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DooM E3 2017

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So, we know judging by the recent news and a photo that doom will be present at e3 this year.. what are your hopes and predication's? It would be great to see Sp content or atleast let the cyberdemon be available in snapmap. At this point anything would be great, its been some time since a decent update..

Edited by ArchangelOfHell

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Would you mind providing sources to these apparent news sources claiming that DOOM will be at E3? As I haven't seen such a thing.

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5 hours ago, ArchangelOfHell said:

So, we know judging by the recent news and a photo that doom will be present at e3 this year.

That poster doesn't say anything at all about what will be at e3, Unless I missed something here. An expansion pack would be astounding though. I think that's one of the top things the community has been asking for other than mod support.

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2 hours ago, MrGlide said:

That poster doesn't say anything at all about what will be at e3, Unless I missed something here. An expansion pack would be astounding though. I think that's one of the top things the community has been asking for other than mod support.

Wouldn't it be neat if they announced Doom 5?

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Well Bethesda invited to their E3 holiday park which contains a Doom section. I think that clearly indicates Doom will be at E3 2017.

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9 hours ago, igg said:

Well Bethesda invited to their E3 holiday park which contains a Doom section. I think that clearly indicates Doom will be at E3 2017.

If you refer to this image


It just teases 2 games that are yet to be announced, and as for Doom, i think it says nothing about it other than it is now part of the "bethesda family"

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A Doom style expansion or the reveal of a full game (already) would be great, but I'm not expecting anything besides new Wolfenstein (which Im down for) and a Bethesda made game, of which they said they are making several since a couple years ago.

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Most of us hope for DLC.  A Doom 5 is unlikely this early on.


What we really will get?  More MP updates...or nothing at all.

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On 5/24/2017 at 1:56 AM, DoctorGenesis said:

Wouldn't it be neat if they announced Doom 5?

And risk being called AAA for having too many sequels in a short time frame? Nah they'd rather kick out every game in 18 months.

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On May 24, 2017 at 10:54 PM, DMPhobos said:

If you refer to this image


The Doom section in the image is the only one that seems to pop out, compared to the rest. Probably because of the dark colors.


Anywho, it doesn't say much (if any) about new Doom content. They're probably just new games unrelated to the the others.

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1 hour ago, Voros said:

The Doom section in the image is the only one that seems to pop out, compared to the rest.

I think that's because it's the only one that is on fire, could just be me though.

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On 24.5.2017 at 2:36 PM, MrGlide said:

@igg, Then by your logic they will have more dishonored, fallout and elderscrolls at e3 as well?

Yes I think so. Some smaller stuff (VR enhancements, merchandising) and some bigger stuff (DLCs, announcements, ...)

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There's literally no way Bethesda doesn't follow up with a Doom DLC / expansion pack and eventual Doom 2 (Doom 5?) so I don't know why people are trying to read tea leaves, it's 100% going to happen. They bought a studio that made a well received reboot of an IP, of course they are going to continue it!

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At the very least, I think we'll see a SP expansion. Some of the multiplayer maps in Doom '16 are so fantastic that they trump the design of some of the campaign maps. There's a psychedelic/organic hell map, an Event Horizon-esque one partially set in space, some really ancient looking realms that have a Quake-ish medieval feel, and some really neat ones where you travel freely between UAC and Hell. I've been suspecting for months now that they're teasing us by suggesting what might be around the corner, i.e., new SP content. More than likely there will be new SnapMap components as well; it seems that with the upgrades we've been seeing increased creativity with user output.


It seems a bit early, however, to announce an entirely new Doom game. I mean, it's probably not out of the realm of possibility to at least suggest that a new one is either in development or will be soon, so we'll just have to keep our fingers crossed. Undoubtedly there will be a new game eventually, as Doom '16 sold pretty well and reviews were mostly favorable. This might even lead to the possibility of a new movie adaptation, which I'm all for because even if it sucks, it'll be better than the first.



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17 minutes ago, TheGamePhilosophe said:

Evil Within 2.

They announced somewhere they're working on it. I hope it's a bit better than the first one though to be honest. I felt RE 4 was a stronger title. I'v pretty high hopes.

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One thing I really hope they overhaul for the eventual Doom 5 is Snapmap, assuming they decide to continue along that path. While it was a nice idea, it was just... very underbaked at release, and even with the massive improvements they made post-release, it still feels like a weird Frankenstein construction made from popsicle sticks and gum. Building it off of the multiplayer engine was a big mistake (well... having a separate multiplayer engine at all was a mistake, but whatever) and despite trying to retrofit SP features into it, it still feels "off" compared to the main SP game. The focus on modules was, I think, a bad idea in general - most of the really interesting stuff in Snapmap makes heavy use of the player blocking volumes, which are the only thing that allow "real" creativity on the level of Minecraft or, you know, classic Doom WADs. I hope the developers get the message that when it comes to tools for making custom content, graphical fidelity is a far, far, far second place to promoting creativity.


