it on Delta Touch's GZDoom Android Port? Expand You cant, as it uses a modified version of an older version of GZDoom. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
scalliano Posted June 13, 2023 Anyone else getting a guaranteed crash on exit of MAP54? Crash log spoilered below: Reveal hidden contents Code: C0000005 (Access Violation - tried to read address 00000000) Address: 007279F6 Flags: 00000000 Windows NT 10.0 Build 22621 GS=002b FS=0053 ES=002b DS=002b EAX=05a4e254 EBX=00000020 ECX=00000000 EDX=009cad40 ESI=7249edcd EDI=04650ff8 EBP=0019f23c EIP=007279f6 ESP=0019f1bc CS=0023 SS=002b EFlags=00010202 CF- PF- AF- ZF- SF- TF- IF+ DF- OF- NT- RF+ VM- AC- VI- VP- FPU State: ControlWord=027f StatusWord=4032 TagWord=ffff ErrorOffset=5e5f82a4 ErrorSelector=00000000 DataOffset=00000000 DataSelector=00000000 MM0=a000000000000000 MM1=c800000000000000 MM2=8000000000000000 MM3=f000000000000000 MM4=0000002b00000000 MM5=7249edcd04650ff8 MM6=0019f23c05a4e254 MM7=0000002b0019f1bc Running threads: 00006e4c at 007279F6* 000013e8 00003b58 00006cc0 00005aa0 000022c0 00005a90 00003f44 00000f30 00005168 00002360 Loaded modules: 00640000 - 00CC9FFF *gzdoom.exe 775F0000 - 7779EFFF ntdll.dll 77350000 - 7743FFFF KERNEL32.DLL 76A90000 - 76D01FFF KERNELBASE.dll 72120000 - 721CBFFF bdhkm32.dll 72000000 - 72112FFF atcuf32.dll 753D0000 - 75575FFF USER32.dll 75D20000 - 75D39FFF win32u.dll 76E60000 - 76E82FFF GDI32.dll 769A0000 - 76A81FFF gdi32full.dll 75C30000 - 75CA8FFF msvcp_win.dll 774C0000 - 775D1FFF ucrtbase.dll 76330000 - 7699CFFF SHELL32.dll 77000000 - 7714CFFF ole32.dll 75E60000 - 760DAFFF combase.dll 76D20000 - 76DD9FFF RPCRT4.dll 76190000 - 7622BFFF OLEAUT32.dll 760E0000 - 7618FFFF COMDLG32.dll 75DA0000 - 75E5FFFF shcore.dll 76E90000 - 76EDAFFF SHLWAPI.dll 75300000 - 753C3FFF msvcrt.dll 77440000 - 774BBFFF ADVAPI32.dll 762A0000 - 76321FFF sechost.dll 704E0000 - 70703FFF COMCTL32.dll 71B60000 - 71B67FFF WSOCK32.dll 75D40000 - 75D9EFFF WS2_32.dll 749D0000 - 74A00FFF WINMM.dll 5E5D0000 - 5E6AFFFF OPENGL32.dll 5D650000 - 5D691FFF GLU32.dll 668D0000 - 668FCFFF dxcore.dll 76FC0000 - 76FE4FFF IMM32.DLL 74090000 - 741D8FFF gameoverlayrenderer.dll 76D10000 - 76D15FFF PSAPI.DLL 74010000 - 7408CFFF riched20.dll 73FF0000 - 74006FFF USP10.dll 73FC0000 - 73FEBFFF msls31.dll 73310000 - 7338EFFF uxtheme.dll 76EE0000 - 76FBAFFF MSCTF.dll 74B10000 - 74B22FFF kernel.appcore.dll 75CB0000 - 75D11FFF bcryptPrimitives.dll 772C0000 - 77341FFF clbcatq.dll 6A360000 - 6A3ABFFF dataexchange.dll 66940000 - 66B18FFF twinapi.appcore.dll 5B990000 - 5BA73FFF textinputframework.dll 62340000 - 6240CFFF CoreMessaging.dll 52370000 - 525FFFFF CoreUIComponents.dll 74B50000 - 74C16FFF wintypes.dll 73A80000 - 73A8AFFF CRYPTBASE.DLL 73A70000 - 73A7EFFF wtsapi32.dll 70EB0000 - 70EFEFFF WINSTA.dll 6B800000 - 6B8CBFFF openal32.dll 74C20000 - 752EDFFF 5D190000 - 5D20BFFF MMDevApi.dll 6FF60000 - 6FF83FFF DEVOBJ.dll 70D40000 - 70D7CFFF cfgmgr32.dll 5D2D0000 - 5D341FFF dsound.dll 5D230000 - 5D2C8FFF ResampleDmo.DLL 72C00000 - 72C45FFF powrprof.dll 5D210000 - 5D22EFFF winmmbase.dll 6FFC0000 - 6FFC8FFF msdmo.dll 72430000 - 7243DFFF UMPDC.dll 5C960000 - 5CAE9FFF AUDIOSES.DLL 73D40000 - 73D4FFFF resourcepolicyclient.dll 5D150000 - 5D18AFFF wdmaud.drv 6F340000 - 6F346FFF ksuser.dll 71FF0000 - 71FF8FFF AVRT.dll 6A4E0000 - 6A4EAFFF msacm32.drv 5BA80000 - 5BA98FFF MSACM32.dll 6A350000 - 6A357FFF midimap.dll 10000000 - 101C9FFF fmodex.dll 66BD0000 - 66C07FFF dinput8.dll 62410000 - 62554FFF inputhost.dll 71800000 - 7180AFFF HID.DLL 75580000 - 759BCFFF SETUPAPI.DLL 759C0000 - 75A17FFF WINTRUST.dll 75B20000 - 75C23FFF CRYPT32.dll 752F0000 - 752FDFFF MSASN1.dll 06F40000 - 06F55FFF xinput1_3.dll 52600000 - 526DCFFF AppXDeploymentClient.dll 789A0000 - 7B414FFF nvoglv32.dll 73D50000 - 73D57FFF VERSION.dll 73D80000 - 73D99FFF bcrypt.dll 73080000 - 730A6FFF cryptnet.dll 66C70000 - 66D7DFFF drvstore.dll 70710000 - 70751FFF wldp.dll 74AE0000 - 74B08FFF ntmarta.dll 77A10000 - 77C39FFF nvspcap.dll 74B30000 - 74B48FFF profapi.dll 66B20000 - 66B43FFF dwmapi.dll 67120000 - 671B4FFF TextShaping.dll 5BF40000 - 5BFDEFFF mscms.dll 61310000 - 6134EFFF Windows.Internal.Graphics.Display.DisplayColorManagement.dll 5C630000 - 5C66EFFF icm32.dll 5C850000 - 5C959FFF Windows.UI.dll 66440000 - 664A2FFF libmpg123-0.dll 6D0C0000 - 6D0DDFFF libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll 12E60000 - 1309EFFF libsndfile-1.dll Bytes near EIP: 007279E6: ff f7 ff ff c3 cc cc cc cc cc 8b 0d 0c db a0 00 007279F6: 8b 01 8b 50 1c ff d2 84 c0 0f 95 c0 c3 cc cc cc 00727A06: cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc cc 8b 0d 0c db a0 00 Possible call trace: 007279f6 BOOM 007C8BA9 call 007279F0 0084872f call [00be16cc] 00848773 call [00be1648] 00848783 call 00822C70 006665AE call 007CA3D0 008e0c01 0066B667 call 0072CDA0 009737D3 jmp 0074C2E0 00666B4D call 00665F80 00973800 006685E4 call 00666A00 008e0bf0 008E9AE0 call 008E0B70 008E9B0B call 0095422A 00780076 007de0fe 009592e6 00959900 006497C4 call 0074C4C0 009725ec 0074c2f8 call [0099b2a8] 00650BC7 call 0074C2E0 00975733 jmp 0074C2E0 00650C0C call 00650B40 008E8A8C call 00650C00 008E8ABF call 0095422A 00959ea0 0095974F call 0095EC75 0069307C call 009596C3 009739e5 008E84D4 call 00667910 007a0067 006f0064 006d006f 0065002e 00650078 008e7670 0098048b 008e8703 call [0099b128] 008E872A call 008E80D0 0095B40F call 008E86A0 0095b47f 0095b47f 00959ea0 0095b47f Stack Contents: 0019F1BC: 007c8bae 00000000 7249edcd 00000020 ··|·······Ir ··· 0019F1CC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 40ae0000 ···············@ 0019F1DC: 00000000 40a0e000 00000000 00000000 ·······@········ 0019F1EC: 00000000 bff00000 00000000 3ff00000 ···············? 0019F1FC: 06cc40b8 0019f2b8 00848735 00000000 ·@······5······· 0019F20C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 79862820 ············ (·y 0019F21C: 00000020 0019f230 5e5f82af 3f800000 ···0·····_^···? 0019F22C: 7249edcd 0019f2b8 00848779 00848788 ··Ir····y······· 0019F23C: 0019f2b8 006665b3 faa49808 00000000 ·····ef········· 0019F24C: 00000000 0019f2b8 00000000 01000000 ················ 0019F25C: 008e0c01 00000000 00000000 f7d77bdc ·············{·· 0019F26C: fff553e4 04662608 0066b66c 06cec5a8 ·S···&f·l·f····· 0019F27C: 00000000 0019f2ac 009737d8 ffffffff ·········7······ 0019F28C: 00666b52 faa498f8 00000000 00000000 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4f445a47 47204d4f 6f6f647a 2e31206d GZDOOM Gzdoom 1. 0019FC8C: 20312e39 4345475b 614d205d 72657473 9.1 [GEC] Master 0019FC9C: 69644520 6e6f6974 29282020 76bd6e00 Edition ()·n·v 0019FCAC: ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00c5ce10 ················ 0019FCBC: 00000000 00000000 00000002 0019fd80 ················ 0019FCCC: 008e8709 ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ················ 0019FCDC: 00c5ce10 faa491a0 0019fd80 008e872f ············/··· 0019FCEC: 00640000 00000001 0095b414 00640000 ··d···········d· 0019FCFC: 00000000 00dcac6b 0000000a faa497c0 ····k··········· 0019FD0C: 0095b47f 0095b47f 002a5000 00000044 ·······P*·D··· 0019FD1C: 00dd9438 00de8008 00ddd2d0 00000000 8··············· 0019FD2C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FD3C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FD4C: 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ················ 0019FD5C: c0000005 00000000 00000000 0019fd08 ················ 0019FD6C: 0019ebd4 0019fdd8 00959ea0 fa1d6940 ············@i·· 0019FD7C: 00000001 0019fd90 77367d59 002a5000 ········Y}6w·P*· 0019FD8C: 77367d40 0019fde8 7765b74b 002a5000 @}6w····K·ew·P*· 0019FD9C: 2fa858f0 00000000 00000000 002a5000 ·X·/·········P*· 0019FDAC: c0000005 76ca0890 30b6c028 b6c02830 ·······v(··00(·· 0019FDBC: 00001000 00000000 0019ebb4 467cc8b8 ··············|F 0019FDCC: 00000000 0019fd9c 0019ebb4 0019fdf0 ················ 0019FDDC: 7766e8b0 58c190d8 00000000 0019fdf8 ··fw···X········ 0019FDEC: 7765b6cf ffffffff 77688680 00000000 ··ew······hw···· 0019FDFC: 00000000 0095b47f 002a5000 00000000 ········P*····· 