EVIL Posted August 19, 2002 As far as marketing and advertising for Doom III, Hollenshead said that more concrete details for those plans will be made late this year or early next year. He also hasn’t ruled out the possibilities of Doom III merchandise such as action figures. “With the cool characters in Doom III that we have shown so far, they would make for some awesome action figures,” but adding that they want to pick a quality company that will handle the making of those figures. Some people might also remember the series of Doom paperback novels for the original games. Hollenshead said that they would consider doing some Doom III novels but would like to secure an author who would write a novel with better prose than the original Doom novels. Of course, movies based on PC and video game properties continue to be hot and recently Sony announced plans to make a Return to Castle Wolfenstein film. Hollenshead said he has met with the producers of the game and was impressed with their enthusiasm for both the game and making the movie. The producers are currently looking to secure a writer for the Wolfenstein movie. The Doom III E3 demonstration in Los Angeles also caught the eye of a number of Hollywood producers, according to Hollenshead and he said id is currently looking at a number of proposals for a Doom movie as well. And who would he like to see star in a potential Doom or Wolfenstein movie? Hollenshead said that he would like to see actor Vin Diesel portray the Doom marine in a film while he would like to see more of an unknown actor portray B.J. Blazkowicz in a Wolfenstein movie. If a known actor can be found, Hollenshead said Russell Crowe might be a good choice, but added, “I don’t have a lot of hope he would be interested in that kind of a movie.” source:http://www.homelanfed.com/index.php?id=8489 this could be interesting post away 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
gatewatcher Posted August 19, 2002 Oh god damnit, if there has to be a doom movie, don't get Vin Diesel to star in it! wtf. imo, a movie is still a bad idea. War movies seem to be really popular, I think a RTCW movie would be cool. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted August 19, 2002 The quake 2 figures were nicely detailed. If they do anything like those for Doom 3 it might be interesting. I want a spiderdemon to sit on my monitor. :) As for Doom novels, I don't know, but it might be interesting ... and at least they know not to go with Brad Linaweaver and David Ab-Hugh this time. I'm slightly more against there being a movie. Hollywood has a poor track record with producing good movies based on video games. The near cinematic quality of the Doom game itself would probably also be a disadvantage--less creative effort on the part of the movie-makers would be a bad thing. As for a movie of RTCW ... the amount of story in RTCW would probably do well for a movie, but then again, we've all already played the game, we know how it turns out, and all the story is already presented in cutscenes anyway. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
GS-1719 Posted August 19, 2002 As for action figures, I really want a Hell Knight (drooly) to sit on my monitor. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Arioch Posted August 19, 2002 The only decent game-to-movie conversion I know of is Mortal Kombat and that one was only really half-decent. I didn't like the claymation Goro that much either. Anybody have any examples of actual successful and good game-to-movie conversions? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EVIL Posted August 19, 2002 I hope "MCFarlane Toys" is going to do the doom3 action figures.. I already have 3 spawn figures and one MGS figure (Raven: big ammo tank on its back and the minigun) from "McFarlane toys", so i would love to have some doom3 figures from "McFarlane Toys" 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Zoost Posted August 19, 2002 Do you have shares in "McFarlane Toys" ? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Lord FlatHead Posted August 19, 2002 A Doom III movie would be neat if they handle things professionally and include a few id people in it. Carmack would be ideal as the scientist, while I'm sure Paul Jaquays would make a good Space Janitor. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 19, 2002 Ack!!! A Doom movie??? The only Doom movie I'd like to see would be a fan-made movie that was either CGA or using the Doom 3 engine (A machinima film perhaps?). No movie with live actors. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Spike Posted August 19, 2002 a)Doom action figures should definitly be produced by McFarlane toys. Their horror-movie-bad-guy range is excellent (Ash, The Thing, Screamguy, Candyman, etc). b)Vin Diesel would be a spot on Doomguy - though he may be forced to grow a bit of hair first. Now that'd look weird. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Disorder Posted August 19, 2002 For the love of god, no Doom-movie! It think it'll suck no matter what happens.. It could NEVER capture the same atmosphere the games have. It would probably end up as another Hollywood game-movie-conversion gone bad, really bad.. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
LorD BaZTArD Posted August 20, 2002 Hmm...Personally, Action toys for games never interested me, and I doubt my opinion of any Doom3 toys will be different. As for the books, well, I dunno about this, the first books were not of the highest quality, so I wouldn't personally try the book route again, but since well it's alot more cinematic this time the authors wouldn't have to take such a creative licence and try to explain the levels. The fact that Brad and Daffyd made a story out of a paragraph or three of backstory and then managed to tie in the levels (to a degree) was pretty good, the fact that the story was badly executed/written and went off course was the big problem. This time it's basically very visually self explanatory, so instead of trying to guess what a level is, they already know what it is, and can play the level, then see how to write that sequence as a chapter in a book, I think that maybe, if done with GOOD authors, a book may work this time. Doom movie? excellent, this could be very cool. I have no idea why so many people hate Vin Deisel, He's a very talented actor and would fit the doomguy very