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Doomguy VS Duke Nukem

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This is my apology for my Master Chief VS Doomguy thread. FYI I don't even watch Death Battle anymore, because they've done a lot of stupid things now that makes it too hard for me to take them seriously...

Edited by RexFesto696

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Well, that's definitely better than Death Battle.

Edited by Rathori
It was so good I wrote two betters in a row.

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This comparison is pretty one-sided but then again this is Mojo videos so no surprises lol. They compare the two as if they'll race in a pve sessions with power ups everywhere like idiots.


Whoever gets the jump on the other instantly wins. Both Doomguy and Duke have op as shit weapons and while Doomguy is faster Duke can use all kinds of lame ass hidings and traps to his advantage. Neither of them is remotely tanky compared to the monsters they kill all day.

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2 hours ago, riderr3 said:

Doomguy, because Duke Nukem is so selfish.

As Doom teaches us, love and caring always prevails.

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I find Duke Nukem annoying. His voice is so irritating.


So yeah, Doomguy. Silent protagonists ftw.

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On 5/15/2017 at 0:39 PM, LGN-76 said:

This is my apology for my Master Chief VS Doomguy thread. 

Too late. The damage has been done. It's not even a deathmatch, it's an opinion on how 'badass' they are. Poor cucked Doomboy, you're still cool lol. 

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6 hours ago, Pegg said:

Doomguy is faster Duke

Are you sure about that? Have you seen Duke on steroids + straferun? It looks hilarious :D It is like Usain Bolt on steroids... I mean, well, really fast!

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I've always loved Duke, but Doomguy is definitely my pick. This is a far more suitable match up than that death battle one.

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11 hours ago, Looper said:

Are you sure about that? Have you seen Duke on steroids + straferun? It looks hilarious :D It is like Usain Bolt on steroids... I mean, well, really fast!

Yea but that power up falls among the dirty things Duke can use to kill Doomguy :P. Doomguy feels faster baseline (Although he can't jump as high, Duke and Caleb jump crazy high lol)

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In this case I will always bet on Doomguy, I would probably go as far as to say that Caleb would probably beat Duke Nukem also.

Edited by Avoozl

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10 minutes ago, Avoozl said:

In this case I will always bet on Doomguy, I would probably go as far as to say that Caleb would probably beat Duke Nukem also.

Caleb would beat everyone's asses, if Atari would get their fat ass off of Caleb's grave!

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The monsters Caleb deals with are way more deadly than everything in Doom and Duke games haha. Tchernobog probably can beat any game boss by walking into them :P.

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TBH the Cultists and Fanatics are the single reason for Blood's combat being so deadly. Most of the other monsters don't really work together that well like they do in Duke 3D. Tchernobog, like all the other BUILD engine bosses, is also a disappointment and a pushover, especially with the guns akimbo secret near Tchernobog's altar.

I can do pretty well in Blood on high difficulties when I'm not being cheesed by a Cultist (who have the reaction time of a Wolf3D Mutant) but Duke 3D manages to kick my ass on some of the later episodes every time.

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Only philistines look up to glorified mass murderers like Duke Nukem or Doom guy. An educated person admires only the real hero that is the Chex Warrior. Not only did he save the planet Bazoik, but did so without a single casualty. He also advocates for a healthy lifestyle and diet for children. He could kick all other FPS protagonists asses.

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Tchern is a weak piece of shit in-game which is very stupid considering all that lore about him being a scary as shit god, Then again they didn't even bother denying his map is rushed, A patch that "supposedly" made the fight considerably harder feels like nothing changed at all and the fight is still a piece of cake.


Blood's monster tiers is all over the place. In Doom you can ask anyone who played it to tier list the enemies and almost everyone would give you the same list. Give them blood and it'll be a clown fiesta depending on what difficulty they played, How much they can cheese the monsters terrible AI and becoming godlike via jumping and crouching vs anything not hitscan.


Ex : The hands are either tier joke (if you know how to take them off) or tier S if you have no idea how or can't (Seems like a bug on faster machines). 

Edited by Pegg

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The hands are also impossible to remove if the frame rate is too high on higher difficulties (fixed by increasing resolution in order to slow the game down).

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If we're talking about the choking hands now, does anyone know why they become harmless in coop?

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Between the poorly integrated video clips, the sterile narration and what appears to be a general lack of knowledge of either franchise, this is looking like as big of a POS as that awful Death Battle video. Can't anyone do this right?

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Watch Mojo and Buzzfeed tend to be like that. Although this video at least shows some research on both heroes (Although I think Duke got shafted hard).

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OK, I apologize again. I thought since Doomguy was the winner in this video (unlike Death Battle), that would make everyone happy. But apparently it didn't.


It does make me feel good though that you guys care 10X more about research than Watchmojo or Screwattack, and really try to make yourselves so others can take you seriously.

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1 hour ago, LGN-76 said:

OK, I apologize again. I thought since Doomguy was the winner in this video (unlike Death Battle), that would make everyone happy. But apparently it didn't.


It does make me feel good though that you guys care 10X more about research than Watchmojo or Screwattack, and really try to make yourselves so others can take you seriously.


Being a fan of both characters, this is just weird... :\


I don't care the video(or other videos like this and Death Battle), because every characters has his/her/its own good and bad and may not compare-able each other, and fans has their own opinions but you must know such kind of videos would not please everybody, even you don't intend to please at all.

Edited by Player Lin

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Objectively...if no powerups were available and each were armed with their weakest firearm...Duke would win due to faster rate of fire.  If they had their best weapon...


Doomguy: BFG9000

Duke: Shrink Gun (the general consensus I have observed)


Duke wins again in my opinion as his weapon doesn't take as long to fire and makes the target unable to use their weapon.


But Duke also can't shut the fuck up or stop looking like a gymrat selfietaker...so I prefer Doomguy.

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Duke could kick pretty much every fictional character's ass (yes even Goku you weabs), the only exception is DoomGuy because DoomGuy is the most brutal and he has so many 'OP' (according to Watchmojo or something) weapons.



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