If I had control over Snapmap for Doom 5, I would focus on two main things:


1) massively recenter the experience on placing arbitrary polygonal blocks - like "brushes" from Quake 1. Which is not to say I would necessarily cut out all the modules entirely, but make the ability to create simple, lower-fidelity geometry much easier, and support it as a full "first-class" feature of the tools.

2) as a corollary to the first, leverage the refocus on lower-fidelity levels to make the load times much better. As it is, the load times to get into the Snapmap mode to begin with, not to mention the load times to actually load a custom level, entirely put me off the experience. If you want to play custom maps, they need to load in a few *seconds*, not the literal minutes it takes to get into the Snapmap mode to begin with, find the map you want to play, load the lobby for it, wait through the load time for the map itself, the several seconds of multiplayer-carryover enforced wait before the player is allowed to gain control once the level loads, etc. Focus on speed speed speed above all else.

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the "low" amount of total monsters at once didn't seem that noticeable to me, though. from what i played, there were always things going after me, and things spawning in after i had killed the first wave or so. besides, the enemy AI in Doom 4 is vastly smarter than that of Classic Doom, do you really want 50+ Imps assaulting you at the same time? because i feel that would've made for a poor experience.

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8 minutes ago, Viscra Maelstrom said:

you really want 50+ Imps assaulting you at the same time?

I think thats stretching it too far. A higher monster limite would be really great imo. and actually, end game with all of you weapons upgraded 50 imps would be very doable. I really feel like replaying this.

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1 hour ago, Linguica said:

One thing I really hope they overhaul for the eventual Doom 5 is Snapmap, assuming they decide to continue along that path. While it was a nice idea, it was just... very underbaked at release, and even with the massive improvements they made post-release, it still feels like a weird Frankenstein construction made from popsicle sticks and gum. Building it off of the multiplayer engine was a big mistake (well... having a separate multiplayer engine at all was a mistake, but whatever) and despite trying to retrofit SP features into it, it still feels "off" compared to the main SP game. The focus on modules was, I think, a bad idea in general - most of the really interesting stuff in Snapmap makes heavy use of the player blocking volumes, which are the only thing that allow "real" creativity on the level of Minecraft or, you know, classic Doom WADs. I hope the developers get the message that when it comes to tools for making custom content, graphical fidelity is a far, far, far second place to promoting creativity.


If I had control over Snapmap for Doom 5, I would focus on two main things:


1) massively recenter the experience on placing arbitrary polygonal blocks - like "brushes" from Quake 1. Which is not to say I would necessarily cut out all the modules entirely, but make the ability to create simple, lower-fidelity geometry much easier, and support it as a full "first-class" feature of the tools.

2) as a corollary to the first, leverage the refocus on lower-fidelity levels to make the load times much better. As it is, the load times to get into the Snapmap mode to begin with, not to mention the load times to actually load a custom level, entirely put me off the experience. If you want to play custom maps, they need to load in a few *seconds*, not the literal minutes it takes to get into the Snapmap mode to begin with, find the map you want to play, load the lobby for it, wait through the load time for the map itself, the several seconds of multiplayer-carryover enforced wait before the player is allowed to gain control once the level loads, etc. Focus on speed speed speed above all else.


Something like the Creation Kit/Dark Radiant with lots of modular models and props as well as the ability to create/import your own would be fantastic.



Edited by DooM_RO

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I don't think the SnapMap modules are a bad idea, they just need to be an order of magnitude more flexible. I'm not sure I like Ling's idea of actually constructing brushes unless it's a mostly automated process that allows for a wide range of flexibility. Considering the tech, we still need a hand-holding type of interface for creating geometry, and I suspect by the time Doom 5 (?) is out, we'll have tools that are more sophisticated and intuitive. This may not be the best example, but maybe something like a 3D Mario Maker. I haven't played MM, but what I like about it is that it uses a very simple but powerful interface which allows for an enormous range of possibilities, even though it can't replicate every single feature of classic or newer Mario levels. I think SnapMap 2.0 or whatever they end up calling it could work if approached this way. What we have is a good first effort. id will figure out what worked/didn't work and the next iteration will be a lot better.

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I just want to beat up Samuel Hayden if an expansion or sequel is coming out.


I'm one of those guys who reviews boss fights in a critical sense, and I'm hoping Hayden will fight us as a boss with that crucible.

I hope it's a good fight and not a QTE fight like Halo 4's final boss.

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