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QUAKEBOX. A brand new Quake forum.

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I noticed a lack of active Quake forums on the net and I am hoping to fix that... the site ain't finished yet but it's good enough to call "alpha".
I also wanted to make a site that wasn't focused on just ONE game but rather the whole Quake engine family of games, so that way people could connect and help each other out with development on mods and their own ID Tech based games.

Edited by DoctorGenesis

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Doomworld is a forum for all the Doom games, even if most members are primarily in Classic Doom. Same for QuakeOne. 

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Just now, Voros said:

Doomworld is a forum for all the Doom games, even if most members are primarily in Classic Doom. Same for QuakeOne. 

Well, my other reason is for dev purposes and ID Tech-based games other than Quake (Xonotic, OpenArena, Cube 2, etc.)...

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OpenArena has its own forums, IIRC. Those two FOSS (IIRC) games are basically unrelated to Quake, or at least, not popular enough to be in a Quake forum.

Edited by Voros

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2 minutes ago, Voros said:

OpenArena has its own forums, IIRC. Those two FOSS (IIRC) games are basically unrelated to Quake, or at least, not popular enough to need a forum.

Doesn't really mean I can't have a sub-forum for it? It's Quake related... also Cube 2 uses a bit of code from Quake 1 and is inspired by Quake... and it is fairly popular also Xonotic runs on Darkplaces and is heavily inspired by Quake 3 Arena. Though the main focus of my forum is opensource Quake development as well as modding.


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Whatever works with you. There's a good chance people won't take it seriously. And it's your job to maintain the site, making sure users don't step out of the line too much. 


Aren't most forums on the web basically an extension to the website? Doomworld was initially just a news website for Doom, for example. If you want to make it popular, you could try using the site for something special. It just might get off the ground then.


Of course, I could be spouting out crap right now. It's your canvas and paint.

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Oh yeah I definitely plan on actually adding features to my site. It's in a rather incomplete state (I mentioned it being in alpha already). For now I'm just telling people about it online and in games. Like I said it is mainly a Darkplaces/Id Tech 1/2/3/4/whatever development and modding site. As well as a way for the Quake community to organize multiplayer meetups.

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You have 24 empty forums for games that are decades old and the most likely outcome is that nobody is going to post in them. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you'd be better served taking your enthusiasm to more established areas that you are interested in.

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2 minutes ago, Ralphis said:

You have 24 empty forums for games that are decades old and the most likely outcome is that nobody is going to post in them. Sorry to burst your bubble, but you'd be better served taking your enthusiasm to more established areas that you are interested in.

Dude, I'm not taking this site as seriously as you are.


EDIT: In case you didn't know I literally just started this site today.

Edited by DoctorGenesis

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Also another thing, if you think it is stupid I opened a site for games over 5 years old... do you know how many (active) forums there are for 20+ year old game hacking? That is even more of a niche than Quake-based open source games.

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Look at the Marathon forums. It's not dead, but it's got a very faint pulse. There were many Doom forums too, all dead or barely running. Doomworld's lucky. 

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You make some good points there. The problem with Marathon is that it is not very well known these days (by modern gamers ofc) and yeah Doom forums (aside from this one :D) come and go. ZDoom forums seem to be active and there is the new Doomer forum up now.

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Many "modern gamers" don't know about Doom ('90s), Quake, Marathon, Strife, Hexen, Heretic, Blood, Duke Nukem 3D, almost any old FPS. Marathon is known by people on these forums, even if it's not a very active topic.


IDK much about Marathon TBH, as I only played through the first level, but for Marathon info, page @Blastfrog.

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The problem with Marathon is that the only source port for it, extremely high quality as it is, is run by people who are too conservative to be willing to do what it takes to truly bring the game into the 21st century.


There'd need to be a lot done. Make it easier to create and load mods (throw the whole system out, replace it with PK3 style directories, and for god's sake, can we please have some proper tools on Windows), modern niceties like framerate interpolation, an overhaul of the mouse input (I've proposed compatibility-centric hacks that were ignored). That's just the surface of what I'd like to see in a Marathon source port.


Aleph One does not need to be anything else as far as just playing Marathon the way it was, and it's already very modernized. It's just not nearly modern enough (especially in the player input department), which it a major put-off for most people.


The Marathon trilogy (well, I have mixed feelings about Infinity) are amazing games that most people dismiss. The combat is actually very fluid, perhaps even better than Doom's in some ways. Most people get the wrong idea, thinking it to be an extremely clunky and poorly designed game because the mouse control is total pants.

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