0019FE0C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FE1C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FE2C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FE3C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FE4C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FE5C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FE6C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 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00000000 ················ 0019FF7C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FF8C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FF9C: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FFAC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FFBC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FFCC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FFDC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FFEC: 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ················ 0019FFFC: 00000000 ···· Roundup screen appears then the game crashes when loading the ending. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
PhoenixCyanFire Posted February 3, 2024 Any chance we can get a wadsmoosh-esk version of this? Also any addons or mods people reccomend go with this that work with it? I would love to combine the PSX Doom with the PSX Final Doom, without having to seperate the Iwads. Just like it was on the original playstation (i think?) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
SteelPH Posted February 3, 2024 (edited) On 2/3/2024 at 6:56 PM, PhoenixCyanFire said: Any chance we can get a wadsmoosh-esk version of this? Also any addons or mods people reccomend go with this that work with it? I would love to combine the PSX Doom with the PSX Final Doom, without having to seperate the Iwads. Just like it was on the original playstation (i think?) Expand They were not. They were separate discs, released at different times. Edited February 4, 2024 by SteelPH 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
june gloom Posted March 19, 2024 So I admit I'm confused. There seem to be multiple PSX Doom projects and I'm not sure which one is the most complete. I also am looking for something that combines the console-exclusive levels like The Mansion into a single episode -- or if such a thing would be possible to make using MAPINFO using one of the existing PSX Doom projects. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
clayote Posted April 3, 2024 I'm trying to compile dzdoom on Linux Mint. cmake seemed to work ok, but the actual compilation errors with: /home/sanotehu/src/gzdoom-me-gec-maint1.9/src/p_user.cpp:1900:75: error: ‘TFlags<T, TT>::Self TFlags<T, TT>::operator|(X) const [with X = TFlags<ActorFlag2>; T = ActorFlag; TT = unsigned int; TFlags<T, TT>::Self = TFlags<ActorFlag>]’ is private within this context 1900 | !(player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY | player->mo->flags2 & MF2_FLY))//[GEC] I'm no good at C++. What do I do about this? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Erick194 Posted April 3, 2024 On 4/3/2024 at 5:07 AM, clayote said: I'm trying to compile dzdoom on Linux Mint. cmake seemed to work ok, but the actual compilation errors with: /home/sanotehu/src/gzdoom-me-gec-maint1.9/src/p_user.cpp:1900:75: error: ‘TFlags<T, TT>::Self TFlags<T, TT>::operator|(X) const [with X = TFlags<ActorFlag2>; T = ActorFlag; TT = unsigned int; TFlags<T, TT>::Self = TFlags<ActorFlag>]’ is private within this context 1900 | !(player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY | player->mo->flags2 & MF2_FLY))//[GEC] I'm no good at C++. What do I do about this? Expand Hello friend, at that time I was very new to programming and for some reason the compiler did not give me errors and I know that when compiling in Linux it did reflect errors more than in visual studio. But the line should be like this: !(player->mo->flags & MF_NOGRAVITY || player->mo->flags2 & MF2_FLY))//[GEC] 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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