well. RTCW Movie with Russel crowe for BJ? Hell yeah :D, I believed he mentioned in an interview once that he might do a WW2 movie, so this could be an idea. (Just aslong as DSM/Wildman can be the scriptwriter(s);)) Another thing is, DSM: I think the main reason to see a movie of a game, is to see something on the big screen, I mean computers may be interactive and all, but the screens aren't too big, (unless you happen to be rich enough to afford a projector) and to see it all play out without having to do the fill in bits, could be an interesting way to watch the movie, which brings me to this: I do agree that most hollywood films are crap, but with such low expectations, if you expect crap, you'll see crap, even if it is a good movie (I mean, like you'll find faults in it that nobody else will, you'll be over critical of something because a certain person made it, shit like that), and that kind of attitude is probably half of the reason why movie conversions are so terrible. Such low expectations, so the directors/producers would probably say something like(Hypothetical): fuck this, those bastards just won't stop complaining, so screw'em, we gave them an opportunity to say what they think, and they rant bloody murder at us. They don't wanna co-operate, lets make just make the movie the way we want, and if the handfull of fans don't like it then bleh, who cares, others will watch it. (And vice-versa) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Naked Snake Posted August 20, 2002 Action Figures - Yes Novels - Yes, recreate the original Doom as well, I'd like to see one episode by episode, then Doom II, then Doom 3... Movie - .....die There you have it, my opinion on all this. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
doomsick Posted August 26, 2002 the novels didn't work last time, and a movie would suck ass, [especially with vin diesel}. now, action figures, made by mcfarlane...that could work nicely., 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted August 29, 2002 Figures? - Only if McFarlane Toys makes them. Novels? - Depends on who's gonna write them, and whoever does better do a damn good job. Movie? - Depends on who's gonna make it, and whoever does better do a FUCKING DAMN good job. Cartoon? - Wait, wait, wait...nevermind... Just out of curiosity, why is everyone up in arms against Vin Diesel? Now, I'm not some "diesel fan" or anything, but come on, GUYS, put aside your insecurities for awhile and learn to be open-minded... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Dark-tenshi Posted August 29, 2002 Action figure? That sounds like a good idea.If all the monsters in DOOM looks interesting.i would like to have the colecction set of DOOM monsters. Movies?I don`t care it. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
CyRaptor Posted August 29, 2002 I'd kill for some Doom action figures. A novel could be alright, as long as they don't pick authors as bad as the orginals. A movie could be done well if it was in the vein of Aliens (sci-fi horror) but definitely not as an action-fest. Those are nearly always teh suck. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
dsm Posted August 29, 2002 CyRaptor said:A movie could be done well if it was in the vein of Aliens (sci-fi horror) but definitely not as an action-fest. Those are nearly always teh suck. Then it should be a definite action/horror like in Aliens - I would loathe the movie if it was a straight horror movie. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
CyRaptor Posted August 30, 2002 Sorry, that's what I meant. I just don't think it should be a kill-fest, but instead have some running and hiding in it as well... I agree Doom would not work as straight out horror. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EVIL Posted August 30, 2002 The Resident Evil film is good.. nice tention and loads a scary and cool moments.. seeing a zombie walking on a broken voot dragging a picaxe is so cool 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Kinsie Posted August 30, 2002 A DOOM3 actionfigure would seriously rule. Even better - Doom 2 action figures! (Why not? They've started making new Mario Kart 64 ones...) 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
EVIL Posted August 30, 2002 "Doom3" and "Doom Classic" Figures would rock.. "now only 10 dollars a piece.. collect them all!!" 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Prime Posted August 30, 2002 or how about just calling the toy line "Doom?" Then you could have the different variants of each character, like "Marine - Icon of Sin Battle" or "Marine - Earth Invasion"....kinda like how the starwars toys are being done, where the general line title is "StarWars" and each individual figure has its name listed and what part of the films it is from.... 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Tyockell Posted August 30, 2002 HAMMER-STROKE said:The Resident Evil film is good.. nice tention and loads a scary and cool moments.. seeing a zombie walking on a broken voot dragging a picaxe is so cool Yea exactly that one sceen made me love that movie that was the shit gave me the chills :D 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
DoOmEr4LiFe Posted August 30, 2002 CyRaptor said:A movie could be done well if it was in the vein of Aliens (sci-fi horror) but definitely not as an action-fest. Those are nearly always teh suck. Starship Troopers for example? that movie sucked... Anyway, when I was younger wanted to get Doom toys so I play to my heart's content, but now they'd be a real nice collector's item. Yes!, NEW books would be nice...I still haven't read books 3 and 4 but as bad as the first 2 are I here them 2 are far worse... Movie! lots of people are for it or against it but i'm in a shady gray area...I'd like to know who's making it and who's starring it before I judge it 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
Coopersville Posted August 31, 2002 Toys = Yes, please! Novels = I don't care, I probably won't read them. Movie = I don't know. It would cost a lot to create the sets and make them good. The best and cheapest way to recreate the sets and monsters for the movie would be to animate them. Real people in a fully animated world would look retarded so they'd end up animating in actors as well. :p 0 Quote Share this post Link to post
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