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More accurate difficulty level names

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1. the only difficulty you played on when you were 4 years old

2. sunlust, ancient aliens, urania (for when it's absolutely too tough to handle otherwise)

3. for the first time around, or if the gameplay balance sucks on UV (Doom 2 Reloaded)

4. Official Doomguy Pride Parade (AKA none of the skill levels but this one actually matters, you scrub)

5. hahahahahahaha

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1. Can I play, daddy?

2. Don't hurt me, please!

3. Bring it on!

4. I am Death incarnate

5. << Error 404 >>

Edited by KVELLER

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How I see them (and implement them):


1) Double excessive ammo and low enemy population

2) Excessive ammo and low enemy population

3) Unbalanced in your favour

4) Tightest balance

5) Novelty mode


By making Ultra-Violence a tight ammo balance with enough health and armour to forgive a few unlucky hits, I find the reduction of enemies the easiest way to make a map easier. Only on maps like the Escalation series do I actually balance lower difficulties to avoid ammo and health excess. This mindset may explain why I get the odd complaint of low ammo.

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1. You can literally play this with your eyes closed

2. I'm bad at games but want to look cool

3. The actual beginners difficulty

4. You will die. A lot


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1. Basically, No Monsters

2. Nobody Plays This

3. The Actually Easy Mode

4. Normal

5. First Time Playing KH2FM Level 1 Critical Mode

Edited by StalkerZHS

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1. Unnecessary

2. For first time players, or for a cheap speed run with few monsters

3. Actually Supposed to be Normal

4. Actually Supposed to be Difficult

5. "Um, shouldn't there be another difficulty behind this one?" "No, John." "Are you sure? I feel like it's a little-" "John, John... It's cool! Ultra Violence will get too easy for the community anyway" 

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1 hour ago, Xaser said:

1. DM

2. DoM

3. DooM

4. DoooM

5. Dr. Jesus H. Cockfuckler's Surprise Rectal Exam

1. DM
2. DoM
3. DooM
4. DoooM


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1. How do you fire?

2. Try turning the safety off

3.  This is my *Super* Boomstick

4. High Calibre Hell

5. Big F***ing Gun!!

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1. For young children or those easily frustrated or frightened, ala those who hide under the table during thunderstorms (nerfed damage, increased munitions, less monsters).

2. Beginner's playground, for wanting to learn the basic mechanics in a somewhat safe but still threatening environment (normal damage, normal munitions, less monsters).

3. Most people start Doom here, or should start here if they wish to learn more advanced mechanics and be challenged (normal damage, normal munitions, default monsters).

4. At id they play on this skill level, and you should too, once you're ready, for advanced players (normal damage, normal munitions, more monsters).

5. For when you complain about the previous difficulty being too easy, for expert players or masochists only (normal damage, increased munitions, more monsters, faster monsters, plus they respawn!).

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51 minutes ago, Killer5 said:

1. Fun

2. Fun

3. Fun

4. Fun

5. Fun


Last night on a whim I played Icon of Sin on skill 1. There are 4 invulns at the base of the rising platform. Confirmed fun.

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16 minutes ago, Benjogami said:


Last night on a whim I played Icon of Sin on skill 1. There are 4 invulns at the base of the rising platform. Confirmed fun.

Huh. Perhaps this ought to be the way the level is in general. MAP30 is not fun on skill 4.

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4 minutes ago, Blastfrog said:

Huh. Perhaps this ought to be the way the level is in general. MAP30 is not fun on skill 4.

I think it is fun... :(

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1: Bitch and moan it's too easy

2: Bitch and moan it's too easy

3: Bitch and moan it's too easy


5: Show off mode.

This is how I see it about these days from others.

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1- Can I play, daddy?

2- Yeah, I played Halo a few times

3- I'm decent with FPSs

4- I know what I'm doing.

5- I thought I knew what I was doing.


Alternatively, in image form:




Edited by Albertoni

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ITYTD = I Should Reconsider My Life Choices

HNTR = I Have a Vague Idea What I'm Getting Myself Into

HMP = This Ain't Too New to Me

UV = I'm Ready For Anything!

NM = I Should Reconsider My Life Choices 2.0

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ITYTD = Nobody cares

HNTR = HMP without mid-tiers

HMP = You actually balance but still nobody plays

UV = "Too hard" 0/5

NM = Speedrun only

Edited by Deadwing

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1 minute ago, Deadwing said:

HMP = You actually balance but still nobody plays


Truth. My last episode The Becoming is balanced for HMP primarily; and yet, all the FDAs I got (and related feedback) was about UV. "There's too much meat in UV" -- I know. I made it that way, and you're supposed to be playing HMP unless you want a bit extra, y'know?


Also doesn't BTSX have a similar deal going on? I know I enjoyed both immensely (and was still challenged) in HMP, so... :)

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ITYTD: New to Gaming

NTR:   New to Doom

HMP:   Intermediate

UV:     Full Experience

N:       Masochist Paradise

Edited by MetroidJunkie

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ITYTD: Who are you again?

HNTR: Not interested

HMP: I'm...uh...considering it

UV: Challenge accepted!!!

NM!: You know what? FUCK YOU!!!

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16 hours ago, HyperLuke said:

1. How do you fire?

That reminds me of Rise of the Triad's "Where's the trigger?" difficulty.

Edited by KVELLER

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2 hours ago, MetroidJunkie said:


Ah yes, the Doomworld admin difficulty.

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